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Everything posted by mmaddock

  1. Thanks Cassis.  Certainly a lot cheaper than DHL et al!  I wonder if La Poste have a size limit - can't seem to see anything obvious that says it does.  Chronopost seem to be too restrictive for me. As I understand it - length + 2 x height + 2 x width must be less than 300cm....  "Dimensions maximales des envois : la somme de la longueur + 2 hauteurs + 2 largeurs ne doit pas excéder 300 cm, la longueur ne devant pas excéder 150 cm" ...is that right?? Cheers, Matt
  2. I'm trying to find a French courier (along the lines of the UK equivalent of DHL etc.) to send [large] parcels to the UK.  I can send a large parcel from the UK to France up to 25Kg for £23, but whenever I've asked for quotes from French courier companies to similar parcels to the UK I'm getting quotes of 800-1000 euros!!!  (that includes DHL France). Any help would be appreciated.  Does La Poste offer an International service for large, high value (>1000euros) items? Cheers, Matt
  3. Steve I'm not exactly sure when, but at some point over the next month or so I'll be coming over with a van from the NW (Kendal) down to near you in Civray.  I'm sure we could fit a couple of small-ish boxes in. Matt
  4. I'm not necessarily suggesting this is your problem, but I had to update the firmware in my Netgear router to the latest version to get it to work at all in France.  Everything seemed perfectly fine, but it just refused to connect.  Very easy to do - check the Netgear website - downloads section, pick your router and follow the firmware upgrade instructions. Oh, make sure you do it over a wired connection rather than wireless to be on the safe side. Matt
  5. Thanks, and yes, they were taken at about 10 in the evening...with a 5 second exposure.  I went out then to take them just in case it turned to rain and had gone by morning!  Tuesday's snow disappeared far to quickly.
  6. It's been snowing most of the evening... [IMG]http://www.lefouanglais.co.uk/snow1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.lefouanglais.co.uk/snow2.jpg[/IMG]
  7. I prefer this story...surely they must have had some idea that they were not supposed to be travelling outside of the 'London' area??? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/6200054.stm
  8. Freshly made scones anyone? [:)] The local supermarket didn't have any 'levure chimique' only yeast, but I found found a flour there with a raising agent in it thanks to the translations! Cheers, Matt
  9. Thanks Clair - very helpful.  Guess I'll be back off to the supermarket then as I can't find our bicarb anywhere anyway! Cheers, Matt
  10. I have a "cuisine & patisserie" flour labeled "Farine Fluide", but it doesn't mention anything about "levure" that I can see.  What on earth is Farine "Fluide"?!  Maybe I'm being stupid, but I can't even think what it could mean! (of course I understand the literal translation of the word, but not what it means in this context) I do have one that I know is just a regular flour - maybe I'll have a dig around and find out where on earth I put the bicarb to make it raising flour myself!! Cheers, Matt
  11. Once more French language question...I'm just about to make some scones...we have a cupboard full of French flour (we weren't sure which to buy, so we bought a selection!).. ..can someome now please tell me which one is the Self-raising variety?!  If there is such a thing in France?  None of them seem to have anything on them that I can translate into something that makes sense in English! Cheers, Matt
  12. Thanks for that - I'll have to practice a bit so I'm ready to go when I get the next one! Cheers, Matt
  13. We get far too many phone calls asking for completely random people.  With no time to prepare what I'm going to say(!) I normally fumble my way through and usually come out with some mumbled drivel about them not living here.  What's the correct 'French' thing to say to tell them they have called the wrong number? Cheers, Matt
  14. But doesn't the original mean 'why do something yourself when you've got someone else to do it for you' ?! Matt
  15. OK, so now I'm thinking of going for a mix rather than just birch....does anyone know where is a good place to buy them in/around the Vienne.  I don't mind travelling a bit - anywhere between Poitiers/Angouleme or outwards from Civray for a decent place is fine. Cheers, Matt
  16. I realise silver birch isn't the best tree for screening, but I don't want to completely block the view - just mask it somewhat in a polite and non-intimidating way.  We don't have a pool - I kind of like the idea of one, but it just wouldn't 'fit in' with our location - hard to describe why, it just wouldn't feel right here - plus there is a superb outdoor public one only a few minutes walk away! I like the idea of berries - the birds go mad for them around here - they were even eating the ones from the Christmas decoration we put on our gate!!  My only issue would be making sure they weren't harmful to the kids (who are 1 & 2 with a strong appetite and absolutely no sense!) I don' mind the maintenance side of things - it just gives me another excuse to spend time outside pottering around! Cheers for the replies.  Any recommendations for 'berry' trees with non-toxic berries would be more than welcome. Matt
