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Everything posted by Wilko

  1. Hi Quillan Have you got a link to the list(s). Thanks W
  2. It's an immigration problem that successive Swedish governments didn't see coming. They opened their borders in the '70s to various immigrants, but failed to assimilate them in a worthwhile manner, now they are paying the price, bit similar to Blair's mc bullshit. My wife, on a recent visit, was somewhat surprised that the taxi driver couldn't speak svenska.
  3. Quillan..........thanks for the speedy response. W
  4. Hi Just wondered what commissions you guys are paying to Beds 24 and Booking .com. Thanks Wilko
  5. "As to the woman, Corinne Griggio, head of the Hotel du Pont Vieux hotel in Carcassonne" Quillan how does she fit into the scheme of things ? I read some of the T/A reviews but am no wiser as to her connection. W
  6. The Pont du Gard is truly amazing, I've visited 3 times and I find it an astonishing feat of engineering. Have to say though Sweet "Never having seen the Pont du Gard, I am definitely keen to see it. Just hearing the name makes me think of Marcel Pagnol's grandfather who would look at the stones instead of the whole structure as he was a stone-cutter! Pagnol describes the scene with affection in "La gloire de mon père" . Makes you wonder what's happened to Italy in the intervening years! Ciao W
  7. When we came to live in Provence our house was surrounded by apple and pear trees, now, nearly 10 years later, we are the only people in the area with apple trees, all the others having been pulled up. I asked a suit in Auchan one day why were they selling apples from New Zealand when they could purchase locally....it appears they were cheaper to source in NZ than here. Something wrong somewhere M Hollande. HNY Wilko
  8. James 2 wrote "leaving Bristol at a comfortable time of 11.50am. Now, Ryanair, have decided to change the departure time to 6.30am" Not just Ryanair, BA did it to me 2 months ago, which in effect cost me a day and to add insult to injury changed all flights, to Marseille, from Gatwick to Heathrow which was a real pain. Happy Xmas one and all. W
  9. Hi I read this and was gobsmacked, wonder if it's true. Thoughts !! Anonymous, Karl Rove and 2012 Election Fix? link edited by a mod
  10. One of the interesting scenarios re all this doping is the complicity of UCI in all this, has as been alleged by Landis and more importantly by Paul Kimmage, ex pro cyclist and respected journalist. Like Landis he is being sued by McQuaid and Verbruggen who are the big chiefs in UCI, the latter being in charge when LA was winning the TdF 7 times. Landis didn't defend their court action so of course lost. Kimmage is defending in December of this year and finance for his defence has been raised from many small donors via a blog on L'Equipe. For those of you with a Monty Python sense of humour take a look at the link below and read the Swiss judge's summing up on the Landis farce, it's incredible. http://bicycling.com/blogs/boulderreport/tag/paul-kimmage/ It would appear that cycling is rotten and corrupt from the very top downwards. I look forward to Kimmage's defence in December.
  11. "Quite clearly they are not celebrities but members of the royal family" They are celebrities because they are members of the royal family whether they like it or not. "This is recognised by the French courts today." I don't think that French privacy law differentiates between royals and others. "Well if thats the case what is the big deal, why did they feel the need to publish them if it's no big deal." Because they are members of the royal family and A list celebrities. "I would be interested to know if the sales of these three rags increased for the date the photo's were published." I am told that publishing rights were offered to an Australian magazine for £160,000, so the value of the piccies are huge and I imagine these editors knows what sells magazines or they wouldn't be in the job. I think that M. Lagerfeld was spot on with his comment,see previous post. W PS It's all a storm in an A cup :).
  12. I talked with an old mate today who still works for a national newspaper and there are very strong rumours that what has really teed off/frightened the royal couple are the piccies of what happened after the sun tan lotion had been applied !! The Italian mag has said that they have 200 frames so the chances are that the photographer was there for some time..........so where were the security men ?? I would have assumed that someone in their entourage/security would have been briefed as to the capabilities of modern long lenses and a balcony on high ground, with clear views, should have rung some alarm bells. W
  13. There's no need to shout luvvie. As I understand it you are in the gite business where I'm sure, as you work Saturday to Saturday, it is a useful tool. This is the B&B forum and a more personal approach pays dividends which is why I wouldn't contemplate an automated booking system. Wilko
  14. " Also it would be a good idea to have an online booking facility" Why is that Rabbie ? W
  15. i need to get a package from southern France to Sweden. Do chronopost make 24 hour deliveries, if not anyone know who does ? Thanks W
  16. Anyone know where the pointless pic of the lavender fields was taken. W
  17. Don't wish to pry.........but why do you want it ? Wouldn't olive oil do ? Wilko
  18. Norman..............thanks for that, it helps a lot. Regards W
  19. Does anyone know the differing legal implications for the words: arrhes and depot Thankyou W
  20. Chiefluvvie Thanks so much for the speedy response, Mrs W is engrossed in their site as I type. I notice, like us, you live in the Luberon. We are in Cheval Blanc, are you close by ? Thanks again Wilko
  21. Sometime ago there was a thread discussing the purchase of glasses online. Search fails to find it, or anything like it. Can anyone help SVP, I need to get some for Mrs W. THanks W
  22. Hi Gyn Paul You said "Most mornings there are 10 to 20 corpses to brush up in the living room" We have similar, have had for a couple of years. Are you sure they are wasps? They listless, can barely fly and although the majority seem to come from the chimney they appear in random places on the ground floor. They are not in the least bit aggressive. I have searched for a nest but can't find one. They are not a big problem but I just wonder if they are damaging the fabric of the house. I have asked the local old boys but they have no idea as to what they are. Has anyone else experienced these ? W
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