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  1. gerry


    Hi Chris I am only going by what the locals said ,I was told they could sting and a very quick hospital visit would be needed.They could possibly be in the top of my barn but I know your knowledge far outweighs mine so any advice will help.
  2. gerry


    Hi all we have large hornets buzzing about in our orchard ,presumably after the forming apples etc,it is difficult to go over to the garden as they are so dangerous ,any ideas as to what to do or how long they might last thanks in advance Gerry
  3. Hi I was given priority boarding free , just because I had no luggage,could not understand why mums and kids were not put on the plane first,crazy if you ask me  Gerry
  4. Hi Chris we are in Mayenne but we think they went two days ago ,we were surprised they could fly but there is a large flat top of stone on our chimney, but it is suspended on small concrete piers allowing room to get in, flying is another matter,the mother seemed to be training them at night as she used to perch on top of the chimney calling to them
  5. Hi just a follow on from a question I asked about what could be living in my chimney,amazingly for me it was Owls Barn ones I would think Ii know because I opened a small fireplace door and saw them ,we decided to let nature take its course, so think they will leave when fully grown, they are fed each night by mum to a lot of shrieking but thats all the noise they are quiet lodgers ,are they protected in France and is there a society to phone for help thanks gerry
  6. Hi Chris thanks for the info,do they climb down the chimney then,and we were going to have a wood burner fitted so will have to move them somehow thanks again Gerry
  7. Hi all hope someone can help,my daughter has just come back from our cottage in laval,we have a fireplace that is boarded up just above the fireplace but according to my daughter we have an animal that snores at night in the chimney and goes during the day.We know the only means of entry is on the roof and down the chimney full of hard soot has anyone ever heard of this happening before and how humanely can we solve this thanks Gerry
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