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Everything posted by fulcrum

  1. I seem to remember an old calculator that looked a bit like that.
  2. OK. I'll have a guess. It's a magnetic drum storage unit.
  3. You must have an earth connection. Even if it means connecting an earth cable to the exterior of the amp. This will ensure that if anything comes adrift inside the amp that may be dangerous to you. Then the earth lead will ensure the fuse or breaker trips. In terms of power consumption. A 40watt amp consumes as much power as a 40 to 60watt light bulb. You are right about the high voltages inside. Probably around 600volts DC and very bad for your cardiac system.
  4. [quote user="Miki"] Inspiration of the head..................................... [/quote] Could be a naval term.[8-)]
  5. I've now tried the Capital letters test and scored 55.56%. I knew about the dates and I guessed the Companies. It's a very good site for practicing as it explains the rules as well. However I'm not sure I fully understand the explainations.[8-)]
  6. Missy You are much better than I am. My score was 26.7% on the first item. I was guessing.
  7. One of the more worrying things is that the safety instructions sometimes don't appear in English.
  8. Thank you  to Judith but I wondered if anyone else could translate this following sentence for me. Le “Vendeur” n’est tenu que du seul trouble d’eviction. I have passed it through Babel Fish and also Im Translator but they seem to provide two confusingly different translations. Babel Fish = The "Salesman" is held only of the only supplanting disorder. Im Translator = The "Seller" is kept only of the only confusion of eviction.
  9. How staggering. I do recognise a lot of the cars and I did own a Chevrolet Master (Deluxe) about 40 years ago. It was 27 years old then.
  10. I always say "vous avez le numero trompez". I know it's maybe complete b***x but they understand that I'm an etranger. They always sound friendly and polite.
  11. Could someone kindly translate the following sentence for me. Le “Vendeur” n’est tenu que du seul trouble d’eviction. I have passed it through Babel Fish and also Im Translator but they seem to provide two confusingly different translations. Babel Fish = The "Salesman" is held only of the only supplanting disorder. Im Translator = The "Seller" is kept only of the only confusion of eviction. Edit:  Changed subject: title.
  12. I watched an interesting program last night on Trevor McDonald ITV1. It was about the misunderstanding of health cover in the EU by British people moving to Spain. Did anyone else see it? Presuming that the same rules apply here in France. I wonder how many British people here may be under the same misunderstanding. http://www.itv.com/news/tonight_73391144b0e3e18ad35fe8b3c0f4b789.html
  13. [quote user="KathyC"] Personally I'd like to see them learning English properly! Joking apart, if you have a proper grasp of the grammatical structures of your own language and some understanding of the derivation of  vocabulary it can facilitate the learning of foreign languages at any stage in the future. [/quote] This is so true. Although I was born in England I once attended a year long (one evening a week) modern Greek course. This was before I had achieved any qualification in English. My English spelling was good but my grammar was lacking. The teacher was constantly referring to the various structures in English, the proper names of which I had no clue, and other people on the course had to explain them to me. Anyway my Greek became OK and I then went on to get a qualification in English.
  14. [quote user="Blitzen"]Well, it seems to me this is the delight of this kind of forum.  This kind of open ended question gives a wide range of scope, and I would rather define some of the 'petty bickering' as 'good-natured banter'.  [:D] [/quote] Ok. Point taken. Good natured banter it is then [:)] [:D] [8-)] [;-)]
  15. Do French expat forums have the kind of petty bickering that we sometimes have on this forum. A good example is this thread of "We are in France so we must speak French... why?" If anyone knows of any. I would love to read the messages.
  16. [quote user="Lori"]Zak - that Artpad site is really neat... [/quote] I think so too. I have a Wacom pad and pen but the Artpad software is really fast and easy to use. Edit: I forgot to mention the Wacom package I use is something called ArtRage.
  17. I went through this whole process about six months ago. I did contact the Mairie and my local water company Veolia. They both said that the house is my domain and therefore they didn't have any rules for the way I connected up to the main sewer box in the street outside. How strange. I did consult a lot of water companies websites for information and found some do have rules depending on region. I have now completed my works and everything is working as expected. As Val says. I would go to your mairie first to see what they advise. One part of the complete works will be to fill in the fosse to ensure it can't be used again.
  18. We did redirection from UK about four years ago and it was very good. Nothing went missing, that we knew of..
  19. [quote user="Will "]I suppose I enjoy TV now because I never really saw any until I was about 16, living in the sort of rural and poor part of England that survives in some areas of France, though the French have TVs whatever other comforts they lack. I can relate to the 'excluded' word, when all my school mates were talking about Juke Box Jury, Six Five Special, Quatermass, and a brand new scary thing called Doctor Who, I hadn't a clue, other than what I managed to get from a sneak peek at the TV Times outside a friend's house (wasn't allowed in from what I remember) on the way home from cubs. The good(?) old days? [/quote] I was 14 when my parents purchased their first television in 1962. So I can relate to what you have said. Here in France, about four years ago, we started off by watching French TV only but found that the language didn't enable us to get real value out of the programs. After a year of trying we installed a digibox and now mainly watch UK TV with the odd French program. The French TV did give us a kick start at understanding the language but I feel that is just as important to maintain a link to English and the UK.
  20. Holiday Inn in London has quite good locations and rates.
  21. [quote user="stumpy"]getting 3 points and £60 fine for not applying my handbrake at a stop sign . [/quote] That is news to me too. A queue of car stopping at a stop sign have to apply their handbrakes?
  22. fulcrum

    IQ test

    124. Word Warrior.
  23. I thought this might be helpful to those of you who don't get replies to your correspondence. I had been having problems of getting replies to my letters, emails or faxes but suddenly remembered that in the UK we generally put R.S.V.P. at the end of wedding and party invitations etc. I thought I would try it today on a fax to my notaire. I sent the fax this morning and received a reply by phone call this afternoon. So there you go. Give it a try and it may work for you..
  24. [quote user="WJT"]Fulcrum, it is good to hear you are happy with it. Once I finish the Michel Thomas advanced French, I think I will give Rocket French a try as well. Must admit the name does appeal [:)]. Thanks for being the forum guinea pig. [:D] [/quote] A guinea pig on this forum is probably the safest thing to be right now.
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