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Everything posted by BJSLIV

  1. I think they closed the French , and Portsmouth Call Centres moving everything to Dover. No doubt they will soon be moving it all to the Orient like most other Big companies. At least for them it would be in keeping with their name!
  2. I see in their latest catalogue that LM are advertising two AFNOR approved fence systems. The firsdt which is basically a grill works out at about 60 per metre panel, the rather nicer "glazed" system is 100 per metre.
  3. If you look here http://www.notaire-de-france.com You may find actual details for your area, in our area(37) it seems to be monday to friday but not saturday.
  4. It is often said that above ground pools are not covered by the new law, and this makes sense to exclude temporary and plastic pools. The statement from the ministry says that the law covers: "les piscines prives usage individuel ou collectif (cest--dire les piscines familiales ou rserves des rsidents, les piscines des centres et clubs de vacances, des htels, des gtes ruraux, des campings, etc.) de plein air, dont le bassin est enterr ou semi-enterr. Ne sont pas concernes :  les piscines situes dans un btiment  les piscines poses sur le sol, gonflables ou dmontables.  les tablissements de natation (piscines vises par la loi du 24 mai 1951), qui font lobjet dune surveillance par un matre sauveteur." Which does make it sound as though yours would be included as in effect your decking wcould be considered as ground level, and the water would then be partly below this level and it is in any case not "demontable" From your description you might get away with a self-locking gate to protect the entrance, though if as you say you have a very large decking area the walls might technically be too far away from the pool and hence you would need a secure zone closer to the pool perhaps an alarm. It all too complicated for me.
  5. You do not seem to have made things easy for yourselves as the tax return is the prime proof the house was your main residence. You clearly should have completed a return for last year to declare any income arising in the UK, even if no tax would have been payable. What about your Carte De Sejour ? that might help build your case.You would have needed that from say April 2003, at the end of your first three months. If you didn't apply for one your case might be considered to be even weaker. Have you been signed up to the health system?, obtained a Carte Vitale? Taken out Health Insurance ? All these might help.
  6. Sunday 9th May 22:45 the South Bank Show "As France and Britain celebrate 100 years of the Entente Cordiale, The South Bank Show crosses The Channel. Johnny Hallyday is a truly French phenomenon: the biggest rock star youve never heard of" Who said that British TV is dumbing down when it can still tackle difficult issues such as that. Next week The Meaning of Life.....
  7. With the state of the post being as it is, and EdF's (and all the other charges) quick off the mark surcharges for late payment it really is much safer to pay by direct debit.
  8. If you earn money (rent) in France then you declare it to the French authorities, no legal option to do otherwise. If you are still liable to prepare a UK form you then declare it again on there and will be given credit for any tax already paid in France.
  9. A bit more information: A Birmingham-based airline has gone into administration, putting more than 300 jobs at risk. Duo Airways Limited, which offered flights from Birmingham International Airport and Edinburgh Airport, only started operating in June. The company suspended all operations at 0001 BST on Saturday. People due to return to the UK with the airline, or who were scheduled to fly from Birmingham or Edinburgh, have been forced to make alternative arrangements. Duo said its customers were "unlikely" to be protected by Atol (Air Travel Organisers' Licensing), the scheme set up to protect the public from losing money or being stranded abroad when travel firms go bust. Customers requiring information should call the helpline number (UK) 0121 743 9090 for assistance. Full Story at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlands/3676381.stm
  10. The new airline Duo which took over on some BA flights from Birmingham has closed down today. Bad news for people who used it to fly to Lyon and Bordeaux.
  11. Some agents talk of a price FAI (Frais Agence Inclus) which means that the price they show includes the house and the agents fees but not the notaires fees. The notaires fees include all the fees, taxes and duties, and typicallly amount to 6% to 8% depending on the value and location of the property. Fortunately you will have already been made aware of these legal fees so you won't need to budget for any further costs. Some agents, especially agents aiming at non-french buyers,advertise an all inclusive price, which then includes the notaires fees , including stamp duties. Either way by this stage you will already be aware of all the purchase costs involved, so you won't be hit with any more costs than you have already budgeted for, until the repairs start......
  12. You may own your bit of land, but to be part of the community you will be expected to share it in the time honoured way. You will know you are on the road to integration when you are invited to join the hunters. Animal Rights supporters and vegetarians had best stick to the big cities.
  13. I suspect that technically you are correct. The rules say that it covers work "a votre domicile" and specifically excludes work connected with professional activities. Hence it might be hard to claim expenses paid through the scheme, as an expense against income received. Thats the theory, but there are probably plenty of people waiting to tell us how they have been using the cheques for years......
  14. I think the point is that the directive says that everybody earns holiday, but it does not specify when it can be taken. Hence people accrue holiday and either get the benefit of it in the following year or when they leave.
