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  1. We are slowly getting more details then   There must be a website somewhere that details this but if there is I am certainly struggling to find it. I'm sure someone will see this topic soon enough that has all the answers.....
  2. I don't suppose you can recall what the proposed flight path was, where the airport was being planned to be situated, when the flights are intended to be up and running etc? This seems like pretty important info to me but I have been unable to find out anything about it on my searches so far.
  3. Hello all. I am sure I have heard that there is a new airport/flight route being planned for the Brive area. However, I have been unable to find any further information on this and am now concerned that I am in fact going mad. Does anyone have any information on this at all that they would be able to share to help re-assure me of my sanity once more?.......
  4. I've heard something similar and been trying to find out more info without much success. Have you discovered any more details at all since your last post? If anyone has any info on this I would love to hear it. Thanks!
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