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Posts posted by KathyF

  1. Eight years ago we bought a second home in this beautiful corner of southern Manche and have been coming here ever since, at first just for a few weeks a year, but since I retired we're here for months at a time each summer. We are coming to the end of our fifth summer now and I can honestly say that in all that time I have not met with any rudeness or unfriendliness, either from our neighbours and other villagers or from the officials we have had to deal with. We don't do a lot of popping in on neighbours here, but we don't in the UK either, so that's alright. However, we meet and chat, or wave as we go by. We go to village events and are thanked for doing so and for helping with the clearing up afterwards. My farmer neighbour invited me round to see her new grandson and have aperos for her son's birthday. We invited her to sample an English afternoon tea and she fell in love with scones and asked for the recipe. [:D] Nothing earth-shattering, but all very pleasant and part of the warp and woof of human existence, on either side of the Channel. I wouldn't even think of claiming to be integrated - how could I be when I'm only here for a quarter of the year? But I'm happy here and think myself fortunate to be able to spend so long here every year (it would be even longer if only I could persuade my husband......) [:)]

  2. Hi Mr Coops,

    Thanks for the update and sorry Deb is feeling down. Quite understandable, given all she's been through.  When I had a hysterectomy (over 20 years ago) I remember the 'oozing' went on for weeks, not days. Having just checked, it can go on for up to 6 to 8 weeks after surgery, which may help to reassure her that healing is happening, albeit more slowly than she would wish. 

    Best wishes as always.

  3. RH, my 87 year-old mother-in-law travelled with BF on her own with her suitcase from Partsmouth to Caen this year and coped fine. Obviously at her age nice people tend to offer her a helping hand at awkward places, but she is fiercely independent and managed her case herself almost all the time. It's do-able. [:)]
  4. Sorry you've had problems, Sara, but no, France isn't immune from anti-social behaviour.  We have friends with a holiday home near a lake here in southern Manche and they've had several break-ins overv the past 3 years.  They told us that over 20 holiday homes and fishing cabins around the lake had been targeted this spring alone and this in deepest rural France.  There are disaffected youngsters (and older people) everywhere.
  5. Just catching up after weekend visitors and delighted to see you posting again, Coops. [:D] Here's to a rapid return to your own bed and the best possible pathology results and treatment plan.
  6. Spot on, RH. For my money, Amy Winehouse was one of the most individual female soloists I've heard for a long time.  An amazing voice and a huge potential that sadly she will never now fulfil.  What a waste of a young life.
  7. Another with everything crossed here, Mr Coops.  As someone who has had the word prognosis used to her twice in the past, I know just how scary it can be and send you both my very best wishes for the best possible outcome.
  8. I love making jam, whether using the French method or the British, depending on the fruit, and we always seem to manage to get rid of it all before it has a chance to go off.[:D] I have a proper jam pan at last and have always saved jam-jars and reused them.  My only trouble this year is not having enough in France for the summer. I was given a lot of raspberries and blackcurrants recently (had to go and pick them, but you know what I mean) and that used up almost all the jars I'd been saving for when the jam apricots arrive up here in Normandy. Luckily a friend is also a jam-jar hoarder and she has just come to the rescue. Guess what I'm spending this wet weekend doing....
  9. Having just caught up with this thread, I've read the Midi Libre report and it says that when hit the girl fell and banged the the back of her head on the school boundary wall. This is almost certainly what killed her. It doesn't take away the horror of what was done to her, but I really doubt the boy intended to kill her. That can't be said of the case in South Wales which almost beggars belief.
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