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Posts posted by Fridgeman

  1. Hi Chris

    This is very different to wood but hey a man must eat.............

    Black eyed beans soak overnight drain  fry some chopped onion, garlic in olive oil till transparent toss in some chopped celery and spinach cook till spinach wilts down add water or stock and the beans, liquid must be about 2-3 inches above beans add tomato puree cover and simmer for about 2 hours check beans if not soft cook a while longer till beans are soft, you may need to top up liquid as this dish needs to be soupy, only now add salt and pepper to taste. I serve this dish with sliced raw onion and home made bread.

    Sorry no quantities I do it all by sight and taste.



  2. Wollies I must say the perfect taboule is just the way you do it and I do it exactly the same but we must allow people to do there own thing that is the way cooking evolves, the thought of taboule with some lamb cooked on a spit nice and crunchy on the outside and pink in the middle with a nice dollop of thick greek yoghurt with or without garlic and olive oil added




  3. Hi

    Tarte aux figues

    puff pastry

    1kg figs

    200g sugar

    60g butter

    Roll out pastry to 20 x 40 cm then cut into 8 equal squares, roll each square into very thin 10cm round. prick the pastry with a fork (stops them rising too much) and chill for 30 mins

    Set oven to 220C.

    Cut figs in 1cm slices, discarding stems, put slices slightly overlapping on the pastry so they just reach the edge. Sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of sugar over each tart and dot the top with butter. Bake till pastry is browned and figs are lightly caramelised, 20-25 minuets. Allow to cool before  scoffing the lot.

    Had to laugh when I posted this .......what you have to do with the fork......would willy have been better I wonder?



  4. Hi

    Tarte aux figues

    puff pastry

    1kg figs

    200g sugar

    60g butter

    Roll out pastry to 20 x 40 cm then cut into 8 equal squares, roll each square into very thin 10cm round. prick the pastry with a fork (stops them rising too much) and chill for 30 mins

    Set oven to 220C.

    Cut figs in 1cm slices, discarding stems, put slices slightly overlapping on the pastry so they just reach the edge. Sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of sugar over each tart and dot the top with butter. Bake till pastry is browned and figs are lightly caramelised, 20-25 minuets. Allow to cool before  scoffing the lot



  5. I mix some good plain yoghurt with milk as an alternative to buttermilk

    Drying figs well idealy in the sun I guess or in a very low oven, which I find works for sun dried tomatoes




  6. Figs with Parma ham..........to die for

    Dried fig with  almond, just break the fig open insert the almond and bite into it ......mmmmmmmmm

    and here one I stole:

    Fig Bread


    • 3 eggs

    • 2 1/2 cups sugar

    • 2 cups ripe figs, mashed

    • 3/4 cup vegetable oil

    • 3 cups flour

    • 2 tsp. baking soda

    • 1 tsp. salt

    • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

    • 1/2 cup buttermilk

    • 1 cup chopped pecans


    Beat eggs; add sugar and beat well. Add the mashed figs and vegetable oil. Sift together flour, soda, salt and cinnamon. Add the fig mixture alternately with the buttermilk. Beat well. Fold in chopped pecans. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour in greased and floured loaf pans.
    Makes 2 large or 3 small loaves
  7. Hi Mary

    As long as the skies are clear you should have no problem, happens on August 12th and no moon that night best from about 11pm through till day break, for a couple of days prior and a couple of days after you should see some activity but the 12th should be superb, you will need somewhere dark not near any lighting and about 10/15 minuets for your eyes to get used to the dark, I will be in Brittany at the same time.......see you there.

  8. Well that's Tesco for keeping prices down..........my a**e..........  I buy (UK) in local Turkish shop 3 ltr Kalamata 1st press Virgin Olive  oil for.............£8.09 and Kalamata olives @ £5.99 a Kilo very yummy with a quality full of flavour tomato, crooks cucumber (that goes CRUNCH when you bit it) and some halloumi cheese.......BLISS
  9. Hi All

    If your dough shrinks back roll it out bigger than you need and let it shrink back, I have always rolled my dough and never had a problem (30 years) adding some semolina to your mix might help which I have always done, used to do it all by hand but now use the dough setting on the bread maker and find no difference, after making dough I put it in an oiled plastic bag in the fridge for at least 30 mins before using, dump it all out onto a floured surface and cut into sizes required, roll it out quite thin place on oiled tray cover with toppings and straight into oven (230C) until done, about 10-12 mins.

    The tomato paste topping should not be too wet and do not go overboard with the toppings....less is more....

    Tomato paste, gently fry onions and garlic add passata or chopped tinned tomatoes and a dollop of tomato puree, cook and reduce (whiz up with a hand blender if you have one) then add a handful of chopped basil or do not whiz if you like it lumpy.

