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  1. Your reply is a perfect example again, they are NOT Asian gangs, they are PAKISTANI, no Chinese or other groups from Asia are involved to the scale that PAKISTANI men are represented. Even Savid Javid, the home secretary stated this fact. I agree that jail is insufficient, but as you say, there you go. The thing is you may condemn those in authority privately, then say so loudly, do not leave it to others to speak out. And yes indeed, perverts have ever nationality, and regardless of this and their religion, they should be exposed for their crimes, its just when for some reason they are PAKISTANI, the UK government wants to look away. They know it is their open Britain policy which has caused this. Thankfully things are changing, and the mood in Europe for staying quite is coming to an end.
  2. C/T wrote, Two points from somebody else's post I would like to mention "Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs" mainly abuse people from their own ethnic background. Indeed the figure is put at 84%. Because however they are British subjects and it is right to say British it does however lead those that are racist (not that I am calling anyone here racist) thinking it is only white British girls (and women). A common trick used by right wing tabloid newspapers in the UK and elsewhere. So I assume from your comments and lack of condemnation of these Muslim Pakistani child rape gangs, that you think its OK because its 'their culture'. I could not care less what their 'culture' allows in their home country, but if they live in the UK, then it is NOT OK here. I appreciate you are only speaking up for your own people, but it really is not acceptable for grooming gangs which include fathers, sons and uncles sharing the same children around for sex to get away unpunished. I am always amazed by the silence of the '#me too' movement on this matter. because someone says something they object too, they turn out in large numbers to protest, but actual raping of children by mainly Pakistani Muslim men, somehow, they look the other way. As W/B says, people are afraid to be called racist if they speak out about it, well call away. But the worst of this whole scenario must surely be the cover up by the government, aided by the police. They knew for years this was going on, and did nothing. ( think BBC and Savile here) Now when the trials are going on of these gangs, they put a gagging orders on the press, so the full story of what happened to these girls does not come out. I suspect Cliff Richard, Bill Roach, Jim Davidson, Freddie Starr and many others who were falsely accused of sex crimes wish they could have enjoyed the same protection. Then when the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs are found guilty, as they always are, the story runs for one day, and then its gone.
  3. If you had seen his statement before, then clearly you have not done your research before crating this thread. And the FBI investigation you want??
  4. If you think that, you may wish to view this speech by Joe Biden, about FBI investigations. I appreciate you will most likely not want to, and indeed wont, but others may wish to see what this leading Democrat has to say. So you don't have to watch it all, as you wont like all the other points that are made on this, as they do not back your view. (but anyone with an open mind may care to watch it all) , just skip to 14.22 minutes to see Joe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Tcj_F6rH78
  5. No Times today I am afraid, once a week is all. But there you go again, they are not Asian men, they are MUSLIM PAKISTANI'S. Please don't count all the other races from that area with them by saying Asian. And yes, many of you have been 'brainwashed' and stay silent, then when one brave man in the UK tells the truth and speaks up on this, they are indeed called racist and put in jail for speaking the truth. I don't blame the MUSLIM PAKISTANI men who have done this to these girls. I blame our government and police for covering it up and allowing it to continue. And as for an FBI investigation, they do not intend to investigate, the reasons have been given as to why, if you care to only look.
  6. This post is to the O/P only, and not the other members who have displayed that they can accept that a person is still innocent until proved guilty. Your ability to show your total outage at the claims by this lady and accept them as fact, and your quick reaction to draw a guilty verdict on the judge, shows fully, your one sided liberal bias. The lady accuser cant remember where or when this 'event' happened, no-one can back her claim up, she is a democratic voting liberal from California, so does have some reason to try to bring this man down. But the biggest scandal of all this must be that the Democrats on the committee, knowing of her claims weeks ago, but never brought them up, until it looked like the judge may be confirmed to the supreme court, and then the details got 'leaked' to the press, against Ms Fords wishes. This is politics at its finest and you cant see it. But where is your outrage, may I ask when thousands of young English children are gang raped by Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs in numerous city's in England, and the government cover it up for years. Your silence is deafening. Had it not been for Times reporter Andrew Norfolk pressing the issue until his editor finally run the story, after the government and police knowing of the crimes for over TEN years and hiding them up, we may not know about any of it today. Hence the Times is the only paper I will read, and has been for several years now, at least there is some truth in the paper. I am afraid if you rely on the Guardian or CNN to help you form your opinions you will never be able to escape your clear signs of TDS that display in every post you make. Enjoy your day.
  7. Oh dear, I see your TDS shows no signs of abating, you really must seek professional guidance. In the meantime I suggest looking at this, it may help, but you will need to view it to the end (its only 3 minutes) to get the message fully. However, if your sense of humour has evaporated, I would advise caution, I would hate you to be offended . :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uqVgYgqc3s
  8. Thanks for the 'heads ups' on that Hoddy. Now I know that, I promise it will never be me who reports any thread/post. ;-)
  9. Richard 51 wrote, For ebaynut (nutty if I may be so bold): You may indeed be so bold, fill your boots, you can call me whatever you like, so, say about me whatever you choose, I will NEVER hit the report button on you. I believe in being able to say what you want without censorship. Shame really we don't have the first amendment in the UK. (However, I must confess, that knowing a certain Ex mod on here gets an email notice which p1sses them off, every time someone does hit the report button, I do find it hard to resist now) ;-) As for being far right,I would disagree, I would say I am just right!!!!!
  10. Well having read your comments, and knowing that you get your news from CNN (counterfeit news network) and of course the left wing BBC, who are always happy to echo any negative news about President Trump, I am not in the least bit surprised by the posts on this thread. It must be hell living in the US right now under this misogynistic, racists president. Especially if you are an African American female. So lets see what one thinks of her life now in this hell hole Trump has created. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgQAhrD1IMg
  11. There already exists a large area of land to house these 'migrants', its called Africa !!!!!!!
  12. W/B wrote, There is some doubt as to how Iwanka got her visa to enter the US. Apparently she was classed as an academic genius of some sort. Apparently escorts are not usually allowed in! That is a new low in crudeness even for you and you have sure made some pretty lewd remarks about women in your time. My guess is you mean Ivanka Trump, who is a US citizen, born and breed there. She is his daughter, not his wife, this shows your lack of knowledge about this and just about everything else regarding the great man. As I have said before, there is help for you, try this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqMi_vZqdm8
  13. O dear, this is as bad a case of TDS I have seen. When one reaches a certain age, one needs to keep calm, as its not good to keep getting worked up, heart, blood pressure etc. With another six and a half years still to go of the Trump presidency , I fear for your health. You end up giving off bad karma, no wonder your roses keep dying!! While on the subject of your garden, do you have borders round yours?, or do you allow anything to enter it, and take advantage of all your hard work ;-)
  14. WOW, all these posts on this thread, and only one addresses the original. Thank you Idun, but a tower block is not the same as a refugee camp/centre. Clearly some of you are suffering from TDS (Trump derangement syndrome), well don't worry, only another six and a half years to go, and W/B talking of the wall, here is what the DNC think of it, take it away Barack,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQJlmFqUA8w
  15. So, we are all in agreement then, the camp in the 16th is a great idea, and that the same should be done in London. Question is, do we propose Hyde Park, Green park or St Jame's? I think all three personally, as the more diversity the Westminster elite enjoy the better, They must also be allowed to share the joy of Cultural enrichment, the same as the pleasure enjoyed by those living in Luton, Bradford and Rotherham. It was after all, their great idea for cultural inclusion, so its only fair they benefit the same as the rest of the UK.
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