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Posts posted by tegwini

  1. [quote user="Russethouse"] Oh Tony -  I suspect that lots of women don't really like the fact that aids have stated Ed he was too busy [blink][blink] to sign his childs birth certificate


    Thanks RH

    Interesting to note that it's males that have downgraded marriage and serious and responsible fatherhood.


  2. [quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

    [quote user="NormanH"]How informative   to see the sub-normal  intelligence and idiotic  intellectual level of these personal  'ad hominem' attacks against Ed Millibrand , worthy of the gutter press,  (they  would probably have been 'moderated' if they referred to a poster here)  ignoring  completely the content of what he said ...


    Norman has got this just right, what a lot of very silly and wholly inappropriate comments to make about anybody.  The way he walks means this, he's too busy to marry his girlfriend but not to get her pregnant etc etc.

    Playground politics and stupid comments, is this what this Forum come to now after all these years?  And Mods getting involved in it too ..........  As Norman has said, if we were commenting on a Mod having a fat a**se or wearing glasses or having a speech impediment or a user here being knock kneed or their personal lives, there's every chance the thread would be pulled.


    So there's now a Norm and a Tone with similar opinions- Oh dear!

    I think that we the UK taxpayers funding politicians and potential future leaders are allowed an opinion without such infantile comments.

    If something is to be 'pulled' from the forum,  then silly insults such as these should be pulled.


  3. Well I object to his attitude to his girlfriend - too busy to marry her - but not too busy to make her pregnant twice!

    Bit of a bad example,  but isn't  Doncaster (part of his constituency) is one of those places with a hig percentage of single (never married) mothers.

    No doubt they will marry- but only if he has a chance of moving into Downing Street.


  4. [quote user="chessie"]

    Dog - I think you've summed it up perfectly.

    My problem is that the customers are NOT being told that it is Halal meat - that there is NO choice being given.  In exactly the same way that the chemical companies attempted to foist GM products on the public - without the public being informed.

    Fine - if people wish to eat Halal - it should be made clear to the customer that that is what is being offered.

    It is the nasty, under-hand way this is being done in the UK;  where most people - on the grounds of humane treatment for animals - would prefer 'normally' slaughtered meat and think that what they are buying/eating has been slaughtered in accord with normal UK humane animal welfare practice (if the two can be said to go together).  This is what is causing the 'fuss'....

    I was very concerned that the same situation would/could develop here.    It would seem that France is more honest with its customers, thank goodness.    But what are McD's like here in France?   In the UK they did attempt to go over to Halal in some areas but had to abandon it once people became aware of what was happening and boycotted those McDs.

    And no - never been in McD's - and never would - just curious.

    And Dog's comments about fish are quite valid as well;  I do feel a bit hypocrital when eating fish....

    Thanks everyone for information - very interesting.


    Thanks Chessie

    Like you I am annoyed the way the British people are being hoodwinked and betrayed.  I can't imagine that in a Muslim country you would find non-Halal meat being sold to Muslims- or Muslims accepting it!  No doubt violence from them would be the result.

    As an bit of an insomniac lately I watched a BBC news programme this morning, (NB : NOT the DM ) on Christians in Indonesia being persecuted.  They cannot meet to worship in a church building they own, so use a field which they also cannot use as they are in a minority and get threatened and attacked  and murdered in that country.

    And that's the problem - we Brits are so tolerant - clearly Islam has no tolerance at all for other faiths. 


  5. [quote user="NormanH"][quote user="AnOther"]Best news I've heard this side of the Millenium [:D][:D][:D]

    I truly look forward to history recording him as the worst PM in living memory, if not of all time.


    There is no question of who was the 'worst PM in living memory, if not of all time.', and the present mess the country is in is the her responsibility.


    Typical NormanH cynicism !

    If only we had a PM with some guts/balls to make the changes we  desparately need.  MT certainly had plenty! And the country was in far better condition then than it is now.


  6. [quote user="AnOther"]I don't get the nationalist thing anyway, the [img]http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:tUoPKpALy-TgjM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/10/Flag_of_Scotland.svg/800px-Flag_of_Scotland.svg.png[/img] and [img]http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:Brvuy_GQypvSeM:http://www.balagan.org.uk/war/dbx/images/flag_wales.jpg[/img] have got devoloution and their own assemblies so what business do they have in Westminster and the English parliament ?

    Am I being thick or controversial, I don't know.


    No Ernie you're not!

    Lots of us object to the waste of our tax here - apart from the illogicality of it  all.



  7. Yes but, who paid for Bliar's furniture? Don't forget his expenses claims were mysteriously shredded.

    It's a real sad day for the UK to have a 'hung' parliament and that Broon is hanging on still by the tips of his nibbled finder nails.

    What a thick skin Brown must have - he must have convinced himself that the cock-up he has made of the UK economy is not really his fault.


