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  1. Menthe, thanks, I might have a go - soometime .. currently on hols - so no baking at all!!
  2. I've seen some wonderfully knitted pictures, including, once, Sandringham House, but never embroidery in this style. Quite brilliant!
  3. I never thought of using oil instead of butter or margariine in cakes, Menthe. What sort of oil? I wonder if that is why my cakes always sink in the middle?? Not that I nake that often, but couldbe useful to try sometiimes!
  4. It's summer, we're all on hols!!! Always quiet at holiday time, no matter the season! And in many places it's been too hot to think! I've only beenn popping in, too busy on hols to do any more!
  5. Happily was othrwise engged, recovering from grotty roads all day .. M25/M11/ etc all at standstill. I was meeting one nephew and eating .. much better than watching a rain drenched opening ceremony .. in the dark with automtions which didn't work as far as I could see on morning re-running whilst having breakfast in the hotel!!!
  6. Haven't played that for years!
  7. Dear Chessie, I know you have been though the mill, and I sympathise, and hope that you are beginning to come out of the nightmare now. I've been trying to tell this to my OH for some time - a cancer diagnosis concentrates the mind particularly well - even when the outcome is as you'd hoped, and with your permission .. I'm going to take this on board. And ALBF, your comments too make interesing reading .. I'm adding that to my pile of information too.
  8. Exactly my thoughts Menthe! Better things to worry about, espcially not being able to affect the vote at all with not vote! In fact, I'd almost forgotten about it today until I was parking my car for (English speaking) church, and realised. We use the car park of the hall (with permission of course) where the vote was taking place!
  9. Judith

    ALD questions

    There is a list of what illnesses are "allowed" for an ALD. I once had a copy, but it is available if you want to search for it. Your GP will ask for one if it is appropriate. They are usually for conditions needing life long medication, but not all such illnesses are in fact covered eg high blood pressure, thyroid meds, most usually needing lifelong medication .. don't ask me how they decide what is an what is not ..
  10. To the best of my inadequate knowledge pork and chicken should always be cooked right through. Beef is as Lehaut says, except that mince should also be cooked properly. But living in a household where OH won't eat any meat underdone, everything always très bien cuit, no matter what the chef thinks, it's never been a problem for me!
  11. Thanks Dave, that explains it. I'n pre-Brexit, so as I thought, I'm still covered! I've only had to us it once, when I rang out of tablets, but it's nice to kow! Phew!
  12. I must say, that if you are not already over here and with a withdrawal card, I'd give serious re-consideration to your plans. For one thing, what is your French like, many regions have similar problems to the UK, and the healthcare, though usually excellent, can be very patchy as Lori has said. Very few medical people speak much if any English still one in teh country and outside very large towns and cities. For your situation though, whilst there is improving assistance for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, that again is patchy, and the number of residential homes with special facilites limited. As the disease progresses language could well become more problematic too. Since Brexit, there are many more considerations to take into account, some of which have been outlined above, and though on the whole we all hope for better weather than in the UK, it cannot be guranteed, as you must know as you have lived here before. As others have said, the grass is not always greener ..
  13. "Thirdly, you should know that, if you receive an S1 from the UK govt. it no longer gives you the right to treatment from the NHS. You would have to apply for an EHIC to cover emergency treatment should you wish to visit your family in the UK. " NormanH - are you sure about this? I am pretty positive that at least for pensioners living here and whose healthcare is ultimately paid for by an S1, making the UK their competent state, NHS care is free. At least it was the last time I looked into it.
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