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Everything posted by giantpanda

  1. Hi! You will not a general similar site, that is uptodate. You have to go to the site of the range of products, and there are not necessarily any to recommend. If you want to make comparisons, then enter: " simulateur ( eg.) assurance ". Over this, you can get different offers and the price. Beware for services for the different conditions, and for goods, the postage charges. Yours, giantpanda
  2. Hi! If the process has not been modernize lately, you will unfortunately have to start from scratch, with all the documents. Let us know. Yours, giantpanda PS. You will also have to consider reregistrating your car, and advising the insurance. And also advising the Tax Office - Usually on the Site of the Mairie, there is a heading " Déménagement ", where you can, with all the tax numbers, do it electronically.
  3. Hi! If you buy a house with a "fosse septique", do ask the owner ( immobilier ) if the fosse has been controlled by the local authorities. If not, when this will take place. Namely all fosses have to be controlled, and most updated. That can cost, if the local authorities do not help ( it can vary between 0% and 100ù, depending on how rich the Commune is). Practically it has to be kept alive - there are special products ( basically a pill or little bag ) a month, and has to be emptied in future at least every 3 years If locally they change to mains, you are compelled to connect, whereby you will have to carry the costs till the outside of your land. Yours, giantpanda
  4. Hi! The " Communauté universelle " will required the authorisation of all the children ( or at least no objection ). If there are children under age, that will need a court decision with 2 lawyers ( will take at least 2 years ). It can be extended to the whole estate ( except foreign housing ): Avec attribution intégrale. or can be limited to the house. For the " Tontine " get confirmation how it works at the 1st death ( the house being over  Euro 75,000 at the time of the death. Yours, giantpanda
  5. Hi! Normally it is used for friends - but the proposition is usually done formally. It can also be an indication of the political background, but must not be. Yours, giantpanda
  6. Hi! It already existed in Paris before the crisis. http://www.france-info.com/spip.php?article83192&var_recherche=fouad&theme=81&sous_theme=184 Yours, giantpanda
  7. Hi! They do test you: From Service public. Assimilation à la communauté française  Le demandeur doit justifier de son assimilation à la communauté française, notamment par une connaissance suffisante, selon sa condition, de la langue française et des droits et devoirs conférés par la nationalité française.   La condition de connaissance de la langue française ne s'applique pas aux réfugiés statutaires et apatrides en séjour habituel et régulier depuis au moins 15 ans en France et âgés de plus de 70 ans.   L'assimilation est vérifiée lors d'un entretien individuel avec un agent de la préfecture ou du consulat.  Yours, giantpanda
  8. Hi! You really need to take the French tariffs, and ask your insurance, what they reimburse, in each case. Yours, giantpanda Especially in the case ( which is rather seldom ) where the hospital charges you around Euro 3600 a day.
  9. Hi! I am afraid, the 2 questions are quite different, and this in most countries has not been explained properly to the population. Helping the banks, is in most cases not done " free": -When there is capital help, there is State participation, who has the latitude to be able to wait to get there money back, in some times at higher value. -when it is liquidities ( and that is the major problems of the banks at present, since other banks are loathe to lend them cash ), it is done at the current interest rates. So in fact the risk the State is taking ( which is necessary ) is rather limited. Most EC countries speak of under 5% of the sums. For single mortgages, the cost for the State is difficult to appreciate, because in most cases it is a real dead loss. Especially in GB where the Estate market was rather special ( if you compare it to France )  there will be a radical change, because buying ( without any capital )  to rent and make a profit is out for decades. Certainly there are intermediate cases, where it is only a time factor, where the State could recuperate the sum invested. Here certainly something will be done. Yours, giantpanda
  10. Hi! I depends on how he has offered the house to his customer. Some offer all inclusive, so it is best to put each heading sperately in the compromis. Yours, giantpanda
  11. Hi! see here: You write 1st to the director of the hospital. http://www.infodoc-experts.com/pdf/detachement_salaries.pdf Yours, giantpanda PS. For serious matters where you seek compensation , it is best to consult a specialised lawyer. Be aware that this is a very long and difficult procedure.
