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Posts posted by 5-element

  1. Well yes, Quillan - the subject was  teenagers texting  and using mobiles. Which led to how some (more than is acknowledged, apparently*) use them to cheat in exams - which led to HOW to conceal them so as not to get caught - c'est logique, non? The TV programme I saw (if only I could remember which it was,  only 2 days ago) showed teenagers (faces blocked for obvious reasons) who were demonstrating the various ways in which they use their mobiles to cheat.

    * more googling and finding articles, studies, and all sorts of relevant information, official and otherwise - states that the cheating is deliberately  underestimated, as it would be lead to major scandals and upheavals. Now, that is properly appalling.


    Betty, the transparent pencil case is good - reminescent of anti-terrorist measures in airports...

  2. Does jamming block all the downloaded answers to questions then? Some pupils have photos of the relevant textbook pages on their smartphone. I thought that jamming  only stops incoming and outgoing calls and texts.

    Norman, I didn't see the article in Midi-Libre, and probably won't read it, but just let my imagination run riot instead.[:'(]

  3. Banning them from schools has been tried, some schools are successful - but .... you have to search methodically each pupil every time they come in, as mobiles are easy to smuggle! And then the headmaster/mistress probably has  to contend with some of the parents...

    As for exams, there are many  tricks. For instance, a pupil arrives with TWO phones. One for confiscation purposes, the other, cleverly concealed, for cheating...

  4. It was just revealed that French teenagers send around  2500 text messages per month, i.e. an average of 83 per day.


    I wonder how that compares with teenagers in other countries? And also, what do they ever do that does NOT involve a mobile ... Should this be just a little scary?

    There was also part of a programme on systematic exam cheating with mobile phones, not just by "bad" students with poor marks, but also by "good" students, who want to do really well and can't be bothered with doing it the other way...

  5. For once, I disagree with you Idun. Yes, Charlie Hebdo have the right, freedom of expression and all that, there is no question.

    But what they have done now, I see as senseless provocation, nothing more. Just doing it because the law says they can. It is not as if it achieves anything, to me it is saying "mine is bigger than yours, and here is the proof" without any regard for the consequences - not for themselves, but others, probably innocent, people. I am concerned that people may die because of this gratuitous act of defiance.

    I am not saying we should be pandering to the vociferous islamists, far from it. But let's not pour fuel onto a fire, surely there are more intelligent, and less belligerent, ways of putting one's foot down?

    I do think Charlie Hebdo has gone too far this time. Shocking just for the sake of it, and in such a crude, infantile way - sorry, but I am not impressed. That kind of provocation can hardly be constructive, with people sniggering on one side, while fuelling murderous intent on the other side.

  6. "Playboy" is good. Which leads me to think that perhaps "toyboy" is used as well - or if it isn't yet, it won't be long...

    Now it's my turn (with apologies Eric, I don't mean to "marcher sur tes plates-bandes") to find "son jeune amoureux" ringard.[:D]

  7. The expression does not exist, but the concept has always been around of course.

    And for "les femmes mûres", the really predatory ones who go for "les pt'its jeunes", they are "des cougars".  The cougars are an endlessly fascinating topic for some TV programmes... A cougar is often quite proud of being one, too.

  8. Since Quillan mentioned Toulouse, I just read that although it has not been classified as one of the "15 Top ZSP" (for some technical reason), it should be a ZSP (Zone de Sécurité Prioritaire)

    The list of the 15 Top ZSP has just been revealed:  http://www.france24.com/fr/20120804-15-zones-securite-prioritaires-revelees-manuel-valls-france-zsp-delinquance I don't know much about Seine-St-Denis and even less about Cayenne, but Marseille comes high on the list. Since the beginning of the year, I think there have been 25 fatal shootings in Marseille (mostly to do with drug trafficking), as there are no-go areas - which the government seems keen to do something about - the latest is that another 205 gendarmes and various police will be deployed in Marseille, especially the northern suburb. There were even suggestions earlier, to send in the army to police the no-go areas!

    I did live in inner city Marseille for a while, in the late 60's. I remember that gunshots in the night were a regular occurrence - as well as police sirens and ambulances. So, not even such a new phenomenon, it seems!

  9. Well, up to about 2 days ago, I truly believed that nothing very very bad occurred in my Herault backwaters - although both Beziers and Montpellier, being larger towns, have their share of crime. 

    But within the space of 2 days, I hear of a series of burglaries going on in a nearby place, (some friends had left one of their doors open, they were sleeping upstairs when they were burgled), and in the next village  one disabled man of 50 was beaten up by 2 men  in his home in front of his 10-year old daughter, for 30 euros - but even worse, a local lad (probably the one who served my pizza last time I went there) has just been murdered - so far, kept hush hush, nothing in the papers yet while there is an enquiry... this was about the last place you could expect murder to happen!

    A bit of a wake up call, as I had become quite complacent about "nothing ever happens here". No need to be paranoid, but "things" do happen all the time, even where nothing ever happens.[:'(]

  10. No, no Idun! It's not the weight that matters, it's WHERE on the body one puts it on. If it's on the bum and thighs it's OK. If it's around the waist, that's the real killer. Apparently it's OK to be chunky, as long as it's all over, and one doesn't have a pot belly.


    But Norman's article is interesting; I'd often wondered about the health wisdom involved in insisting on eating there must be a cheese course at virtually every meal - how often you hear a French person say "Je ne peux pas faire un repas sans fromage" - How many people eat  pain au chocolat and/or brioche at every breakfast? And how much charcuterie is consumed (grilled sausages or saucisson sec just for apéro nibbles?) and so on. But there again, eating well and healthily is my dada, so no surprising I should wonder about such things. Good to see that I am not the only food police in town, though.[:D]

  11. I am too choked for words as I kept hoping for a miracle. Ian, reading the last line in your message, I so wish she was beside you too. The only comfort is to know she died peacefully, and with you. I did feel she was a true friend, as she was so true to herself, spoke from the heart, and she gave so much, to so many. Now wishing you great courage and forbearance. My deepest condolences. 
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