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Posts posted by Gemini_man

  1. Very noisy here but not really roaring. The clouds are rushing past the moon and its 12°, quite pleasant really. It looks like La Rochelle and inland from there are having the worst this time so far, good luck up there.

    Time for bed I think, hope everyone is OK.

    Bonne nuit.

    Bah, just to prove me wrong, while I was writing that the wind has picked up and I just heard tiles crash off the barn roof. Damn! [:@]


  2. [quote user="Martinwatkins"]I'm finding the site below of great value,  for Britain as well as France


    Well worth taking a few minutes to get to know how to use all the options.

    I do wish everyone luck,  I absolutely hate strong winds and the damage they can cause  (remembering the destruction round us after the 1999 tempete,  although we were relatively unscathed).

    Bon courage.


    Ooh yes, nice map, have added that to my favourites and will explore the options, thanks Martin and Benjamin [:)]

    Talking of the tempete of 1999, that started with a deep depression that tracked along the channel and North of France, just like this one is going to do, causing enormous damage then 24 hours later out of nowhere a second depression, even deeper, developed off the West coast - oddly enough it was given the name Martin! The second depression devastated large parts of West, South West and South France. I have reason to remember it well as my subsequent insurance claim paid for a second car, a fridge freezer, a computer upgrade and some new tiles. So, I shall be watching closely for any developments off the West coast tomorrow [;-)]

  3. [quote user="NormanH"]If you click on the link I gave before Méteo  

    you will see that there is now an orange alert in the North West and West


    Yes, Meteo France updated this morning. The Met Office are forecasting the depression to be a low of 973 mb which is considerably higher than the recent storm in the South West which was 960 mb so hopefully this one will not be too destructive. It will be a noisy night though, that's for sure. Now where did I put those candles? [:$]

  4. Unfortunately the Met Office site is only updated once a day at 7.30 am which is pretty useless for forecasting purposes so will have to wait until the morning to see what their prediction is. Meanwhile Meteo France have updated their site several times and are now predicting strong winds in the West, North and Centre throughout Tuesday but are only talking about gusts of max 110 kmh consequently no vigilance orange or rouge. I'd still put away anything that could be blown about, just in case!

  5. [quote user="suein56"][quote user="Gemini_man"]Take a look at the met office site here: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/europe/surface_pressure.html

    Advance it to monday night/tuesday morning by clicking on T+60 or T+72 (12 hour increments) and you'll see the potential beast. It may simply be very windy or it may deepen and become another hurricane, either way it's forecast to head off over northern France but that is only a forecast. Direction will be all important. The strongest winds will be south of the eye of the depression.


    Using Gm's link (what a useful site Gm) it seems as though the worst of the storm might occur through Tuesday - if I have read the timing right?



    Sue, it looks as though the storm is likely to arrive onland sometime Monday afternoon/evening and it should be a very noisy night for anyone in or near it's path. Tuesday should be a lot calmer by daybreak, depending on where you are in France of course. The important thing will be how deep the depression is, at the moment Meteo France don't have it flagged to be vigilant of which kind of surprises me as they are pretty cautious these days.

    Fot anyother view of what's "coming your way" this is a usefull site: http://tinyurl.com/3xx87m

    It shows a loop of the last three hours rainfall/snowfall from which you should be able to see if anything very wet is headed your way. It will also show cloud cover by clicking "clouds and rainfall images" at the top of the map. The images during the recent storm in the South West were quite remarkable with a very intense cloud swirl, that is until the elctricity went off and the screen went blank [:P]

  6. Take a look at the met office site here: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/europe/surface_pressure.html

    Advance it to monday night/tuesday morning by clicking on T+60 or T+72 (12 hour increments) and you'll see the potential beast. It may simply be very windy or it may deepen and become another hurricane, either way it's forecast to head off over northern France but that is only a forecast. Direction will be all important. The strongest winds will be south of the eye of the depression.

  7. Quite correct and the following weekend also. Unless the weather is bad in which case the work may be put back, presumably to the next weekend.

    "Le Pont d’Aquitaine pourrait être complètement fermé ce week-end et le week-end prochain.

    La DDE de la Gironde a en effet prévu une fermeture totale du vendredi

    12 septembre à 22 heures jusqu’au lundi 15 septembre à 4 heures (2 sens

    de circulation) et du vendredi 19 septembre à 22 heures jusqu’au lundi

    22 septembre à 4 heures (2 sens de circulation), afin de procéder à la

    réfection des chaussées. Cependant, cette fermeture annoncée de longue

    date pourrait être reportée si les conditions météo (assez aléatoires

    ces derniers jours) ne se prêtent pas aux travaux. Pour faire simple :

    s’il pleut, le pont d’Aquitaine restera ouvert. On devrait en savoir

    plus vendredi."


  8. [quote user="Tandem_Pilot"][quote user="Deby"]

    have to say isnt that really a nice thing to do.



    Why not?

    He is probably paying a lot of money and wants to know whats going on without the expense of being there.


    TP I think you've made a slight mistake with this [Www][Www][Www][:D]

    By the way, shouldn't this be in the South East section?

    P.S. I had to smile at this snippet I came across in Wiki : "Cruzy est une commune française, située dans le département de

    l'Hérault et la région Languedoc-Roussillon. Ses habitants sont appelés

    les "Cruzyates".

    "Cruzyates" - lovely [:D]

  9. I'm very disappointed that some mod has deleted my post here after I had searched out the info on Google France.

    There is a company at the airport which opens at 9.30am and closes at 10.00pm. I provided a link but that went with my post.

    As someone else has been allowed to suggest Hertz as a possibility then I will suggest Europcar to you as a possibility. I have no connection with them nor does anyone else that I know. I expect if you search in Google with "europcar" and "angouleme aeroport" you will probably reach their site.

    Good luck :).

  10. erm, doesn't look like it :)

    but i have read about it: http://www.ariegenews.com/news/news-1-1-2693.html

    extreme hailstorms can be very very local and often seem to sweep along a valley leaving a trail of destruction behind them but not touching either side of the valley. i've experienced two in the Dordogne which lasted 5/10 minutes, destroyed or damaged many rooves in their path and shredded leaves off trees so the roads were like a green carpet but have cut a swathe no more than half a kilometre wide. the first one i encountered left my car with a bad case of cellulite all over - not nice  :(

  11. Agree with Panda - do not underestimate the difficulties of starting two children 10 and 11 years old, who probably (?) don't speak much French, in school over here. It will be traumatic for them and also for you. It can be done but it will need a lot of time, effort and support.

    So far as where to rent a property I would have thought a small town would make sense as you will need a local school and all the facilities. As for which area, well, that may depend on how you are intending to make a living.

    Going back to your original question - it's not difficult to find a long term rental, a lot of immobiliers handle rentals, so long as you aren't too specific about what and where and in my opinion renting to start with is a very sensible idea - give yourselves time to get to know the area a bit. Good luck [:)]

    P.S. I have to be honest - when we moved to France we stuck a pin in the map and ended up in the Dordogne and that was 15 years ago [blink]

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