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Everything posted by pouyade

  1. [quote user="Sprogster"]One of the reasons maybe that there are more 'silly' posts at the moment, is that there has been a substantive decline in new posters moving to France and asking for associated advice,[/quote]   When there were substantive discussions to be had, some  people reacted badly to those who held views opposing their own - whether I agreed on a particular issue or not, TeamedUp and Saligobay added value to the discussions; both were, of course, also able to be light-hearted. I feel capable of distinguishing between the two without others' censorship. Too much navel gazing going on around here for me, I'm afraid. Pouyade
  2. pouyade

    Soda water

    Have searched all over amd asked for it to no avail, I bring it over from UK - any family with cystitis sufferers within its ranks will understand!! Pouyade
  3. Thx. Very helpful start. Search underway! pouyade
  4. Thx. That is the firm who are local - I'm sure they are ok but have a reputation as very pricey. Doesn't seem to be any competition though! Pouyade
  5. Have wonderful stoves in France but does anyone have a recommendation for a supplier and installer of wood-burning stoves or inserts in UK?  I am having difficulty finding more than one who will cover the Maidenhead area. I am after a firm who will supply and fit. Have done the google thing! Many thanks in advance as ever, Pouyade
  6. Used Caen for first time at the beginning of June to go to Charente- Maritime, so via Tours. Easy route BUT sat nav wanted to send me via Rouen to get onto A28, not cutting through via Argentan etc. Luckily I ignored HIM!! Pouyade
  7. Being realtively tall  (5 9) for a gal, I struggle even in UK to get clothes proportionately sized, particularly tops long enough for my poor frame. In France, I find it even more difficult, easier in Holland and Germany. Any ideas for French suppliers? There must be some tall French women, somewhere, albeit I seem to tower many  French chaps in 17!!    Pouyade
  8. Can't remember how much we last paid, but chestnut, whilst excellent for heat, is very, very sparky. We only use it in the woodburners as we haven't time to watch it constantly on the open fires. The odd mix up has had us shooting after burning embers which have shot a metre from the open fire...................   Pouyade
  9. Queuing at Center Parcs to book some or other activity , only to find that the receptionist was a young man I had sacked a couple of months previously.............................
  10. As a child, whilst on holiday from Birmingham, I went with my parents up Snowdon on the railway. In the same carriage turned out to be my Dad's cousin whom he had not seen since he was a teenager! My secretary turned out to have been to the same senior school as me (150 miles away from where we both ended up working) albeit entering as I was in my final year. That's quite frighteming - what stories might there be to tell?! Pouyade
  11. I recently trawled through local and national firms, finding quite a few who were happy for the van to go abroad albeit at extra charge. The best for us was ‘1van1’ - £518 for 8 days/ 2 drivers for a hi-top lwb - they are a national firm. Also, there is a London firm (WVC or some such) who seemed ok but the nearest pick up to the west was Heathrow and so too far for us, but they had a number of other London pickup sites.  I can confirm that size does matter! The van we really wanted (Merc sprinter lwb) was classed as freight (over 6.5m) by tunnel and ferry and so crossings proved prohibitively expensive. We opted for a Renault Master instead. Pouyade
  12. See the thread 'Updating toll doofah details' which covers this. I had same problem and completed the change of details over the telephone using the number in the thread.  Sorry that I am inept and so unable to create an automatic link to this thread - perhaps a mod could? If not, just search for 'pouyade' and you will find it! Pouyade
  13. Apologies for the apparent laziness, but I have tried a search (or three!) and ended up with nothing. I seem to remember in discussions sometime ago that Dick mentioned the deterioration of photos kept on CDs. He suggested a portable hard drive as an alternative. I am just beginning (really!) this digital lark and wondered:   Is a memory stick classified as a type of hard drive or is it as vulnerable to deterioration as a CD?   If I buy a portable hard drive will it automatically compatible with my Dell PC or are there ‘types’?   Oh, and separately but as you’re paying attention, my daughter has a new macbook. She would like a mouse, are there specific ones for apple machines or are they all compatible?   Thanks for your help,     Pouyade
  14. Right. We went to Lille this last weekend, had a good time and enjoyed ourselves despite the teeming rain. We stayed in the Mercure Opera, whcih was very raesionable at £36.50 each incl breakfast.  I enjoyed mooching around the shops but the market itself was poor and very small. Sunday, the sun came out and we went on the wheel – super way to see the lovely architecture. Easy journey via tunnel (except for ‘rain stopped play’ M25!). Others in party want to return, but in the spring. I will be happy to, too, as long as I am allowed several trips to the ‘Chat Bleu’ choccie shop……………….   Pouyade
  15. pouyade