  15. I see that tonight ,for all fans of 70s French Pop, France 2 are looking back at the best of French pop over the last 40 years. More Clou Clou!
  16. A new film came out last week which looks quite funny as a sort of cash in on the myth.Instead of being a simple life of film, it's about a Clou Clou impersonator, which still gives scope to re run the somgs and dance routines..... Can't remember the name of the film though.
  17. As seems so often in France there is no provision for inspection visits in the legislation. I therfore assume that it would be a case of retrospective enforcement if any incident occured.
  18. As seems so often in France there is no provision for inspection visits in the legislation. I therfore assume that it would be a case of retrospective enforcement if any incident occured.
  19. I think pop.tiscali.fr and smtp.tiscali.fr are what you need
  20. Every year it gets some coverage on the TF1 news; either from the National Front, Animal Rights (I didn't know they existed in France!), or Public Health. All of whom can find their own reasons to object to ritual slaughter in semi-public places.
  21. See my post Pool News. Any solution fence or alarm must conform to the norms.
  22. See my post Pool News. Any solution fence or alarm must conform to the norms.
  23. As I was getting a bit fed up with the circular musings on this subject, I thought I would try and get a response direct from the horse's mouth. So to cut a long story short I tracked down a name on a French Website giving a name/contact at the Department D'Equipements for enquiries about the Pool Law. So in for a penny last night I sent an email in which I wrote: " Particular concerns are: 1 In which circumstances, if any, is an alarm acceptable as an alternative to a barrier/ fence. 2 Is it possible to build a fence by bricolage, or does one need an approved contractor (AFNOR approved). 3 Must the work be inspected by an approved body 4 Will there be regular / any inspection visits by officials: Repression des Fraudes, Gendarmes etc? 5 Is there any official guidance other than the AFNOR specification. Any help would be very much appreciated as at present the only information is from equipment suppliers who naturally recommend their solution whether it be barrier, cover or alarme." Much to my surprise I received a reply at 9:00 am this morning. I was particularly surprised that it was so speedy, given the low priority often given to emails in France. I had explained that my spoken and reading ability were higher than my written skills, hence I wasn't surpised to receive a reply in French. Anyway Bonjour, Comme suite votre message, voici quelques prcisions concernant l'application de la rglementation sur les piscines. Pour l'application dans le temps il convient de distinguer 3 cas: - les piscines nouvelles, ralises partir du 1er janvier 2004, doivent tre quipes d'un systme de prvention des noyades ds leur mise en eau; - les piscines existantes (ralises avant le 1er janvier 2004) doivent tre mise en conformit pour le 1er janvier 2006; - par exception ce 2me cas, pour les piscines existantes et dont l'habitation fait l'objet de location saisonnire, elles doivent tre quipes au 1er mai 2004; Ces dlais sont prciss par les textes rglementaires ci-joint: - la loi 2003-9 du 3 janvier 2003 parue au Journal Officiel du 4 janvier 2003; - le dcret 2003-1389 du 31 dcembre 2003 paru au Journal Officiel du 1er janvier 2004 - l'article 19 (uniquement, le reste du texte ne concerne pas les piscines) de la loi 2004-1 du 2 janvier 2004 paru au JO du 3 janvier 2004 (cet article a report la date d'application pour les locations saisonnires, du 1er janvier au 1er mai 2004) Concernant le systme installer, (UN SEUL systme suffit), il doit tre conforme des normes. Actuellement les seules normes existantes au sein de la Communaut Europenne + espace conomique sont les normes de l'Afnor dont les rfrences sont - NF P 90-306 (barrires) - NF P 90-307 (alarmes) - NF P 90-308 (couvertures) - NF P 90-309 (abris) Ces normes sont la proprit de l'Afnor, je ne peux donc malheureusement pas vous en adresser une copie. Elles sont payantes (environ 80 chaque norme), pour vous les procurer, vous devez contacter l'Afnor. Vous pouvez installer votre propre systme pourvu qu'il soit conforme la norme correspondante, nanmoins, en cas d'accident vous devrez apporter la preuve que votre systme tait parfaitement conforme la norme. Pour les produits fournis dans le commerce, le fabricant le fait tester par un laboratoire agr, ce dernier dlivre alors une attestation de conformit aux essais. Enfin, si la loi a prvu des sanctions en cas de non application des obligations, elle n'a pas prvu de contrle, c'est donc sous l'entire responsabilit du propritaire. J'espre avoir rpondu vos questions, et je vous joints galement un communiqu de presse de M. le Ministre de l'quipement que vous pouvez faire circuler auprs de vos compatriotes. Bruno XXXXXX Bureau de la qualit technique et de la prvention DGUHC Ministre de l'quipement, des Transports, du Logement, du Tourisme et de la Mer I think the key points in this are 1 You only need one system of alarm. 2 There are no inspections. 3 If you do it yourself , and there are any "problems" its down to you to prove that your security system met the norms......Though hopefully none of us will ever encounter fatalities in our pools, lesser problems could arise if booking agencies or insurance companies start asking for proof of conformity. So I hope this casts a bit more light into this murky area. PS The communique does not add a great deal , but if anyone wants it I can forward it to email addresses I don't think the LF boxes can handle word and PdF attachments.
