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Everything posted by BJSLIV

  1. Its all on their website So if you take a typical return cost of £250 including cabins that would earn 2500 points. An off peak return needs 8500 points plus 7500 points for the cabin (one day 7 one night) so that means one free trip for every six/seven paid.
  2. Before Le General threw them out, there was a major US base in this area. When they left the bases were taken over by the French. I think the circles are either abandonned military structures, or even installations which have been airbrushed to disguise current usage. On Google you can see a major camp not too far north of Retjons with impressive outer fencing which itself has some circles within it.
  3. the pro's are happy enough to tow the line I suppose they don't have much of an alternative. At present it's drag hunting or nowt!
  4. Actually its the Wednesday of the second week of January........Subtle Difference Selon Christine Lagarde, les dates des soldes saisonniers étaient désormais « établies » et fixées au « 2ième mercredi de l’année pour les soldes d’hiver (plus précisément le mercredi de la deuxième semaine de l’année) et au 3ième mercredi du mois de juin » pour les soldes d’été. Ce qui signifie que la date des soldes d’été 2009 est fixée au mercredi 17 juin.  
  5. The cheapest would be as a  second class (Economique ) leter for 7 Euros. prioritaire would be 11 Euros. See http://www.laposte.fr/IMG/pdf/Tarifs_au_depart_de_France_Metropolitaine_a_compter_1er_mars_2008.pdf?espace=particulier Parcels are more expensive, but 32Euros just doesn't seem right.  
  6. According to the law to gain any level of official star rating you must have a phone in the room. Two star upwards it must be connected to the outside world. http://www.landes.cci.fr/upload/tourisme/pdf/hotel_normes.pdf Back In 1986 I suppose it made sense, less so now perhaps.    
  7. Looks like a clever fast food mix of trad French and Spudulike http://www.lapataterie.com/  
  8. I also think that an entrepeneur and his friends and family that have been responsible for bringing the cross channel prices down to a realistic level and breaking for at least 4 years the cartel that charged 15 times more for a single ticket than a return are more deserving than rewarding the fat-cat "bankers".   It looks to more be more the case that Speedferries were operating at unrealistically low prices, hence their current financial problems. I suspect that the game plan was to come in low with the "Fight the Pirates" brand and gradually increase prices  to more realistic levels. Unfortunately the response from the larger players , and their inability to source a cheap second craft,  seriously restricted the opportunity to increase revenues. I'm sure many people travelled with them to support "The cause" whilst wishing that the service had been just a little bit better.
  9. Should be something here to help you http://pagesperso-orange.fr/florent.brisou/Lignes.htm  
  10. I assume that they now have a double funding problem. Clearly the port decided to cut their losses whilst there was some a chance of there being some value left in the business, ie Speedferry One. The timing of the Speedferry  Bulk Ticket offers, usually in the Autumn, has long suggested that it was a means of funding working capital during the off-peak season. The reports of the slow payments to creditors and the increased frequency of bulk offers during the peak season would seem to indicate an ongoing deterioration of their cash position. Even if they were able to resume today, how many people would be prepared to buy further bulk tickets in the immediate future?  Hence they need money to clear existing debts and a new injection of working capital. Anyone got any spare cash to invest in a business who's USP of "Cheap and cheerful" , will have to be modified to "Not quite so cheap".
  11. Looks like they are intending to move the jobs to Switzerland and Germany. So provided there are no unforeseen problems I suppose it will be business as usual..
  12. More a resumption of service. However in the current climate I suppose that  any route that returns after the winter break almost qualifies as new. In which case  I'm  hoping that there will be a new Speedferry service from Dover to Boulogne.  
  13. If you are resident and self employed in the UK,  Class 2 and 4 contributions are not optional,  they are compulsory even if you have already earned the right to  full pension.
  14. No difference. The only opt out is from the voluntary contributions if you aren't working.
  15. If you are working in the UK you have no choice, the deductions are compulsory and will be taken automatically. If you are not working and are paying voluntary contributions cancel your payment immediately.
  16. It looks as though travel to and from Dover will be getting more expensive. http://www.speedferries.com/ Arrest of SpeedOne by the Port Authorities in Boulogne Yesterday afternoon, shortly after 17:00 UK time, the Port authorities of Boulogne arrested SpeedFerries’ SpeedOne during its turnaround. The arrest was made on the basis of SpeedFerries Limited’s debts to the port in relation to port dues and taxes. The arrest was totally unexpected, as the authorities had given written confirmation that no legal steps would be taken prior to a meeting planned for 10:00 today. At this meeting SpeedFerries in consultation with its bankers and financial advisors, were to present a proposal for a resolution of the issues relating to outstanding dues and taxes, as well as disputes with the Port regarding: A) Substantial counterclaims towards the Port which have been entirely ignored by the French authorities, and B) Serious competition and discriminatory issues in relation to the Port’s dealings with a French ferry operator preparing to start-up a Dover-Boulogne service. The authorities informed the SpeedFerries staff on site that the arrest was carried out despite the written agreement, as “this would strengthen the negotiating position of the Port against SpeedFerries”. As the actions of the Boulogne Port authorities are now proven to be unpredictable and inconsistent with their given guarantees, SpeedFerries finds itself in a position where it is unable to inform its customers, employees or business partners, of a firm date for the resumption of services. The company deeply regrets this situation and asks everyone affected to accept our sincere apologies. Further statements will be issued when more information of substance becomes available SpeedFerries Limited Curt Stavis Chief Executive Officer
  17. You can exchange but they will charge the difference between new price and what you paid, plus  £28/€35 per person per flight handling charge. Hence the previous comment that its usually not worth the effort! Which of course is the idea!
  18. I'm sure that the terraces that require permission are those that are an integral part of the building. I'm not convinced that a simple paved area, flush with the lawn, requires an OK from the Mairie even in France. My view seems to be supported by many references on French DIY and like sites. One example........... http://limousin-poitou-charentes.france3.fr/emissions/c-est-mieux-le-matin/rubriques/ma-maison-mon-jardin/43505659-fr.php
  19. Forcast for Poitiers on THIS site for next week Don't worry the forecast will soon be removed, they don't allow bad news over there! I've certainly never seen cold weather, never mind snow, mentioned on A Place in The Sun. It would interrupt the ubiquitous "Glass of wine on the terrace".
  20. For anyone doing the Poitier Alencon Dover/Boulogne run is concerned, the obvious choice is to top up as you transit Rouen. Whichever route you choose there are plenty of cheap refuelling options. On the West and Central routes there are Esso Express self service stations, which now take UK cards. If you prefer the Eastern route then a visit to Carrefour is available.
  21. washing soda and aluminium might not be a good idea. Stick with the Bio washing powder previously suggested.
  22. The OP wrote For financial reasons (in order to get a grant as we overshot grandly our budget!) we've had to join GdF Anyway, the normal rule seems to be that if you take their money you have to remain a member for 10 years, otherwise you have to repay the grant.
  23. There is little you can do about it. You agreed to their conditions when you accepted their money. You have a choice; Remove the links or return their money. You will have to do an urgent  cost benefit analysis as to whether the cash in hand is worth more than the lost cash flow from "other" agencies.  
  24. I suppose we could also include the details from last night's Channel 4 programme which exposed the dubious source's from which Dave's funding is being supplied. These include Life Peers who failed to keep their residence promises, convicted fraudsters etc etc. http://www.channel4.com/news/articles/dispatches/camerons+money+men/2471062 Oh and I assume Ernie will be handing over the £50,000 per year contribution which you need to ensure regular meetings with Dave.
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