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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by fulcrum

  1. [quote user="Forum Admin"]Hi, It's linking to: http://f3.yahoofs.com/users/41b1a39fze4eda1a0/8dc0/__sr_/e81dre2.jpg?phI8GbEBcXT9sixs and there is no image located there. [/quote] When I copy and paste the link I get this address which is different to the one above. So maybe some people are getting a different link address to others. http://f3.yahoofs.com/users/41b1a39fze4eda1a0/8dc0/__sr_/45dare2.jpg?phgLcbEBt8z8iZOS Weird huh! Maybe the browser you use interprets the link code differently. Internet Explorer versus Firefox for example. I'm using Firefox but I'll try IE.
  2. I purchased this at a vide grenier for a couple of euros as I liked the look of it. Does anyone know what it might be. http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i172/unowaroona/Loopleftside.jpg http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i172/unowaroona/Looprightside.jpg The internal diameter if the ring is approximately 4cm and the loop thickness is 5mm through to 2.5cm at the end that has been attached to a wooden shaft or pole at some time. You will note that the left view of the loop shows some wear at the bottom edge as if something, passing through the loop, has been chaffing away at it during it's lifetime.
  3. << We have some South African friends who would like to come and stay with us during their holidays . They are UK residents with permanent residency permits . They have been advised that it is lots of paperwork and awkward for them to visit France . They have also been told that they would be unpopular !? >> So my point is why should they have a problem if they have permanent residency permits. Even if you are a proper UK citizen you dont have the right to live in France for ever so why can't some Soud Afriques come her on a holiday? As I said previously. This is a load of bolox.
  4. This is all BS. South Africans have been the butt of many jokes but this is all too much. What is different from your average English person. I would be tempted to give a two fingured salute. Why dont they just apply for a UK passport and travel on that? What a load of bolox.
  5. Body language is more important than oral ability. You will find that if you try to speak a few words with a bit of humility you will find that most French are OK and will even try to speak a bit of English. Always remember to smile.
  6. [quote user="captain25"]This the breakdown of the costs euro's   7.000 deposit 63.000 vendor 4.700 agency. 5300notaire. 15.000 cash vendor Total 95.000 See what you think, the 15.000 cash is the usual fiddle inheritance tax i suspect [/quote] Captain That sort of thing could get you cashiered
  7. [quote user="MichaelKing"]I think that the real reason is, as stated, to keep the plane balanced. Anyone who has been involved with aircraft loading will know that there is a very technical job of 'Loadmaster'. It actually carries officer rank in the RAF. MK [/quote] I was thinking of Master Air Load Master. But it is certainly important to spread the weight correctly around the airframe when you take off and land.
  8. As my French is not good I thought I'd pass Mimi's post through the BabelFish translator. This is what it came up with . << If somebody owes something of nice A somebody, it is well Europe and this A all Canadian and the americains which have gives their blood, our uncles and our fathers, any Ca so that these same European, always and still the feet in the same boot, which seeks only the black bete among these people who have at least enough heart to be carried out a country a truth, a plain country! It is or your Europe? It will never go nowhere because all these inhabitants too are occupy has denigrer the ones the others! And what makes them sweat is not to be able to be linked to be strong, more extremely! And Ca Ca must make smile many americains and has tous.les.jours! Go small countries, are happy in your small houses, that your royaute is enriched more and more by your work by tous.les.jours, you do not beat for a green chart, we include/understand what it is laugh force sometimes!! To the wise hello! >> Has anyone any experience of other software translators?
  9. [quote user="crépuscule"]I have made up a table of ALT key combinations to make it easier to type in French special characters e.g. ALT+130 = é. I have included ALT+148 = ö and ALT+129 = ü but, on second thoughts, I don't think there are any French words that contain these characters. Can anyone confirm this or suggest words that do have these characters? [/quote] I like the idea of making up a table because I can never remember the ALT characters. However because I'm lazy I went to look on the web and found this site. I hope it saves you a bit of time. http://www.starr.net/is/type/altnum.htm It should also be pointed out these combinations only work if you use the number pad at the right of the keyboard and not the numbers along the top.
  10. On a visit to my notaire one day. She told me that of course English people should learn French but at the same time French people should make an effort to learn English. After all we all now live in Europe and it doesn't really matter which language is used for things european as they are both quoted on most European documentation I personally make an effort to speak French whenever I can when in France but lets be realistic. There is no way your average English person (me included)  is going to be able to master French legalese no matter how good their French may be. It's difficult enough trying to understand English legalese.
  11. There must be a Cypriot cheese manufacturer who could be contacted to find out if it's sold here. I found this website. http://www.halloumicheese.com/
  12. [quote user="Woollywraps"]Probably a long shot but has anyone seen Halloumi Cheese in France? Thanks :)[/quote] No. I have seen lots of Feta but not halloumi. I used to love it raw or fried.
  13. [quote user="Tresco"]Yes Gay, that's spot on, and  it is very variable. Today one post I made in 'gardening' appeared quite quickly after maybe 30 seconds,  but another in the same section took 12 minutes to appear.     [/quote] This forum seems to act quite strangely when compared to some other forums I have used. It does seem as if the software and/or hardware is not up to the job.
  14. [quote user="Albert the infopikey"]Tag wrote the following post at 06/02/2006 19:01: > I once wrote a children's short story for an American magazine competition entitles " Billy the Beaver". Cant think why I didn't win! And back in the sixties the UKCatholic Truth Society published a children's book called 'S h a g the pony, and other stories', honest!   Is Scunthorpe still on the blacklist? [/quote] THAT does not surprise me.[;)]
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