  12. Hi! See the details - it depends more or less if you insurance advises you that you can cancel the contract, when they send you the new bill - ( most do not . But beware of other correspondance. http://www.linternaute.com/actualite/argent/05/loi-chatel.shtml You proceed as follows: When you have found the new company, ask them to cancel your old contract. Yours, giantpanda
  13. Hi! If not already mentioned: Download :Tuneup Utilities on basis of a 30 day trial. http://www.tune-up.com/products/tuneup-utilities/ And see if this helps. Yours, giantpanda
  14. Hi! If you see the last negocations in Brussels, they gave way to Germany on the CO2 new limits question ( gave them extra time ) , because they had more powerful cars in average. Yours, giantpanda
  15. Hi! Here the ruling: Il est dû pour tout séjour supérieur à 24 heures dans un établissement hospitalier public ou privé, y compris le jour de sortie. It is due, if you stay over 24 hours in hospital. But also the last day 5 even if you leave at 10 am ) it counted in full. So the charges were correct according to rule. Yours, giantpanda
  16. Hi! It could have been: chenilles processionnaires. http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chenille_processionnaire_du_pin or: http://www.fredon-centre.com/plus_processionnaire.html Although normally you find them in pine trees. If it was that, they are very dangerous, and when they hatch, they can kill an animal, if they get their tongue. You need to remove the " nest " with gloves, put them in a plastic bag and seal it, and put in the dust bin or burn ( then paper bag ). Yours, giantpanda
  17. [quote user="hoverfrog"]WTF? Why is this such a big deal?[/quote] Hi! Would it be in GB, if " God Saves the Queen " was repeatedly whistled  down? Yours, giantpanda
  18. Hi! If ( in this case ) you have done a common income tax return, then only one needs to be over 60. If you have done 2, there will be a bill! Yours, giantpanda
  19. Hi! "Dussions-nous" would be basically the same thing. Other solutions without the subjunctive would be " wrong" ( grammatically). You can count on over 80% of the French population would get it wrong. Yours, giantpanda
  20. Hi! There are hardly exemptions. You pay basically the CGS ( Contribution Sociale Genéralisée ) - i.e; 3 taxes ( in some cases with E106 or E121 only 2, which totalise 11% ( for earnings 2009, 12.1%) on so called unearned income. But that does not mean that the French do not pay them on salaries  ( but foreignors will not pay it on their foreign salaries or pensions , but on the private pensions  ) and pensions - these then are paid ( at a lowever rate ) at source. They only do not collect it when the sum is not worth collecting. ( Could be something like Euro 36). Yours, giantpanda
  21. Hi! Better check! The Notaire has no obligation here whatsoever. He can certainly counsel it. Yours, giantpanda NB. We are talking of the case where you own, and do not rent. http://www.guide-assurance.com/assurance_habitation.htm La loi n'impose pas aux propriétaires d'appartements ou de maisons de souscrire une assurance habitation. Pas d'obligation donc, mais il n'en demeure pas moins que souscrire un contrat multirisques habitation est essentiel pour les propriétaires.
  22. Hi! You can try to get a " crédit relais " ( about 60% to 80% of the value of the new house ) However lately it was rather difficult to get them, because the the banks were not certain you could sell your house in that period. In all cases, you would have to bring a guarantee ( whereby a French bank will hardly accept your GB house here ), and contract a life insurance. No such scheme at present to keep the property market moving. There could be  in future, if the State guarantees such credits. Yours, giantpanda http://www.dossierfamilial.com/logement/acheter-vendre/immobilier-bien-utiliser-le-credit-relais,1437
  23. Hi! See here, you have all the standard letters you may require for different cases when you move. http://www.officiel-demenagement.com/aide/demenagement-formalite+lettre+changement+adresse.php If you have no Telecom line, then click on: Lettre d'information pour les autres opérateurs de postes fixes Yours, giantpanda
  24. Hi! There are regulations. The question is, does the employer respect these? For what can go under the heading travailleurs saisoniers: http://www.droit.org/jo/19970411/MAEJ9730011D.html Otherwise: http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F2651.xhtml?&n=Etrangers%20en%20France&l=N8&n=Citoyens%20communautaires%20en%20France&l=N112&n=Citoyens%20europ%C3%A9ens%20:%20droit%20au%20s%C3%A9jour%20des%20%22actifs%22&l=N13524 Yours, giantpanda NB. The employer can also treat with a French agency, who does theoretically all the red tape.
  25. Hi! If you get pacsed in France, if he has a British state pension, then you would also be able to tag on to his insurance. Notwithstanding , since you are living in " union libre ", and if you fulfil the conditions hereafter : Bénéfice des prestations de la Sécurité sociale  Si la personne qui vit avec le concubin est à sa charge effective, totale et permanente, et si le concubin est assuré social du régime général de la Sécurité sociale, elle bénéficie de l'assurance maladie maternité en qualité d'ayant droit et, dans certains cas, de l'assurance décès. You would have to be dependant on him. then you should try a soon as he is registered here. http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F1627.xhtml?&n=Famille&l=N10&n=Union%20libre&l=N143 Once each of you has the CMU Health insurance, then it would be advisable to contract a top-up insurance, at least for hospital care.  That is an individual matter, where each has to pay. Yours, pomhorn
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