    [quote user="Frenchie"] I love the idea of heart shaped crêpes    ( pancakes are thicker) Merci !! [/quote] Not necessarily.................... rather like  'pudding', in English, pancake has a wide variety of uses both generic and specific. Including thin, thin 'crepes' and thick 'drop scones'. All depends. Pouyade
  16. pouyade


    [quote user="Frenchie"] I love the idea of heart shaped crêpes    ( pancakes are thicker) Merci !! [/quote] Not necessarily.................... rather like  'pudding' in English, pancake has a wide variety of uses both generic and specific. Inclung thin, thin 'crepes' and thick 'drop scones'. All depends. Pouyade
  17. pouyade


    Sure - we do cook/eat pancakes!!! Any decent cookery department has them in a variety of sizes; try John Lewis (you might consider ordering over the phone or on the net and have it delivered to wherever you are staying in UK. I have never had a need for a special pan, I just use a good quality frying pan of whatever size suits my purpose at the time. Pouyade
  18. [quote user="londoneye"] Decided to try some mince pies this year.      Thought of making my own, but got bored just reading the amount of ingredients [/quote] If you did, you'd never accept the ready made mincemeat again!! Pouyade
  19. Sebo, sebo, Sebo Cats and dogs (and tots to teenagers) have failed to undermine it. Now 19 years old. Pouyade
  20. [quote user="Colonel Mustard"]Where I live the nearest town has an English bookshop, and an English grocery, and there are people organising cricket clubs and Guy Fawkes nights and carol concerts etc etc. I know that in theory we should be able to do all this, but the French are in for hard times under Sarkozy, and they are going to look for scapegoats. I do sometimes think that as a community we should keep our heads down more.[/quote]   I went to Auschwitz this week. Imho, no community should keep their cleective head down nor adopt this as a stance. The next stage is victimhood. Pouyade
  21. The write-ups that I have found of travellers to the Belgian markets have expressed disappointment at both the small scale of these markets and the goods on offer. I did try to find out about Boulogne, without success, and Amiens. Anyone any other experiences? Thx Pouyade
  22. Have decided we would like to pop over one weekend for a Christmas market. Thought of Lille; but wondered if anyone had exeriences to share of that or other markets? Did a search but many ideas were too far for 1.5 days. Thanks Pouyade
  23. [quote user="Renaud"] Pouyade I am impressed, bet you don't even get lost in Rouen. [/quote]   Ouch! Since I have been going through Rouen for over 10 years, I would be an unsafe driver if I still did, though this was always the worst part of early forays. Still let's see what August brings, eh?!
  24. "The Via Michelin website thinks that one can drive from Calais to Mirambeau in just over 7 hours - I think that Richard Hammond had his crash whilst test-driving a machine that might just manage this."   Renaud Have done this route to within 10 miles from you  so, so many times since the new motorway opened. Without stops, 7 hours is what we allow for a pleasant, legal drive. My last flights via Luton/Bordeaux and Stansted/ La Rochelle have not been so very much quicker with the travelling each end/security and waiting for car hire. The Tunnel is our preference for all but 3 day visits. Pouyade
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