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Everything posted by Hereford

  1. There is another Civray in Cher (near Bourges) - and they have ruins!  Are you sure the ruins you seek are in "your" Civray? Perhaps the Mairie would know or the nearest Tourist Information Office?
  2. I will send you a PM tomorrow when I have checked the contact details.  There is a C of E deacon around our way (southern tip of Manche) who has done Wedding Blessings (we went to one of the weddings).  He may be too far away from you but will most likely know of other people. Till tomorrow Mrs H
  3. Rabec Demenagements near Granville were excellent when my parents used them to store some furniture before moving into their new house. They obviously do removals too!  All contents stored and sealed in wooden containers and opened in your presence when you have moved. Telephone number is 0800 19 05 48 and they have a website - google: Rabec demenagements Lots of others under "demenagements" in Pages Jaunes but we can thoroughly recommend Rabec. Mrs H
  4. Thank you very much - seems like we can park for a week for a not too bad fee. Much the same as at the airport, and the train is a lot cheaper than a flight! H.
  5. Hello We are thinking of taking the TGV from Rennes direct to CDG for a flight to Germany. Flights to Paris from Rennes are a silly price!  Has anyone done this or parked long term at Rennes station for any other reason please? We once collected a visitor from Rennes station and think there was an underground car park which looked pretty secure.  If you have done it was it very expensive please? many thanks H.
  6. Try speaking to the Foreign office - if it really is an emergency they may be able to send something in the diplomatic bag  - we have heard of this.
  7. We have decided that we will go and ask the Mr Le Maire on Friday.  We really hope it is not an annual fee as FIL lives in the next village along (same local canton) - his is a very new fosse and complies totally with current norms so he was furious to be charged at all for the inspection! Thanks anyway - seems that it is not the same everywhere H.
  8. Thanks Sid. No the bill we have had is just for the inspection - we pay a contractor for the emptying.  We feel that the invoice is incorrect as the inspection took about 15 minutes and we have paid once ! H.
  9. Our SPANC (fosse) inspection was done months ago. We had a bill and paid it.  We have now received an identical bill. Does anyone know if this charge 48 odd euros plus tva, is an annual charge or are they just getting the records in a muddle.  Thanks a lot. H.
  10. One problem with getting a farmer to do it would be that when SPANC paid their visit to check our fosse they wanted to see the receipt for emptying.
  11. Many thanks, have written this down.  The only time we had a problem we spoke to the ordinary line on our phone bill but this will be a useful back-up.
  12. Are we right in thinking that this English helpline number is for use only by those who live in the 05 telephone area?  Does anyone know of numbers for anywhere else, please, as this seems a useful service.
  13. Yesterday afternoon Carrefour Market in Mortain was completely out of fuel but another garage near the cascades had some. We did not need any so did not buy or notice the price. H.
  14. We can recommend Brian and Bernie at: thecavalry@wanadoo,fr They cover your area. Mrs H
  15. Try La Chaine meteo - you can type in the name of your village and get a 12 day forecast.  Not always completely accurate but not bad. http://france.lachainemeteo.com/
  16. Normandy Lover - I have emailed you. Mrs H Edit: email "undelivered" so have pm'd you.
  17. Thanks a million Catalpa, we went last November and saw the queues.  Yes it is best to go nearer the end - we just walked in on the last day.  They take only cash or cheques - it is a factory not a shop so no tills etc. Well worth the effort though. Mrs H
  18. I know I read in our local "Gazette" a week or so ago that the Saint James factory (in St James) is having a factory sale but I have lost the details. I think it starts next week!  Has anyone details please?  I have looked on their website but no information.  I realise that I should telephone them but whilst I manage well face to face I find French on the telephone difficult. For anyone who does not know the shops, clothes are super but expensive and the factory sales are hugely popular. Thanks Mrs H.
  19. Thanks for replies.  The link from "Cat" is the same map that was printed (very small!!) in the article again this week.  It seems anyway as though the actual "on the ground" route will not be definite for many months yet.  We are within the 300 metre suggested route and have been lobbying hard locally. Mrs H
  20. The article today says that the Government have approved the project and shows a very small map which is impossible to relate to actual villages.  Is this the so called "preferred route"? Can anyone (Catalpa !!) point us at a website which shows the route please?  We did have this but seem to have lost it. It seems as if the actual final route on the ground will be decided during 2009, so we all have a long wait yet. Mrs H.
  21. We saw the "parliamentary assistant" to our Deputé yesterday as planned.  The emails setting up the appointment did not say that we would see an assistant but perhaps that is what happens here and our Deputé is very busy. She was quite sympathetic about our environmental objections but did say, as expected, that the line was needed and that EDF say they will decide on the "least worst" route.  She also said that she has no idea when the final route will be settled! We tried to press her (i.e. 3 months, 6 months, a year) but we just got shrugs... We do not feel that we gained much but at least we have tried.  Our neighbour is investigating a petition direct to the European Court on the basis that a proper environmental study has not been done. An MEP in London has suggested this could be done. We hope people will keep this posting going so that we all keep up to date. H.
  22. Hi Catalpa (hope you are well too!) Our neighbour is English and a Civil Engineer and has suggested several options to improve the line thru here. Even saying he would pay for landscaping and buy/give the land to allow a short section underground.  RTE were unhelpful and are adamant the line will go between his house and ours! Will post again tomorrow when we have seen the Deputé. H.
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