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  1. I have a 2 bed apartment available in 66 at St Cyprien overlooking the lagoon if your'e interested, pm me Annabell
  2. Does anybody know of any boot sales coming up around 53, 35 or 50. Cheers
  3. We've never had a problem with car hire at Dinard, nor have any of our friends, even if we have been delayed.  Best thing to tell your friends is that when they land, one waits for the luggage (which takes forever) and one go and get the car.  Always works for us.
  4. I've just had an email informing me that my crossing on wednesday night has been cancelled due to industrial action!!!
  5. The guy from Visit France keeps on phoning me to see if i want to now subscribe.  I explained to him that although I get lots of enquiries, nobody has actually booked.  I became a little suspicious because after each phone call I get about 10 enquries. I dont think I'll bother subscribing to them.
  6. Funny enough, the Labrador we bought here last year was called Voyou but we renamed him Sonny.  Our other lab is also called C o c o. Our neighbour explained that Voyou meant gangster, is that correct? Thanks for the ideas though!!
  7. I've got 8 black labrador puppies born on 23rd December so have to name them all beginning with V, before I take them to the vet to get vaccinated, chipped etc. So far i've only come up with Vixen and Violet for 2 of the four females and Victor for one of the 4 males. So please help me out here - any suggestions???
  8. Valium works for me too.  But if its short notice and I can't get to the doctor in time I use the Bach Rescue Remedy, either drops you put on your tougne or a spray to spray on your toungue.
  9. We need to find a nice hotel / b&b, somewhere near Ernee, or close by. Anybody know anywhere?  Its for a double room 28th to 30th December. Thaks in advance
  10. Best moments so far: Having a leaving party weekend with 10 of my girlfriends in Barcelona. Moving over permanently in March along with my lovely doggie******o. Getting a playmate for******o. Getting the keys to our "holiday home" in St Cyprien and spending a week there. Hubby joining me full time in August. But the nicest thing to happen so far is our cat, turning up after being lost since August.  We had to leave him behind with my Mum as we bought our two cats here last xmas and unfortunately one of them was killed by the dogs behind.  He had been living with my Mum since March, then went missing (we think he was taken by a family visiting relatives in her road as the kids wouldn't leave him alone) then she got a phone call yesterday from a vet who was about 4 miles away saying he'd been bought in by a lovely couple that had been feeding him.  They scanned his chip and voila!!  Best xmas present anyone could have. Anyway, 2004 isn't quite over yet and******o is now expecting puppies on Boxing day.  Watch this space!  Oh, and if anybody wants a labrador puppy next year, please let me know!!!
  11. Car still available?  Because I have a friend here who has just had his car stolen and is absolutely stranded without it.
  12. Yes, there is a granny in Normandy, click on to www.grannynetwork.info then follow the link to Judy, the Normandy Granny.
  13. We need to find kennels at short notice somewhere en route from Mayenne / Fougeres to either St Malo or Caen to attend a funeral back in the UK. Anybody know of any nice friendly kennels that will accommodate two dogs and two cats? Thanks in advance. Anne
  14. Well its lovely here today, no heating on and the windows and front door open, letting in the lovely fresh air. Blue skies and a slight breeze.  Mind you, a friend arrived lastnight and her crossing was awful.  Reckon you'll be alright tonight though. Annabell (53)
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