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Everything posted by powerdesal

  1. UK supermarket policies on selling over the counter drugs has reached a ridiculous situation. TESCO will only allow purchase of two packets of (say) paracetamol or aspirin and when asked why claim ''it is the Law'' - it isn't. It's the store policy. When the real law was pointed out to them by a Medical Professional they still maintained their position. You can't blame the check out operator, their job depends on following company policy.
  2. Where on earth do French Pharmacies get their prices from ? Anti-histamine: E5.50 for 7 tablets in France vs £1.00 for 14 tablets in Tesco UK. Same drug, same strength. ??????????????????????????????????????
  3. Our local garage, supplier of propane and butane cylinder refills, charge approx E 22.95 for propane, more for butane.
  4. I totally agree Ernie, we got the data back and a new laptop is arriving next week.
  5. An update in case anyone has similar problems in the future :- Got a 'PC repair' disc from e bay (uk), booted up the laptop as per the instructions, it uses a 'mini' version of XP to do that. Accessed the files we wanted, downloaded to a usb stick. Then initiated repair, it found 4617 bad sectors and repaired them Finally restarted the crashed laptop and during start up accessed the Acer partition ( alt + F10 ) and initiated restore to factory settings, ie original vista installation only, all data / installed programmes removed. The laptop is now running as per original.
  6. Paul, Very interesting and probably understandable but....... We only have two laptops, mine is good, running Win 7, SWMBO has a dead Acer laptop running Vista ( or did !!! ). The dead laptop has all the financial data on money files etc. That's the data we are interested in recovering. It covers all this year and, unfortunately, cannot be duplicated any other way. Yes - we really should have backed it up to an external store but we didn't. We will next time.
  7. PaulT, ''You do not need a box - just plug it in to a spare power lead and HDD lead inside the PC'' Pardon my 'igorance' but I would really appreciate a simple Engineers guide to how I can do that. ps Mechanical Engineer. :-)
  8. I (we ) need some advice. Mrs PDs laptop has died. It's an Acer Aspire which will not boot up. It asks if 'automatic repair' is required and eventually indicates that the registry is corrupted. The first thought was to use the recovery discs, unfortunately they appear to be lost in the move from Sharjah to France a few years ago. The main problem is that we really need the data from the computer - yes, I know we should have backed it up but we didn't. The question is - if we remove the hard drive and convert it to an external hard drive will we be able to read the data, given that the registry is corrupted on the vista OS. Any ideas will be more than welcome.
  9. '' I've been using forums long enough to know that everybody is an expert on everything '' I guess that 'everybody' includes you, therefore you also think you are an expert on everything - correct ????????
  10. '' but still found the lawn totally carpeted with apples this morning - collecting apples, preparing them, freezing slices, making apples pies etc will now fill my day '' 12 lbs of windfalls collected this morning, now converted to 2 gallons of apple wine, festering in the buckets, to go with the previous 4 gallons already made.
  11. As long as all your circuits are on the same phase the plug in booster units will work. The layout of the 'fuse box' is immaterial. If you have a 3 phase power supply then it's a different situation.
  12. 08.19 Monday - Normandy. Last night was a real hooley. Very strong winds, sounded like an express train coming straight at you. I've experienced some pretty bad weather in various places around the World in my time but have never heard wind like that before.
  13. Blue Tits are resident birds, they do not migrate
  14. monsieur macon, what is your recommended mix ratio - by volume.
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2472672/Is-high-fat-diet-GOOD-heart-Doctors-say-carbs-damaging-arteries-butter-cream.html I know it's the Mail but...........:-)
  16. An interesting comment Chancer, the ''eating the same amount of food'' bit. I am probably almost as active now as I have ever been but in a different range of exercise, both my wife and I are surprised at how our portion sizes have decreased over the years. Presumably I burn the same calories as I did (say) 15 years ago but I am eating half the amount of food. I always had a very healthy appetite but now I would be totally over-faced by the amount that used to be a normal meal. My theory (tongue in cheek ) is that as you get older your body becomes more efficient and hence requires less fuel for the same output. !!!!!!!!!!
