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  1. More of a musing, rather than trying to provoke any arguments. Why, oh why, do so many people feel that they have to have huge, threatening howling dogs, left to roam in their gardens. I can't beleive its for security in this neck of the foret. My immediate neighbour has a huge german shepherd who could bark for Normandy, he (the neighbour not the dog) runs a smallholding with free range chickens, geese and turkeys and says the smell keeps the foxes away. The dog is totally soft, but gets very bored when everybody is out at work, barks at passing cars and any strangers. To be fair they did ask if his barking was annoying me so I said Yes, and they shot it, like heck, I really said "pas problem" as one does. Whilst attempting to sell this house I've had to run the gauntlet of taking people round the garden: "The border runs to.. Whoof Whoof Whhoof...and those are cherry tr.. WHOOf WHOOF WHOOOF" This I can cope with, and so will the future owners, once Maxus knows their scent. To get back to the point, I decided to have a walk out into the ancient bocage that surrounds me instead of more building work this afternoon. Ab Fab, the colours were wonderfull, knee deep in leaves in ancient lanes, silent pause to see if I could spot the otters. I hope you get the picture. The end of the walk takes me past an adjoining hamlet where they have several new builds. I'm in a very reflective mood by this time (totally chilled). ROOOFFF..HOWL..GRRRR... and so on. On my left was another german shepherd, quickly followed by something even larger, seemed to be cross hyena and croc. This then sends off something equally large to my right. The whole section of the valley then picks up the corus, bar the local hunt beagles and Maxus. The houses were very new, and expensive build, and the cars parked tres chic, and the owners were at home. Is this a new fashion. If so bring back the pocket poodle and the rat on a string, can't spell Chichi..woof..waw. Paul, who will delight in hearing the owls swearing at each other tonight, if that doesn't set the dogs off.
  2. I've noticed recently that every time I log on to LF I seem to receive more and more pop-ups. I have a sort of racing up and down the scroll bar which is uncontrable in the longer threads. If I'm trying to post, when typing the keyboard strokes are not being picked up. I hope I'm not being too paranoid, but does accessing this site lay me wide open to being hi-jacked. Paul
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