  8. [quote user="Quillan"]Thanks for that, I thought it might be because people were worried about their 'ethics' or something. Personally I go for the cheapest and fill up completely every time as you don't know what the next price will be. Supermarket fuel works for me, the engine still starts and the wheels turn and thats all I need these days, I'm a bit to old now for 'performance' fuels.[/quote]

    I second that.

    But, for those living in France be grateful you don't have to pay now £1.21 per litrefor diesel !   On our last trip ( Easter) comparing the price then with what we paid in France then it was about 22p cheaper for diesel in France -  mostly tax for Broon's 'tax-up' and waste.

    Now wonder we get on the ferry with a near empty tank in Portsmouth and a full one leaving France.


  9. [quote user="Théière"]1%, don't worry after the general election that will all change and the banks will make a big profit and pay back the government who will reduce the debt a tiny bit and the rest of us will just keep paying [6][/quote]

    And our grandchildren too. Sounds a bit like WW2 debts to me.


    ps do we have a 'tongue in cheek symbol' , and why can't I do these?

  10. Often I've considered the demise of the Labour Party in Westminster if the Scots went for complete independence.  NO more Scots making legislation for the English which do not affect Scotland.

    But now with the Royal Bank of Scotland  scandal, half a TRILLION's worth of debt for all UK taxpayers.  And from a Scottish registered bank too, and now all taxpayers must cough up.  What if Scotland had become independent ?   The debt would be theirs!  And we would be rid of the Scottish mafia too.

    I should mention nothing against most Scots, some Scottish blood and my surname too, just an aversion to being colonised by incompetents.


  11. This is another anomaly created by the 'first past the post' system.

    The minor and fringe parties would with proportional representation all gain a seat or more - even the most obscure and weird.  Provided of course,  that they manage to find the deposits for many seats.

    PR is not perfect of course, and one should remember that the German 'Weimar'  government that preceded the N*** era was such,  and was so weak that it could not govern as it consisted of numerous political parties, with Hitler's party, not a majority, able to control the assembly within a few years of having its first MP.  One should always remember that Hitler's party was voted into power by the German people.


  12. [quote user="Russethouse"] I suspect even Nick Griffin would have the wit not to write such ideas down, actually I'd think that they were being stupid, which is just what I think about this lot.[/quote]

    Well Civil Service entrance examinations are supposed to be difficult to pass.  So what caused this immature and foolish activity ?  Was it an arrogant upper-class twit, or in our more democratic times a dim 'grad' from an ex-poly ?

    Perhaps, as with many public exams,  these exams have also been downgraded ?


  13. [quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="tegwini"][quote user="Quillan"]

    I personally don't care who he is I just don't think a person who has actively tried to cover up illegal acts should have £20M worth of UK tax payers money spent on him.[/quote]

    Well unlike most on this forum  we are all paying UK tax, and I do not object to the security costs for the Pope.  In   the scheme of things £20m is not that much these days.

    And he has apologised for the actions of others.  The RC church is huge (billions) and somewhere, sometimes you will have someone who is evil.

    But, we have much evil in the world - the Chinese leadership is never criticised like this and they execute thousands pa - some perhaps innocent, apart from the Tibet issue.   Many Muslim countries have evil laws - beheadings, stonings etc - the evil treatment of women etc ... 

    I am unaware of insults towards the leadership of huge and powerful countries, who can get away with anything - or   Muslim  leaders in  countries such as Saudi Arabia - because we sell weapons to them, and need their oil ?  And they also wear dresses as a poster mentioned above.

    Insults to the Pope are a cheap shot- from weaklings insulting a much loved and respected man. The UK (hardly GBrit.) government would be creeping around if a 'minority' faith had been insulted, and we would have riots and violence on the streets , as in the past,  from even UK born Muslims.



     Like you Tegwini I am a UK tax payer and frankly I personally don't think he should be coming at all. 

     Its not just one or two who are guilty of what the rest of us perceive as 'evil'

    There are stories in many countries, appologising is one thing, bringing these people to justice and being seen to do so is another. For how many years has the faintest hint of scandal meant being recalled to Rome, out of harms way, been the norm ?

    If the Pope doesn't have the humanity or sense of humour to see this for the stupidity it was perhaps he is in the wrong job, hey, he could always practice what he preaches, forgiveness !


    Well I am confident that abuses will happen a lot less, and the Pope is

    apologetic and has condemned the abusers,  and we assume will make changes.

    I believe he's sincere in this.  

    Clearly the UK government wants

    this visit, and so do millions of catholics from the UK - and beyond, 

    who will also come to see him.

    Plenty changes needed elsewhere

    in countries that we welcome evil leaders on state visits, but do

    nothing about because our government is full of lying, hypocritical,



  14. So many are so disillusioned with the  MP's   expenses  scandal,  that it would not surprise me if the BNP wins a seat or two.  With proportional representation they would win quite a few seats.