  17. Cheers Chris.  I like the look of the silver birch both in terms of colour and form, but just don't want to plant them only to discover something I should have found out beforehand and find that I've wasted years growing them when something else may be more suitable or practical. I don't really want to get any more fruit trees as we have an 'orchard' (I put it in quotes as it isn't that big!) in another part of the garden away from eating/childrens play area as my wife is terrified of wasps/bees! What I want is to screen next door and the built-up area beyond it so as to give more of a 'countryside' outlook on that side - plus I love having trees around, especially as they attract more birds into the garden. Matt
  18. Ah yes - sorry - we are in the Vienne [Poitou-Charente] about 50km south of Poitiers.  The soil here is the sort of stuff I've dreamt of having in my garden all my life!  I reckon if I planted a lump of concrete it would grow roots and spread! Matt
  19. Does anyone have anything to say (positive or negative) with regards to planting [silver] birch here in France? I want a few 'not too heavy' trees to mask neighbouring buildings, but I don't want to plant 40ft leylandii and pee everyone off with a wall of green ugly trees that don't exactly blend in all that well! Anyone recommend alternatives with similar growth characteristics i.e. speed, size, shape? Cheers, Matt
  20. I always wear my glasses-type protective goggles, I have a heavy set of gloves/gauntlets - tho I do agree that they are restrictive and I do wonder if they do more harm than good!  I have a very heavy pair of boots, I don't have 'official' trousers, but when I'm doing a big cut I put on my armoured motorbike trousers!  Maybe not all ideal, but I do take it seriously as I'd rather not loose an arm or a leg anytime soon!  There is risk in anything and I think it is all about taking a measured approach to it.  If I did it as a full-time job or more than a couple of times a year then I'd be the first down the shop to max out my card on the best kit available!  On reflection I can see you have a bugbear about this, and I confess to having the same thing when it comes to sailing - the number of idiots you see going to sea with not even a life jacket on is unbelieveable - these are always the people who have broken radios etc. etc. and end up being rescued by someone else risking their life for them. Matt
  21. You never actually bothered to ask me what I wear before charging straight on in making judgements - seemingly assuming I was some idiot who goes out cutting logs in his pyjamas - I was making a point.  Perhaps you should ask before assuming :)
  22. [quote user="Chris Head"]What's wrong with what I'm doing in the photos Matt?[/quote] You're wearing less safety gear than I do! (apart from the ear defenders as I don't have any and don't use my chainsaw for extended periods)
  23. [quote user="Chris Head"]99% of what I do is cutting relatively small logs at ground level and not dangling from a tree so nothing terribly dangerous in chainsaw terms. No Matt....no danger there then, sounds like you know what you're doing eh? Good luck. [/quote] Maybe you should consider changing the photos on your website before you start talking about chainsaw safety eh Chris?!  If you actually read what I said, I never said there was no danger - I was putting it in context. Matt
  24. [quote user="Chris Head"]Hi Matt, Check out the sticky post on the top of this section, I've covered correct chain brake application in it. Try taking the housing off and spraying a little WD40 and then putting the CB on and off lots off times, it might free it up. [/quote] Cheers for that.  I played with it a bit after cutting some logs today and it does seem a little less difficult than when I first started using it.  I'll take the housing off and give it a clean and a WD-40 tomorrow. [quote user="Chris Head"] Dare I mention safety clothing? [/quote] Depends on what sort of a response you want!  I do take the safety of it pretty seriously - I'm aware that it has the ability to sever limbs with relative ease, tho 99% of what I do is cutting relatively small logs at ground level and not dangling from a tree so nothing terribly dangerous in chainsaw terms. Matt
  25. [quote user="Inca"]Is that the correct spelling?,  McULLOCH  make chain saws [/quote] Nope- it's a "McCulloch" - I should have checked the spelling! [quote user="Inca"] and my model is very positive/a tad tight when the chain brake is applied, but I agree with Andy that if any case you are concerned ,you  should check it out, these saws can't be messed with. [/quote] I'll take it down to MrBricolage where I bought it and see what they say about it.  It all seems to operate fine, and the chain brake does what it says on the tin - I'm just not sure how hard I should have to push/pull to get it on/off as I don't have any experience of others - being a safety feature I want to be sure it's right! Cheers for the replies, Matt
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