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Everything posted by Pancake

  1. I think the bottom line is.."The choice is yours.Do you want to be part of the team or just be a spectator  ? "
  2. [quote user="KathyC"][quote user="Pancake"] Well I intend to have a go at learning the language when I get there this year.I know it will be a challenge.  [/quote] Yes but that's what puzzles a lot of us, why do people wait until they get to France to start learning?  Most people plan months (if not years ) in advance, but they leave the most important thing until last. I know that you may not be able to practse speaking until you arrive but grammar and vocabulary can all be started, so that the foundations are in place for when needed. [/quote] I have been learning but its hard to get the pronouciation right so I have been using CD's...I have spent the last six month trying to get out local Adult Learning Center to run French classes.....they have now agreed. They start the course two days after I leave to go to France for our holidays...[:'(]
  3. Well I intend to have a go at learning the language when I get there this year.I know it will be a challenge. So if you come across someone with a Crocodile Dundee accent trying to speak French,it will be me..........[:D] "Thats pas un couteau... ceci est un  de couteau" "Jetez une autre crevette sur la bavure"   So..how was that ???
  4. Dick Smith ..... Suppose to be good.Its the one I use. http://imtranslator.net/  
  5. Could someone  translate this please.... Jolie petite maison , conviviale, comprenant cuisine, séjour, petite pièce. A l'étage: deux chambres à l'étage.Grenir aménagé. Petite dependance avec cuisine, chambre, mezzanine. Plus salle d'eau ,wc. terrain non attenant avec garage; idéal maison de vacances; possibilité d'acheter en meublé.   My translation is a bit confusing...to me anyway.This is the Australian translation... [:D] Pretty small home, convivial, understanding kitchen, stay, small room. On the floor: two rooms on the floor. Done up Grenir. Dependance baby with kitchen, brings to room temperature, mezzanine. More room of water, toilet. not annexed ground with garage; ideal home of vacation; possibility of buying there furnished. Thanks.....
  6. Bet it was to do with that racist thing on the Brit tv program Big Brother....[:)]
  7. To note please, and action. EU Directive 456179 In order to meet the conditions for joining the Single European Currency, all citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland must be made aware that the phrase "Spending a penny" is not to be used  after 31st December 2006. From this date, the correct terminology will be:  "Euronating"
  8. How about a nice homemade one ??? they do work .... http://www.alpharubicon.com/prepinfo/dehydratorstryder.htm
  9. Maybe its just the way I see them.But to be there seems to be a lot....maybe I'm just looking at it...errr....ummm....one eyed.[:D]
  10. Tresco....The third one on this list is one.... http://www.cfps23.com/search_results.php?page=11&priceTo=80000&per_page=10
  11. Not sure if this comes under the heading of culture but I have been house hunting on the net for well over nine months and have been amazed at the amount of one bedroom houses there are out there.It must be well over 50%.When the French couples married and had kids the bedroom must have been very cramped.I just cant see the point in having a one bedroom house.
  12. Pancake

    arum lilly

    I'm sure you will find some info here....[:D]   http://www.uk.gardenweb.com/forums/load/ukgard/msg0609042820099.html?10
  13. Here yer go.Give this a try......yum yum. http://www.historicfood.com/Venison.htm
  14. You could always print out this diagram and show the Butcher....[:D] http://missvickie.com/howto/meat/meatlamb.html
  15.   [IMG]http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b376/SylviaFigg/tannahlot.jpg[/IMG]
  16. The first picture that was posted ,the iLoir,is what we would call a 'possum' its very much a likeness http://www.hotkey.net.au/~perrelink/Possum.htm
  17. Speaking as an Ozstralian and soon to head over that way,its a great idea.[:D]
  18. We are hoping to settle in Limousin next  year moving in from Australia and my wife is into Folk Art  and pastels and runs workshops over here.I know she will be delighted to pass her skills and knowledge  to whoever is interested.I will put in her webside so you can see what she does.....she cant wait to start painting local scenery...[:-))] http://members.westnet.com.au/figg/gourds/gourd.html    
  19. I dont know where I saw it,on this forum or somewhere else, but there was a list of food stuffs like milk,butter,eggs bread etc and the prices.It was there as a guide for new comers.Does anyone know where it is ?....
  20. Pancake

    cherry tree

    Hi. I grow Cherry trees here In Australia.To get the best production you will need a cross pollinater.Any of these ones below will do the job for the variety you have and give you a full crop.They should all be available at your local nursery.   Bigarreau Hâtif Burlat Bigarreau Van Bigarreau Napoléon Bigarreau Hedelfingen
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