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Posts posted by mint

  1. Although this article is from my local paper, there is much interesting information that will apply to other regions of France


    As tomorrow is the last day for compliance before sanctions apply, there has been quite a bit about it on the tv news.  An infectiologue has said that if you didn't want to get vaccinated, then it's time to get another job.

    It's a tricky subject and admittedly controversial but, as someone who is unfortunately in need of a lot of clinical care, I admire the government for being firm and not wishy-washy.

  2. I posted about this rather urgent problem yesterday on my previous thread about lunettes but, as I have unusually had no response, I thought I'd start a new thread.  BTW I really need advice or at the very least some suggestions.

    OH saw his ophthalmologue, had a new ordonnance for glasses and went to an optician to be kitted out.  Turns out the glasses were no use as everything was blurred and they were obviously dangerous to use.

    Went back to the shop and were told to see an optometrist who would check his prescription against his new glasses and at the same time advise some "ré-education" exercises if these were needed.  Said it was no use re-doing the lenses if the prescription was not right in the first place.  Said to come back after all that was done and they'd look at the matter again (no pun on "look" intended)!

    So did as told and it was found that the prescription was too strong and a new prescription was issued.  Went back to the shop, thinking they would now go ahead and put in new lenses.  Yes, they said, we could do that and the cost is 310 euros.  No mention of paying was made before then.

    What I need to know is this.  If a prescription does not conform and brand new glasses were provided which then didn't work, is it up to us to pay?  Are there règles written somewhere that explain what is correct?  We will, of course, pay for new lenses if we have to but I thought it worth asking on the Forum.

    Any thoughts, suggestions, links to sites anybody, svp? 

  3. Lehaut, I have returned to this thread and am now sitting up and paying attention to your post!

    First of all, allow me to describe my problem and I am hoping that someone will have the answer.

    My glasses were absolutely fine, all the better for having been completely free (100% prise en charge)[:D]
    OH had had problems with his, however.

    Went back to the shop and the woman recommended us to go to someone who could check his prescription and ascertain if it was right for him.  She gave us the address and phone number of the person to see.  So we did that and went back to the shop and OH explained that everything was blurred and wasn't right.  Then she said he needed to go to someone (I have found out that she meant an optometrist) who would give him re-education exercises, that his brain was not adapting to the new glasses.

    At that point, I contacted his ophthalmologue whose secretary put us through to the hospital's own optometrist.  Went yesterday and OH had a long and detailed test of his eyes and the optometrist explained that his ordonnance was in fact too strong but her findings agreed closely with the ordonnance provided by the first person we saw, the one recommended by the shop.

    So, back we went to the shop today.  The woman who normally deals with us was not there and her colleague, after consultation of her computer told us that the lenses could indeed be changed but that the cost would be 310 euros. 

    Now all I want to know is whether it is correct that we would have to pay as the ordonnance was not correct?  What are the rules (conventions) when this sort of thing happens?

    It is likely that I will contact the ophthalmo's cabinet again just to be sure whether we do need to pay.  If we do, then that's it of course.  We will pay up or try Lehaut's way.  But I would like to know whether the shop has dealt with us correctly?

  4. Thank you for reproducing Wooly's link as I missed it the first time around.  However, some of the conditions at the time of the article are now no longer relevant.  For example, the protests are certainly NOT increasing in numbers.

    What does puzzle me is the antipathy from health professionals.  They already have to take certain obligatory vaccines, eg the anti tetanus one, amongst others.  They have been on the front line; they have seen how covid kills in a nasty way, they have had to work their socks off to keep people alive.  Are they not worried about catching the virus?  Do they not think, in the midst of protesting that they want to be free, that they are certainly NOT at liberty (that over-used and often wrongly understood word) to pass the virus on to their patients?

    As for the doctor in my link who has simply closed her cabinet and said she didn't know what would her patients do now and what would happen to them, has she forgotten what the basic tenets of the Hippocratic Oath say about protecting patients and preventing ill health?

    I did have a couple of ambulanciers who used to go on about their so-called liberty and were adamant about not wanting the vaccine.  Of course, they have now had to eat their words.  Then my gardener told me he had a cousin who is a kiné and does not intend to get vaccinated until after her 1 month grace period when she would be suspended because she quite fancied a break from work....(rolled eyes and went speechless)

  5. Thank you, Norman, for mentioning the PCR in the circumstances you have described.

    Pre pass sanitaire days, I'd always had to have a PCR despite having the vaccination attestation.  So now I know I will have to have that dreaded PCR before my next op[:'(]

  6. [quote user="Catalpa"]
    Our acceptance of invitations depends on how careful we think the hosts / other guests are - one person's perception of 'we hardly see anyone' is not someone else's analysis of their socialising - and whether the meal / gathering will be inside or out of doors.


    the meal is to be outside and you can rely on people to keep out of

    your personal space, as I'm double vaxxed (2nd in June) I would consider

    seeing them. It seems that there's little risk of infection from

    surfaces - plates, glasses or the food itself.


    would not (and don't) spend time with a group of people inside - whether

    they're vaccinated or not. 31st August delivered nearly 20,000 new

    cases in FR and there's more asymptomatic people and less testing nowadays.

    Infection reinforcing immune response is great if it works but this disease is unpredictable with

    no guarantees as to its effect on even a double vaxxed person. Yes, I'm now unlikely to die if I get it but I don't

    know how ill I'll be, how well I'll

    recover, or if I might develop long Covid. I continue to be of the

    opinion that I should do my best to avoid it.[/quote]

    Catalpa's post most closely responds to my own thinking.

    I have a scenario which has similar aspects to yours but, of course, not entirely.  Where I live, in the summer, there are always a number of different walks called dinatoire or gourmande.  You walk and stop at various stages for l'apéro, l'entrée, le plat, le dessert, etc.  I always took great delight in doing these with 3 French neighbours and friends (used to be 4 but one of us died).  For the first time this year, there is to be one of these in a nearby village and, when I was asked, I immediately said yes, without any thought.

    This morning, I have rung up to say I wouldn't be going after all.  Despite, everything being in the open air (an important distinction, as Catalpa has pointed out), I feel I have no control or indeed knowledge of who will be there.  There will be many people that I would know and would really love to see.  But, on reflection, I do not think that I want to unnecessarily expose myself to risk.

    In your position, Wooly, I would say a polite but emphatic "no".

    Edit:  forgot to say that it's the eating and drinking that could contain the hidden danger.  When people eat and drink together, they enjoy themselves and tend to talk and laugh and forget some of the gestes barrièrs etc.

  7. I was worried watching all the people milling around Macron today in Marseille.  He was taking his mask off at times and people were shouting and wanting to take selfies with him and the noise was simply deafening.

    I thought it looked like a very dangerous thing for him to be doing, being so near people, wouldn't take much for someone to have bumped him off.

  8. Hi pip, you too?  Alas, there seems to be quite a few of us[:(]  There are just some clubs that, however exclusive, you just don't want to belong to....[:-))]

    Yes, I do hope that you get over here.  It's been a lovely summer for me, mainly because we haven't had much of a summer!  That is to say, not had any long periods of sustained heat.  Most days, we have had cool breezes and I have managed to walk for many evenings with my neighbours and others.

    Could well be that summer has just been décalé, like so many other things, and that it will return when you return[:)]

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