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  1. thanks to everyone for some really useful advice - and for the offer of a meet up - will keep in touch with you!
  2. Oops - I seem to have started a geographical debate!!! I just assumed that the south east was sort of east of the Camargue, meaning Provence, Cote d'Azure, French Alps and those sorts of places, leaving the south west to cover Languedoc, Midi Pyrenees and Aquitaine? but hey ho - I could be wrong! Nevertheless... back to business, east or west, can anyone help with advice on the areas I mentioned? PS thanks all the same for your responses to date - much appreciated.
  3. Only just noticed this topic area existed! Have posted a couple of messages recently about moving to the SW in next couple of yrs. We are looking at a number of areas and will be doing a recce next Spring. Our shortlist at present includes Castres, Castelnaudary, Carcassonne and Foix (and the surrounding areas as we are still undecided about town, village or country living!). In the meantime if anyone living in this region could share their knowledge and experiences we would be pleased to hear from you.
  4. Hi! Does anyone know how soon you can book return flights for next April or May? And which airlines offer the best deals? Would prefer Birmingham or East Midlands to either Toulouse or Carcassonne. Hope to have a long weekend - 3 or 4 days. We are really looking fwd to doing our first recce of the SW region to get an idea where we might eventually lay our hats so any other suggestions or comments would be very welcome!
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