  15. [quote user="Quillan"]

    I personally don't care who he is I just don't think a person who has actively tried to cover up illegal acts should have £20M worth of UK tax payers money spent on him.[/quote]

    Well unlike most on this forum  we are all paying UK tax, and I do not object to the security costs for the Pope.  In   the scheme of things £20m is not that much these days.

    And he has apologised for the actions of others.  The RC church is huge (billions) and somewhere, sometimes you will have someone who is evil.

    But, we have much evil in the world - the Chinese leadership is never criticised like this and they execute thousands pa - some perhaps innocent, apart from the Tibet issue.   Many Muslim countries have evil laws - beheadings, stonings etc - the evil treatment of women etc ... 

    I am unaware of insults towards the leadership of huge and powerful countries, who can get away with anything - or   Muslim  leaders in  countries such as Saudi Arabia - because we sell weapons to them, and need their oil ?  And they also wear dresses as a poster mentioned above.

    Insults to the Pope are a cheap shot- from weaklings insulting a much loved and respected man. The UK (hardly GBrit.) government would be creeping around if a 'minority' faith had been insulted, and we would have riots and violence on the streets , as in the past,  from even UK born Muslims.


  16. [quote user="Etoile"]Certain people of little intelligence on this forum are rather missing the point here. The fact is that senior civil servants have offended a church leader who has been invited by our government to visit this country. As expected the government has done little about it - the offending person simply being relocated to another job. It has nothing to do with ones religious views or lack of them. The are as many non-believers appalled by this as there are christians. If the slur had been made against a leader from any other faith our politicians would now be lining up to grovel and apologise.[/quote]

     I second this too.

    And Gluestick was correct that these 'civil' servants are clearly underemployed and unnecessary-  and extremely rude!

    Would these prattish uncivil servants have had the courage to insult, for example, a Muslim leader ??

    Probably not.


  17. [quote user="pachapapa"]Subsequent to the conquering of Dacia by Trajan the Province had a chequered history.

    The province was subject to a complex Romanization process and its basic element was the adoption of the Latin language. The Romanians are today the only descendants of the Eastern Roman stock; therefore, the Romanian language is one of the major heirs of the Latin language, together with French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.

    The language bears more affinity with Italian.


    I got by in Romania and learned a bit of Romanian - but my French did not help me there.  And they do have some Slavic influences in the language.

    It is closely related to Italian, and the Romanians do take pride in their Latin/Roman history. In the museum in Bucharest they have a replica of Trajan's column which depicts the Dacians and the Romans.

    Older people there spoke some French, but younger, and the more educated people I met spoke English.


  18. [quote user="Richard51"]

    Her point was that they wouldn't help themselves, even in small ways.  She felt that the impact of the Nicolae Ceausescu years had been to remove all concept of self sufficiency, pride, daily structure etc.  They couldn't cope with the concept of a working day, routine, organisation, planning, thinking for themselves.  They no longer had the capacity to do anything other than 'be done to'.


    There's some truth in this.

    In 1991 I spent 3+ months living in

    Bucharest (to adopt) and was told this was someone I met who was a

    university teacher.  I lived in a small studio flat  with a baby and

    went out to forage for food daily - not an easy life there.   It was

    quite possible to see working age people sitting in cafes, bars and

    restaurants at any time of the working day. And what was available in the shops  ... even for someone with US$   is another story!

     Romanians are

    intelligent and generally kind and honest.  The Gypsies in Romania are

    at the bottom of the pecking order, with insufficent education etc to

    have much hope of being able to emigrate and better themselves without

    being able to claim from over-generous tax-payer-funded benefit

    systems.  And this is the crux of this problem - few countries can

    afford to fund a huge influx of unemployable migrants, legal or


    Certainly the UK can't - I suspect that my County

    Council (Wiltshire) won't even have enough to repair the frost and snow

    damaged roads from the last winter let alone fund the housing and other

    needs of migrants.  They are already cutting back on some basic services, and I suspect that some councils may become technically bankrupt in the future.


  19. If you ask me a 'sex addiction' clinic is just pure self indulgence and a load of tosh!

    As for 'addiction' - this is just an excuse from a celebrity who has

    swallowed all the flattery from the syncophants and hangers-on,  and he

    obviously thought he could walk on water, which he can't !

    If Tiger can't keep his pants on  as a disciplined, and very successful  sportsman,  then is there hope for Joe Bloggs ?  Tiger should rather regret that he was flattered and taken in by a pile of tarts, some of whom made money selling their stories.  Sad really, that the media is willing to pay for such stories, or that Joe and Josephine Bloggs are willing to pay to read them ...

    There is so much money at risk, and so many people depending on making money on his coat tails,  that he was persuaded to make that statement yesterday.  And that too, was in my opinion, total cr@p, and clearly written by someone else, and all in thhe cause of making money again.


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