    Hope this helps, bonne chance

  10. Hi Clair

    I make bread 3/4 times a week using my £9.99 Tesco breadmaker mainly as my mixer/prover then bake it in an oven with Great Results, so I thought I would give your No Knead bread a try and ....................Great Results ...... worth getting your teeth into ............even though we have a GREAT baker in our village! 

  11. Hi All

    I can honestly say I have never had a bad loaf of bread from our breadmaker, purchased from Tesco £9.99 on special offer.

    As stated above, as simple as bread making is, you do need to check the dough (I learnt this from a baker) as each batch of flour is different!!!!!

    My way of breadmaking........put you ingredients into the b/m as your recipe set to dough/pizza setting and start, leave the lid open and check dough (touch with back of fingers) if sticky, which it normally is, add a little flour and test again, add more flour if needed, the dough  should just feel tacky, NOT sticky, allow cycle to finish remove dough form into shape you want or put into bread tin, set oven to 50 C spray dough with water, place in oven for 20 Mins, turn heat up to highest setting for 10 Mins and spray with water again, cook for a further 10 Mins, check if loaf is baked, tap bottom of loaf, if hollow its done, if not place back in oven bottom side up for a further 5Mins, check again etc.

    By the way I use Lidl plain flour (Not bread flour) with good results

    Hope this is helpful

  12. Hi Graham

    you may well be correct, but I have a feeling the flat bread is FOUGASSE, which I should have thought of before as I have cooked it many times, it can come plain, with orange juice or grattons (crispy bits of pork)

    It is a Provencal flat bread which traditionally is leaf shaped then slashed through and opened up

    A very tasty bread

  13. Hello Graham


    mmmmmmmmmmmmm...................... interesting........... 10cm square never seen it, mind you bread can be any shape you want, 5mm before cooking, then how thick once cooked?

    did it have dimples in the surface, or any herbs or olive oil on it?   or seeds, could be focaccia or turkish flat breads, both very tasty, did the bread have uniform air bubbles through it or some large bubbles? or maybe it was panini, was it floury on the surface or shiny, was this the only product they where selling that might give us a clue or it may have been Syrian bread that's very flaky and normally very thin though so I do not think its that, what could it be, next time you go why not ask them what its called or from which country it originates?

    Gosh I feel like a detective, just need the cigar and the shabby mac..........Colombo!!!!!!!!!!    

    Bonne chance


  14. Hi All

    I am not a veggie but I use soya mince and textured soya and I have even dished it up to non veggies and had compliments on how nice the dish was, they thought it was meat! so it is not just for veggies, I have veggie friends whom I have cooked for and they have always enjoyed the food I  have made, we eat it as well and enjoy it as much as they do, I have to say I tend to eat less meat as time goes by, no real reason for this as we do enjoy the occasional steak and we do eat a lot of fish and sea food as well, I could not bring myself to eat veggie ready meals the same as I do NOT eat ready meals anyway, too many additives.

     I feel soya mince etc. just gives you a different texture to what you are eating and I think that is why veggies like it and why not, ready meals on the other hand are a different subject and are there to make someone rich.

    All the best

  15. Hi Graye

    I have posted before re: "veggies in France" I am not a veggie but I like veggie dishes or should I say non-meat dishes, there is such an abudence of fresh produce (non-meat)

    If I was a veggie I would NOT eat LM packaged products or any other make, the same as I do not eat packaged products anyway, I prefer FRESH, there is so much junk added to packaged stuff.

    If you would like a few recipes just ask, glad to assist.


    Bonne Chance



  16. Hi All

    Why so much bitching?????????????????????

    No one MAKES you use any of the X channel companies, and they ALL work for somebody, otherwise they would go bust.

    Thankfully some people are of the same opinion and have voiced their view, I do not think it fair to cut them down.

    I have used SF. and the coffee is crap, so what, I bought my ticket because it was cheap not because I wanted a good cup of coffee, again like some have said "You pays your money, your takes your choice" , they serve wonderful Coffee on LEAR JETS any of the moaners can charter one, maybe not as cheap as the ferries but they do serve nice Coffee and the staff are nice too, anyone want the number?

    oops gone very quiet out there !!!!!!!!!!!

    SF. have made some of the other operator's rethink, and why not, good luck to them, me I just use what is convenient / cheap, so sometimes it will be SF. other times it will not, so why not use this forum to HELP one another, rather than attacking.

    I have just book with LD. first 2 weeks of April standard seat £78.50 Return, not as cheap as SF. but as I am going to Poitier suits me.

    So lets have a few more SMILES


    Love to everyone

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