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Everything posted by BJSLIV

  1. Removing road signs, traffic lights, stop signs etc is the latest thing in traffic planning. A town in Holland has removed the lot, including pedestrian crossings. The idea is that by giving a feeling of insecurity, eevryone takes more care, slows down, hence less accidents. It seems to work too! It gets covered on both French and UK TV from time to time. So perhaps Priorite a Droit will be able to make a real comeback as part of this new movement. This gives a flavour of things to come, and its cheaper than speed camera. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.12/traffic.html
  2. Iceni, the programme was about about moving back, why do you automatically assume that moving back means failure ?, TU never mentioned failure.
  3. I wonder how the people who, earlier in the year,  were taking a stance against the "immoral" practice of charging more for high season are getting along?
  4. I think Rex the dog, star of the TV add, and most French gardeners would just blast it with Roundup , or Rundup as they say over here.    
  5. Strange isn't it? The many little things that add to the charm of France, that people frequently quote  when listing it's attractions , such as peaceful weekends, limited shopping on sundays etc etc, become "tomb like", out of date etc etc when they get in the way of My Life. The real charm of France is that in many areas there are still social norms and fa spirit of fraternite that govern the way daily life is carried out, which largely make the laws unecessary.However people know how much they can bend the rules without causing offence, but everyone knows those who are a nuisance! As the lady in the local Hotel des impots said to me, "We like having you English people here, but we cannot understand why you  do not want to obey our laws when you are here!" She was talking about planning matters, but I think it applies more widely.      
  6. The times quoted by Teamed up are virtually identical to our local rules. Though it is unlikely that anyone would enforce them rigidly for a one-off incident, it just isn't the done thing to work oustide the permitted hours. http://www.juri-logement.org/juri-logement/les_textes/CIRCULAIRES/avant2000/c_270296.htm Give the details and how they can be enforced. typically £300 fine and confiscation of the offending item. Some areas even extend the rules to  cover the use of bottle banks!  
  7. Presumably the bad news is , you then  pay 27% tax  in France instead.
  8. With one craft and a shoestring operation, Speedferries will never be able to give a comprehensive service. What they do offer is cheap and cheerful. If you are a clock-watching, deadline-driven , operating to tight schedules , forget them. If you feel that you want to be part of a new approach to budget travel, saving a few bob, then join the party! The really interesting point will come when they need to generate a decent return on investment , and provide an all-round service. Can it be done at their current price levels........?????? How much messing around will people put up with if prices need to rise????? Will the long awaited second craft ever arrive? because with a fleet of two or three crafts the service should improve, the gaps would become less obvious, but the overheads would start to rise.......    
  9. Is this Brittany Ferries building up their freight (only?) capacity post P&O?  
  10. The SMIC is a national figure. The two figures represent the effect of the employees contributions (23%) so though the employer pays just over 8 euros the employee only receives 6.80 euros. Also the employer would really pay 8 euros plus 40% for his social charges is over 11 euros per hour. There is no reduction in the charges by paying through the cheque emploi it is just a different  (simplified) way of paying. You are right in saying that a taxpayer can offset some of his expenditure against income tax, but there is no way of using this if you are not paying French income tax.        
  11. You learn something every day! But it still acts largely as a front-end to the individual company sites, and it's route planner offers less routing options than Michelin, though easier to use options in terms of fuel consumption.
  12. I don't know of a site with all the autoroutes, as they are run regional companies. However if you use http://www.viamichelin.co.uk to calculate a route it will automatically tell you the cost of any tolls.
  13. why is it that lance armstrong wins the yellow jersey every stage ? Because though he doesn't win any stages, cumulatively he is the fastest overall. He's not the fastest on the flat, he's not the fastest up the hills, but overall his the best of the lot. It's about not losing time. The guy who was in yellow one day was level with Lance a few miles from the end, but came in thirty minutes after him by the end, and was eliminated altogether the next day.
  14. the web site said October 2005 last year No,  I think you will find that it said December until very recently. I have been watching with great interest given the enforced changes to my travel habits towards  37 when Le Havre closes down.
  15. whose one commen aim .............etc etc If that is the educational level of those who have left, it presumably explains why the Government can so easily prove that things are getting better.
  16. One of the big UK drinks companies has offices in the same town as our English maison secondaire. It owns the Mumm and Perrier Jouet champagne brands, as well as Courvoisier cognac IE Allied Domecq, who  barring any unforeseen interventions will shortly be acquired by Pernod Ricard.................as their bid has been recommended by the All Dom board.  
  17. Did a trial basic search for "leclerc" and it found plenty for me without any problems. Mind you it did take 25 seconds!      
  18. http://www.transportdirect.info/TransportDirect/en/ This much derided travel planner my give you some ideas, depending on the time of day you would be arriving . It seems to take between 2 and three hours. On the other hand unless the family have other reasons, or a very restrictive ticket that doesn't allow changes, unless you are going to be massively late wouldn't it be easier for them to miss their booked ferry, and blame traffic delays? The rail part alone is going to cost at least £15, plus buses/taxis, and the ferry ticket.,........  
  19. According to the Bristol Airport website, the nearest options are Paris or The Channel Islands. Unfortunately British Airways seem to want about £300 for a single from Paris to Bristol booking for mid August.
  20. I think Johnny was a bit too occupied up in court over the last week or so, to be able to spend time bothering about performances or alleviating world poverty.  
  21. I will have to go and get Le Placard out of the cupboard   closet and give it a try.
  22. Translating Les Choristes You have to remember that many subtitled versions of French films are initially targetted at the US market. Hence  in American rather than English it translates as The Chorus. If you want some real amusement buy a DVD of Le Diner Des Cons and listen to the dubbed american soundtrack. But make sure you have your blood pressure tablets handy.  
  23. nanny state ? Oh I think the French State is far too interventionist to be considered as a mere nanny.
  24. Why 'coloured' clothes? I think the important bit is "light coloured". Vague memories of O level physics:  dark things absord heat , light things reflect. I think they should have perhaps said "light, light coloured"  ie thin and pale , just like me!
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