  17. Sweet17, I agree that exercise has it's place but.....prior to my heart op I had been extremely active for years, I was scuba diving regularly, working out in the gym three times a week for an hour each time, rowing etc. I even simulated a climb of Mt Everest which took me approx 22 hrs on a step machine. I still ended up with high cholesterol and its associated problems. Imho, exercise and sensible diet are the answer. ps. It's a bit of a wake up call when the stress test is stopped after 30 secs and you are told, in late November that you will be dead by Christmas !!!!!!!
  18. Not a poem related to WW1 but 'High Flight' does it for me.
  19. Patf, I too have had blocked arteries, a quad bypass with all 4 at 90+% blocked. After a year of statins and the need for ever increasing dose levels I researched the situation and adopted a high protein / low carb lifestyle. The result was a dramatic drop in cholesterol, no more statins, increased energy levels, substantial weight loss and a reduction in waist line size of approx 6 inches. That was approx 13 years ago and I still try to maintain that dietary style. My weight has, in that time, increased by less than 1 kg and I can still wear the same size trousers as then. It can be difficult affording a high protein diet in the present financial climate ( I previously lived in a low cost meat environment ) but so far so good. Each to his/her own, it works for me though.
  20. Patf, I must disagree totally with your statement. There is absolutely nothing wrong with cream, butter, fatty meat, cheese, eggs, food fried in (say) dripping or duck fat, also full cream milk is good for you. None of the above lead to high cholesterol. High levels of carbohydrates are the main cause.
  21. I can't see a problem there chancer, if it degreased the cylinder head it should also degrease the dishwasher internals - sounds like a good move. ps. We don't have a dishwasher, or at least not a machine type.
  22. So far we have removed about 40 m of leylandii hedge, it's a real b****er digging out the roots though.
  23. There is only one way of trimming Leylandii -chain saw at ground level. That will sort out the 'garden thug' permanently.
  24. ''"Enter by all means but offer something in return". I'm intrigued. How does this apply to retirees to France, Spain,Portugal? Yet by default, British "Expatriates" expect to be welcomed with open arms. In spite of their inability (in many,many cases) to either adapt or learn the language. Oh yes, right. They spend money. Yet most, within the pages of forums such as this one, can be heard rejoicing that moving to France has reduced their tax bill. So they're apparently not over-anxious to get stuck in and pay too much into the national coffers.'' I have seen ( I think ) a figure of some 300,000 British retirees being quoted as living in France - I may have this figure wrong. If correct, and assuming (reasonably I think) that each of those retirees injects Euro 10,000 per year into the French economy the net effect is E 3 billion /year. Those same retirees will also be having their medical costs paid to France by the UK Government. I just can't see any costs to France being incurred by those (so-called ) 'expats'. It doesn't actually matter if they are fluent in French or not. They contribute massively to the various local economies. The crux of the matter in the eyes of the UK 'man in the street' is how much to immigrants cost the UK taxpayer. They can't see any payback for the increase in population, the increase in NHS use, the increase in social housing problems and the ''apparent'' increase in crime.
  25. I wonder how many people (in UK particularly) think that 'Roma' is just a shortened version of 'Romanian', as 'Brit' is short for 'British'. I have worked with a fair number of Romanian Engineers (and Engineers of many other nationalities), they were excellent people, friendly, conscientious and good to work with. They were NOT Roma. In fact, they seemed to have the same opinion of Roma people as (say) the French do. Were / are they 'racist' - I can't say. They obviously knew far more about the Roma people than I do and I took their opinion on trust. There are of course some 'bad' Romanians, as there are 'bad' people of every Nationality in the World - including French and British. Q considers Nigel Farrage to be a lying idiot, that's his opinion and he is perfectly entitled to think it and say it. I, however, do not agree, as is my right also.
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