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  1. Actually Cityjet were a small Irish airline, started in Dublin, and have always been called Cityjet. They were bought in 2000 by Air France, who became Air France KLM. In 2007 Air France KLM bought VLM and combined their fleet into Cityjet's, under the one company name (Cityjet). http://www.cityjet.com/about-us/history/
  2. US releases proof positive of Bin Laden's death                   http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii118/Ric_Jacques/proof.jpg?t=1304676761 [:D][:D]
  3. Can we have this forum registered on Tapatalk.......? www.tapatalk.com
  4. Really great news I for one am happy these recorders have been found. Given that they are designed to withstand immersion up to 20,000ft I am hopeful the data will be intact and can provide some answers. Surely praise must also go to Air France and Airbus who have both gone way beyond their duty to keep searching after the ULB's went dead. Well done to both.
  5. Is this why the trees were felled at Trebes??  The roots were left behind though so I'm not so sure.  Anybody know??
  6. http://carphotos.cardomain.com/ride_images/1/1601/1609/4000804001_medium.jpg My baby.  Paint is twin pack polyurethane UV resistant high solid aircraft paint.  (It's actually the red you see on BA tail fins [:D]) Got the 4.2 6cyl. Purrs lovely. Petrol gauge moves as fast as the speedo sometimes.......   http://languedoc4x4.freeforums.org Ric    
  7. Just read this thread - brilliant reply.  Laughed my a** off..............must show it to the missus, I have to change the rear main oil seal on me injun   http://languedoc4x4.freeforums.org
  8. [quote user="leolass"]I'm looking for a thread on good French films is there one? [/quote] A good thread or a good french film????? :)
  9. Chancer......you really do need to get out more........[B] [:D]
  10. I take it you mean using toilet paper as an air intake filter? I reckon the car would stink a bit if you used it for cabin air filter.......
  11. I don't really get the comparison of fighter jet engines being damaged to passenger jet engines. The two engines are totally different. Fast jets use low bypass engines whereby 80% of the air sucked in by the intake goes through the core of the engine. Obviously in areas of light ash concentration their damage threshold will be much lower than that of passenger jets because so much more air goes through the core. Passenger jets use high bypass engines - only 20% of the air sucked in actually goes through the core. Obviously prolonged flight through even low concentrations may cause a degree of damage which is why the CAA have stipulated an implementation of maintenance inspections for ash contaminations every day until further notice.........funny that, imagine my surprise!
  12. About 400 miles per year I reckon, it's just a toy. It's 31 years old though so I reckon I'm saving the world the energy required to make two whole cars. No in all seriousness no I don't grow my own veg (not all of it anyway) and cooking with wood is for boy scouts and Ray Mears ;) I do commute to work each week though on a 737. And I recall not so long ago ground running a 146RJ at high power for about 15 minutes to diagnose a defect, I think we burned off a tonne and a half of fuel before we figured out what was wrong ;). So maybe I do use more than you......yes I think so!! Yeah my cousin was nearly killed when he rolled a Jeep down a hill too. Gotta watch em.
  13. I probably use less of the worlds resources than you.....
  14. If I do 70mph I get around 9 mpg. I can get it up to 15 by cruising at 55!! :)
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