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Everything posted by Sasha

  1. Wow!!! With charges like that I imagine you won't get too much work, however the going rate for gardening work...grass cutting, hedge trimming, strimming and clearing up afterwards is €15- €20 per hour irespective of what gadgets you use and who they belong too. I assume your registered and so your charges will have to cover your payments made to various bodies. I'm a single operator, registered and charge €15per hour. Good luck. Bono
  2. Hi there If rotovating is the answer then be sure to get rid of as many of the perenial weeds as possible before starting...sounds daft I know but many of these weeds propogate when cut or disturbed and mulitply many times over the following year. Once the soil has been rotovated let it sit for a few weeks to let any frosts break it up (if it's a clay soil) and then add loads of well rotted horse manure. Warning, if ground has not been cultivated for a numbers of years then there is a risk of wireworm damage to some veg planted next year. Suggest you buy the "Rustica" series of books as they advise what to plant and when and any possible problems. Good luck Sasha
  3. Hi there If you go to your local Marie they may well have the name of local farmers who sell logs. Prices vary depending on type of wood. Oak is the dearest, but the best, as it gives off a lot of heat and little ash. Most come in 1.0m lengths ready for cutting, to have them cut to your desired size will cost more. Regards Sasha
  4. Hi there As your allergic to bee stings I suggest you seek out a bee keeper, there's always one about somewhere, who will only be too happy to get rid of them for you. Regards Mike
  5. Hi there Most shrubs and trees require "watered-in" when planting and require an ample supply of water in the first few months of growing irrespective of when they are planted. The best time for planting is during the plants actual growing season when all its energy is put into establishing new growth both above and below ground. GARDENA, make a full range of tools and equipment for the garden and indeed have a irregation system which uses a battery powered time clock fitted directly to the outside tap and a series of hoses distributed around the garden...ideal for ensuring that there is ample water in the garden although this year that is not a problem...drowning will be the most likely cause of death to new plants. Good luck Sasha
  6. Hi there You will find that in most major towns there are commercial zones which will have many, many large stores that specialise in what you need. The biggest would be BUT and Conforama who sell all household items like seating, beding, electrical goods, etc and the chances are that when you see them the others will be close by. One note:- when buying a bed it's a different operation than in the UK. First you buy the frame, then you choose the matress support and then the matress. Good luck Sasha
  7. I'm interested in reading all your replies and shocked at "on the black" comments. Back in the UK someone regarded as working "on the black" or "doing the double" was someone who was also claiming benefits from the DHSS. It is therefore hard to see how someone who has a skill / interest as a hobby and wishes to make a few bob "pocket money" can be seen as a cheat. Looking back at the UK I knew many, honest people who did odd jobs for people, on a regular basis for a few pounds. A gardener who worked for the local council during the day and in summer evenings and weekends looked after the gardens of a few elderly people who appreciated the service, a retired motor mechanic who serviced a few peoples cars and a young painter and decorator who did jobs in his spare time to save up to get married and so it goes on...I'm sure we all know someone who does the odd thing or too to make a few extra pounds...is it really that wrong? I do agree that doing work as a "full-time" operation and not declaring it is a different ball game. Regards Sasha
  8. Hi there This is a call for any parents in the 46250 region ( Marminiac, Cazals,Catus, etc) with children at CM1 / CM2 level who are struggling with the French language. Possibilty of extra help being provided by the council outside school hours, at a central location. Anyone interested please contact us and we will pass on details to the man in charge of the project. Awaiting your replies Regards Mike
  9. Hi there! We moved to Marminiac (about 20 mins. from you) last June.Both in our 50's - Mike was made redundant in 2002 and I was working full-time as an Education Welfare Officer, so I know what your wife is feeling - especially if she worked in a team. We're doing up an old village house here. I'd love to meet up with your wife for a coffee sometime if she wants.Tel. 05 65 22 87 13. Gillian King.
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