  24. As I was getting a bit fed up with the circular musings on this subject, I thought I would try and get a response direct from the horse's mouth. So to cut a long story short I tracked down a name on a French Website giving a name/contact at the Department D'Equipements for enquiries about the Pool Law. So in for a penny last night I sent an email in which I wrote: " Particular concerns are: 1 In which circumstances, if any, is an alarm acceptable as an alternative to a barrier/ fence. 2 Is it possible to build a fence by bricolage, or does one need an approved contractor (AFNOR approved). 3 Must the work be inspected by an approved body 4 Will there be regular / any inspection visits by officials: Repression des Fraudes, Gendarmes etc? 5 Is there any official guidance other than the AFNOR specification. Any help would be very much appreciated as at present the only information is from equipment suppliers who naturally recommend their solution whether it be barrier, cover or alarme." Much to my surprise I received a reply at 9:00 am this morning. I was particularly surprised that it was so speedy, given the low priority often given to emails in France. I had explained that my spoken and reading ability were higher than my written skills, hence I wasn't surpised to receive a reply in French. Anyway Bonjour, Comme suite votre message, voici quelques prcisions concernant l'application de la rglementation sur les piscines. Pour l'application dans le temps il convient de distinguer 3 cas: - les piscines nouvelles, ralises partir du 1er janvier 2004, doivent tre quipes d'un systme de prvention des noyades ds leur mise en eau; - les piscines existantes (ralises avant le 1er janvier 2004) doivent tre mise en conformit pour le 1er janvier 2006; - par exception ce 2me cas, pour les piscines existantes et dont l'habitation fait l'objet de location saisonnire, elles doivent tre quipes au 1er mai 2004; Ces dlais sont prciss par les textes rglementaires ci-joint: - la loi 2003-9 du 3 janvier 2003 parue au Journal Officiel du 4 janvier 2003; - le dcret 2003-1389 du 31 dcembre 2003 paru au Journal Officiel du 1er janvier 2004 - l'article 19 (uniquement, le reste du texte ne concerne pas les piscines) de la loi 2004-1 du 2 janvier 2004 paru au JO du 3 janvier 2004 (cet article a report la date d'application pour les locations saisonnires, du 1er janvier au 1er mai 2004) Concernant le systme installer, (UN SEUL systme suffit), il doit tre conforme des normes. Actuellement les seules normes existantes au sein de la Communaut Europenne + espace conomique sont les normes de l'Afnor dont les rfrences sont - NF P 90-306 (barrires) - NF P 90-307 (alarmes) - NF P 90-308 (couvertures) - NF P 90-309 (abris) Ces normes sont la proprit de l'Afnor, je ne peux donc malheureusement pas vous en adresser une copie. Elles sont payantes (environ 80 chaque norme), pour vous les procurer, vous devez contacter l'Afnor. Vous pouvez installer votre propre systme pourvu qu'il soit conforme la norme correspondante, nanmoins, en cas d'accident vous devrez apporter la preuve que votre systme tait parfaitement conforme la norme. Pour les produits fournis dans le commerce, le fabricant le fait tester par un laboratoire agr, ce dernier dlivre alors une attestation de conformit aux essais. Enfin, si la loi a prvu des sanctions en cas de non application des obligations, elle n'a pas prvu de contrle, c'est donc sous l'entire responsabilit du propritaire. J'espre avoir rpondu vos questions, et je vous joints galement un communiqu de presse de M. le Ministre de l'quipement que vous pouvez faire circuler auprs de vos compatriotes. Bruno XXXXXX Bureau de la qualit technique et de la prvention DGUHC Ministre de l'quipement, des Transports, du Logement, du Tourisme et de la Mer I think the key points in this are 1 You only need one system of alarm. 2 There are no inspections. 3 If you do it yourself , and there are any "problems" its down to you to prove that your security system met the norms......Though hopefully none of us will ever encounter fatalities in our pools, lesser problems could arise if booking agencies or insurance companies start asking for proof of conformity. So I hope this casts a bit more light into this murky area. PS The communique does not add a great deal , but if anyone wants it I can forward it to email addresses I don't think the LF boxes can handle word and PdF attachments.
  25. Yes and no! Yes - You get it installed and move it to France with you. However if you are intending to keep sky when you move you will need to think of the billing address in the UK for when you move. More importantly in your case if you go for one of sky's cheap installation offers you have to keep the box conected to the phone line for 12 months, if you don't they may come looking for the cost of the box and the installation. So if you really are moving this year you may have to go for a non-subsidised installation, which is probably 200+
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