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Everything posted by Cassis

  1. Could someone let me out, please?   I'm still under the stairs.
  2. A man bought a donkey from a priest. The priest told the man that the only way to make the donkey go, being a religious donkey, was to say "Hallelujah!"  The only way to make the donkey stop was to say "Amen!" The man got on the animal to try out the priest's instructions. "Hallelujah!" shouted the man. The donkey began to trot. "Amen!" shouted the man. The donkey stopped immediately. "This is great!" said the man. With a "Hallelujah" he rode off. The man traveled for hours through the mountains.  As he approached the edge of a cliff, he tried to remember the word to make the donkey stop. "Jesus!" said the man. "Allah!" he cried. The donkey just kept going. "Bible!...Church!...Temple! ... Please! ...Stop!" shouted the man. The donkey was getting closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. Finally, in desperation, the man said a prayer..."Please, dear Lord. Please make this donkey stop before I go off the cliff. In Jesus name, AMEN." The donkey came to a stop one step from the edge of the cliff. "HALLELUJAH!" shouted the man.
  3. [quote user="ErnieY"] But then I like tripe & onions to.....can you get that in France.....? [/quote] You can certainly get the tripes round here - euuuccchhh!  It is traditionally cooked in wine (Muscadet by preference) or cider but that does not tempt me - sorry!
  4. [quote user="Just Katie "]I wish I could do anything that involved two hands at the moment.[:(] [/quote] Drinking two glasses of scotch simultaneously?
  5. [quote user="Gary aka Bugbear"]Well, thanks to the donkeys,  I have something to do today. How do they manage to remove the staples from the wire and posts around the field ? When I hammer new ones in they take quite a lot of effort, but the 'girls' seem to be able to remove them with ease. [/quote] Probably pushing their bums against the wire.  Try wrapping the wire round the posts as well as stapling it.
  6. Glass of whisky and a good book?  I see "Perfume" is in the news as they've made a film out of it - an excellent book by Patrick Süskind. 
  7. That's a very kind offer, Chris.  [:)]  How about some of that mulled wine to wash them down?  How did it go?
  8. Damn - never thought of re-registering.  Too late now - I'm going to plough on as myself.  Sorry to disappoint. [:(]
  9. So does this snowman. [IMG]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i26/cassiscassis/complete/xmas-dancing20snowman.gif[/IMG]
  10. Used to take me at least an hour, more often an hour and a half, door-to-door from Bromley Common to my office in EC2. These commuting times from France to London that you see bandied about in magazines never seem to take into account how long it takes you to get to and from stations, etc. The time on the train/plane/spacecraft is often only the half of it (or less).
  11. Ah yes, Sinead Cusack.  She was a very attractive actress, though I didn't understand what she was saying most of the time.  I think she was in something by Shakespeare when I saw her, which would explain my problem.
  12. Weird.  I didn't even know I could read Welsh, yet I can read your posts just like they are in English.  Or is this not your first language you're writing in?  I can't tell, to be honest.  Whatever, it's a lot better than most.  English was Joseph Conrad's third language yet he wrote a few half decent books in English (though he's not considered PC these days).
  13. Aah, hadawayanshite. Ah divvent reyt leyk ah speek, man.
  14. I looked but it's buried too deeply.  Maybe the best thing for it.
  15. That's because people called Neil are often weird.
  16. Sprouts are great if you like them but not if you don't. [quote user="Gary Bugbear"]It does contradict because it's 'efficiency', why I know not..................where's Dick ?[/quote] "i" before "e" when the sound is "ee" except after "c". Not sure where that leaves "weird" - it is is strange werd. [:)]
  17. Price of water varies from region to region and sewerage charges depend whether you are on mains drains.
  18. It would keep Gay out of mischief. I would not mind trawling for links and gathering them together for the mods to check out - that would be one less task for them.
  19. I recently proposed what I thought was a pretty useful link for standard letter writing in French.  Looking around this place, I see there are loads of useful links on this forum, some of them are even in this "Useful Links" section. [:P] However, some of them are duplicated (not always obvious), most are hard to find and some are 'dead'.  Plus if you were looking for info on, say, letter writing you would probably look in the French Language forum rather than here. What do members think about having links relevant to each forum included in one LOCKED message on each forum, at the top with the FAQ?  Anyone with a suggestion for a good link could propose it so it can be checked by mods/admin before it is added.  The reason I suggest having the "links" message locked and additions screened is so that links are not added willy-nilly (to avoid duplication, ads, rubbish) and so it doesn't get clogged with supplemental posts, thank you's etc. I know it's more work for someone in admin/mods ... [Www]
  20. A lot of Leclercs do heating oil and deliver within a couple of days - try ringing the one at Mayenne or St Hilaire de Harcouet. http://www.e-leclerc.com/mayenne/votre+magasin/infos+pratiques/default.asp http://www.e-leclerc.com/st-hilaire/default.asp
  21. Remarkable!  So, was it a deliberate set up or a cock up by senior command? Don't blame the poor beggars in the scene, anyway - at least they managed not to shoot each other.
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