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  1. NormanH, Do you live in the Gironde also? Victor
  2. Hello Lunette, Thank you for your offer! Interesting, Blaye is one of the towns that we thought might be possible, the other is Langon. I will respond to your PM tonight. Victor.
  3. We now live near Sete in the Herault and need to downsize thus in our research we have recently focused on the Gironde. Our area is becoming too built up, and we prefer someplace quieter yet not isolated. If anyone here lives in the Gironde, we would appreciate your imput. How feasible is it to find a house, no more than 180M2 with some land within walking distance of a village with shops, etc. We would love to find a small village which we can walk to and countryside areas to explore without so many cars. Is this an area one would be comfortable retiring to?
  4. Norman, I sure wish I lived in your village!
  5. Pickles, On what basis do you call chemtrails "arrant" nonsense? Have you looked at the site? I also viewed a video from Google called: "What are they spraying?" And another called "Bye Bye Blue Skies."
  6. idun wrote the following post at 18/03/2013 1:10: This winter has been very grey and many french regions, and probably much of Europe has had a distinct lack of sunshine, lots of people SAD, or suffering from SAD, (personally it doesn't affect me so I'm not quite sure what it is). There was a full report on french news about it, a week or so or three ago. Friends in the Alpes tell me that it has been the coldest and snowiest winter in quite a few years. idun, Last night I spent some time researching and found a site on geoengineering. It was geoengineeringwatch.org. Needless to say, I did not sleep well last night after looking at that site.
  7. Has anyone else noticed that on many days by noon the sun is covered over in a haze? We live north of Sete and by noon on many days, the sun is hidden by a haze or heavy low lying clouds. Last winter we often ate lunch warmed by the sun in the south facing window, but now we generally have to eat lunch next to our fireplace.
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