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Complete France Forum


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  1. I'm sorry that I'm not being politically correct but many people have chosen France as their home and then bang on about how great it is that the U.K have got the Olympics. WHY????  
  2. I live in France and I wish Paris had got it.( Though I think Chirac is a twit!) Where was Blair when manchester tried to get the Olympics (no, I'm not from up North)?  
  3. I live in France and I wish Paris had got it.( Though I think Chirac is a twit!) Where was Blair when manchester tried to get the Olympics (no, I'm not from up North)?  
  4. Oooh you had me going then , you little monkey!
  5. Purple carrots? What are doing TU, beating them up?
  6. I bet she looked as though she had massacred someone by the time she'd finished! BTW I think its brilliant the way these topics digress.
  7. I own up to using the English language part of the French website and had stuff delivered because we lived so far away. It worked well for us because we needed a lot of stuff, although I was irritated that certain things could not be delivered, even though we had to pay delivery costs.
  8. I'm a kind of pickled crinkled cut type of beetroot girly myself...I just love it on a cheese sarnie. I never knew you could eat it raw
  9. In the short time I've been in France, I am so disappointed with the supermarkets, the nearest to me looks like the kind of u.k supermarket I was dragged round as a kid in the 70s. For a nation that prides itself on its cuisine ( and don't get me started on that!), I just think choice (or lack of it) is really poor.
  10. Thanks for all the cheesy tips. I will go and tackle the cheesecounter today and all those pounds i've lost eating healthily will just have to go back on! I've just come back with a barrow load of cheeses and Cantal selars ( didn't spot the plain cantal until i'd ordered ) will do it for me... a little on the salty side but really not bad at all.
  11. I love French cheese but when I need as Delia puts it, a good strong cheese,I'm struggling. Can anyone give me advice on hard strong cheese that substitutes well for cheddar? Gruyere works well but I don't know of any others, short of sampling everything going!
  12. At last we can start to think about the nice trivial things ! Moving to Brittany at the month, need to get a new washing machine- has anyone had tried the top-loading machines rather than the front loading ones which are common in the UK? Any comments - good or bad will be most welcome.
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