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Everything posted by BJSLIV

  1. Presumably this stuff.... http://www.osmocote.com/ http://www.puteaux-sa.fr/835osmoc.htm Personally I would recommend glyphosate rather than a fertilizer.
  2. why not play around with www.viamichelin.fr  ?. It gives a pretty realistic estimation of driving times,  and toll costs, in normal conditions.
  3. Yes they are protected http://www.cpepesc.org/-Pourquoi-les-proteger-.html
  4. I won't have a word said against him.
  5. Le passage en stationnement payant sera effectif dès le début du mois d'octobre 2007
  6. http://www.aeroportlimoges.com/actualite_dev.php4?IdActualite=228 Basically 4 or 5 euros per day. So not too expensive.
  7. Why would both increase please? Because the taxes are applied to an assumed rental value of the property. So if you were going to rent out your house , the taxes should, in theory, increase by the same proportion as your rent would increase as a result of your improvements. You wouldn't expect much rent for a house in poor condition with no facilities, but now its modernised you would expect more. So you also pay more taxes. You can see on the bills how your value compares with the rest of your commune. Our little one up , one down cottage was rated at 50% of the average, our new-build 3 bed detached, gets hit for double the village average.         /
  8. Do they not have an upper level for Tax Foncieres? Afraid Not. Ours is €630 LESS than last year. Can you see why its changed? Is it the rental value of the property or the rate applied by one of the many taxing authorities? As for the rubbish, you can expect to receive a new bill from a separate refuse authority. Fortunately its unlikely to be for 630 Euros.
  9. As Clair has said its not only the size of the property that counts but also the quality. Adding things such as bathrooms, WCs, central heating will all give a disproportionate increase in the rental value/ tax base. Having more than one bathroom will almost certainly increase the valuation significantly. You say you have added / brought into service 470 sq feet. I don't know how much area you already had, but 470 is already a not insignificant space and if you have more than one bathroom and aren't totally off the beaten track 1100 euros could well be the going rate. The good news is that your Habitation will have increased by a similar proportion.  
  10. For a really memorable  meal they could try...... Relais de Bracieux  1 AVENUE DE CHAMBORD - 41250 BRACIEUX Téléphone : 02 54 46 41 22   Its about 5 miles from Chambord.    
  11. Pretty Little Black Eyed Susie By Guy Mitchell? I fear that it was very much played on Family and Children's Favourites
  12. as I said earlier in this thread Typically there are four trains per day direct from Lille to Bordeaux something like Lille                  Bordeaux                     Bordeaux         Lille 6:00                  11.56                           11:00               16:15 7:59                  13:04                           14:22               20:00 12:47                 18:00                           16:43               22:22 14:47                  20:00                           18:31               00:07 If anything its slower than changing in Paris. The timings also make it pretty difficult to do  much more than Home Counties to Bordeaux or return in one day.
  13. Typically there are four trains per day direct from Lille to Bordeaux something like Lille                  Bordeaux                     Bordeaux         Lille 6:00                  11.56                           11:00               16:15 7:59                  13:04                           14:22               20:00 12:47                 18:00                           16:43               22:22 14:47                  20:00                           18:31               00:07   If anything its slower than changing in Paris. The timings also make it pretty difficult to do  much more than Home Counties to Bordeaux or return in one day.
  14. Transmanche were set up by the Normandy regional council. Initially the ships were operated on their behalf by Corsica Ferries. After a tendering exercise the right to operate the ferries was won by LD Lines who took control earlier this year. LD are owned by one of the largest French shipping companies. The groups other claim to fame is that they own Neuf Telecom.  
  15. The new bridge in Rouen (Pont Flaubert) should make things easier getting through Rouen from Dieppe. Its due to open next year. The engineering looks certainly looks interesting, a very large vertical lift bridge.  http://www.abelard.org/france/pont_gustave_flaubert_rouen.php
  16. Our registered address is : Ryanair Head Office Dublin Airport Co Dublin Ireland But I wouldn't count on a speedy reply if it was something urgent.
  17. Most of the Ferry companies and Dover port have posted warnings. The last time around they had bins at the French ports to collect banned items and random searches. http://www.doverport.co.uk/traffic.asp?skey=21&ckey=371 even http://www.speedferries.com/LatestTravelInfo.php Defra'a notification of the ban is here http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/diseases/fmd/public/index.htm#4 and the official flyer http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalh/diseases/fmd/pdf/fmd-flyer.pdf They even include chocolate bars in the prohibition!!!  
  18. Whilst I am a very strong Francophobe So if you dislike the French why do you choose to live here?
  19. For the winter its nothing via Poitiers and 3 times a week to La Rochelle.
  20. Can't help thinking that the person who boobed was the purchaser. The two solicitors tried to sort things out. Ernie's wife being a good type agreed. End of Story.    
  21. Have you or your agent been noting the reactions of potential buyers? If you haven't even been getting viewings it suggests that there is either a major problem with the locality or you have overpriced the property. I hope you haven't made the mistake of over improving , such that you have  priced yourself out of the local market. If you are relying on a sale to a UK buyer unless you have really unique property things are not going to get any easier as the credit squeeze tightens.  
  22. I think you will be out of luck. le syndicat mixte de l’aéroport de Limoges-Bellegarde a décidé la mise en stationnement payant de celui-ci en septembre. Presumably after the Rentree!
  23. Any white goods that you bring over will work in France. If they go wrong you may find it hard/impossible to get spares for some machines, even if the same brand is sold in France. Washing machines may take longer to do a wash cycle as most French houses only make provision for cold water connection, so they take longer to heat up the water. Electric Range cookers are hard to come by in France, as there is little demand for them. If you bring one over from the UK the problem of sourcing spare parts will apply. You will also have to increase the "strength" of your electricity supply which will probably increase your standing charge by a minimum of £100 per year, assuming that you don't live in an area where the power supply is restricted by the distribution network. There are members on here who have to live with a limited supply.  
  24. There are now stops both with  and without petrol/diesel  services on this route .
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