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Posts posted by andyh4

  1. Another plus 1.

    And just as an added comment, if a machine breaks during the guarantee period, I have found the Lidl and Aldi service centres (as shown in the back of the manuals) exceptional in the work they do. In the two failures I have had, they have not only repaired the fault but also changed some other components which were worn - perhaps they just replaced the whole unit, but either way one satisfied bunny here.
  2. I understand and to a degree share your disquiet, but nationality is an absolute (although you might have more than one), whereas residency is very fluid and can change year on year. OH was at one time tax resident in 3 EU countries at the same time.

    I think this is why the world adopts nationality - except the UK if you have the temerity to live somewhere else.

    On the basis of influence on a country where you do not live:

    Many of my family still live in the UK. I still care for them - in some cases financially.

    My State pension still comes from the UK

    Its value to me is determined by exchange rates that are dictated by political policies - as well as other income streams.

    My status in Europe has been disturbed by a referendum where I had no chance to influence the decision. So am I within my rights to reject that decision? Now there is a can of worms to be opened.

    If I had a choice I would decide to vote in France but the rules do not allow that - despite all of the comments above. So as of now I am disenfranchised since the next local and MEP elections will be post 03/19.

  3. I cannot speak for Norman, but the law has changed several times in terms of if and when you lost your right to vote.

    In my case I was not aware, but then I left the UK on a 3 year contract - a contract that kept getting extended until I was offered a permanent placement. By this time return to the UK was a less obvious option because the UK unit had closed.

    Voting rights will not always be the number one priority when making life choices, but nevertheless removing a basic right because of where you live cannot be condoned.
  4. But that Fred is backwards thinking.

    Throughout the world you vote for the country of your nationality, not the country of your residence.

    The EU permits EU nationals to vote in local elections and for an MEP in their country of residence - but not for national elections.
  5. I may be entirely wrong Sue, but I was under the impression that the vast majority had not been offered sanctuary in France. The vast majority are sans papiers and want to stay so because being offered sanctuary in France means they have no right to enter the UK and certainly no rights to claim asylum there.

    So what the French could do, but don't, is a control of papers. Offer those who meet the requirements, French asylum (which frankly is why they don't do it) and deport those who don't - but without papers, deport to where? (Another reason to not get involved)
  6. You have my sympathies Mint.

    OH cannot drink alcohol because of her meds. Something that does not please her at all.

    WE have failed to fins any non-alcoholic red wine that comes close to even the worst gut rot red from the worst vineyard in the world.

    Our Super U stocks a brand of rose called Grain d'Envie Syrah. OH likes it but I think it has a somewhat chemically after taste.

    Super U and Auchan also stock a brand called Bonne Nouvelle. AS stated the red is dreadful. The white is quite pleasant but would never pass for a white wine. The rose however we both find very good, and to be honest I worry that if I were given some alongside some f the local alcoholic rose wines, I might just not spot it as the alcohol free one. It will never endanger a really high quality wine, but I don't think that is what we are talking about.

    For effervescent wine replacement, you could try d'Artigny - grand classic. [Don't bother with the flavoured varieties unless you like that sort of thing.] It is a bit like a cross between a fizzy white wine and fizzy dry apple juice, but drinkable for all that.

    Taste is such a personal thing that I thin you will just have to search out various products and trying them out.

  7. Judith wrote:

    Personally, if my religion told me I had to wear something special, to be acceptable to that religion, that is not a religion I could tolerate.

    Does that include a white dress for your confirmation?

    A Sikh turban?

    I could go on but won't.

    I do however agree with your statement. ANY religion that says what should be worn is unacceptable - which I think probably rules them all out.

  8. My favourite recipe for butternut squash (except for soups which they are brilliant in) is:

    Peel and cut into roughly 2cm cubes. Put on a baking dish and drizzle (olive) oil over them. Put in an oven at 200C and bake until soft - turning every 10 minutes or so.

    Remove from the oven and sprinkle with broken up Feta cheese ( or similar brebis type) and then drizzle with pomegranate molasses - which despite the name is rather sour tasting. Serve hot.

    Amazon can supply the pomegranate molasses if you cannot find it here (I can't).
  9. I have never used the skins for exactly the reason you give.

    Spaghetti Courge is a wonderful replacement for spaghetti. Make your bolognaise sauce. Cut the courge in half and scoop out the seeds. Fill with the sauce and bake in the oven. Fewer calories than spag bol and just as tasty and filling.

    Courgette fritters - grate the courgette and sprinkle with salt. Leave in a colander to allow the water to drain out for an hour. Squeeze more water out of the grated mass and then mix in an egg, some flour and feta cheese. Make into patties and fry in oil. Serve with a chilli sauce. You can also add chillies to the courgette mix if you like more oomph.

    Pumpkin makes wonderful filling for both sweet and savoury pies. But I agree that pumpkins do keep less well than things like butternut squash or spaghetti courge - we had our last one from last year only 4 weeks or so ago and it was still good.

  10. We always leave squash and pumpkins on the vine until at least a substantial part of the foliage has died back. This ensures that the skin has toughened up and the fruits will store well.

    Round here we have fields full of orange "footballs" up to around 2 weeks before Halloween.

    If frost is predicted then harvest before the frost - it usually ruins the fruits.

    As for this years crop - depends on how much water they have been able to take up. Less rain generally means smaller fruit.
  11. If you know the way to the airport exit from the motorway but are still concerned about driving, then as an alternative how about you take a TGV to the airport, pick up your friend and you both return to the car by TGV. Booking 3 months in advance will give you some quite good deals and possibly cheaper than the real cost of driving.
  12. It's quite some time since I was at CDG but I think I remember the locos all going to/from terminal 3. Signing was by French standards good, but the traffic will be busy so it won't be a restful drive.

    Alternatively your friend could take a TGV to somewhere easier to pick them up. IIRC you need a terminal shuttle bus from terminal 3 to the station. There are also RER trains in the terminal complex but basically they go into Paris with the same issues of arranging a pick up.
  13. Reminds me a little of an accident in a cave a good few years ago. A university or maybe Scout group had gone caving and one of the team had slipped and gashed his hand. [In fairness it did need stitches.] Anyway the team leader went out and called 999 for the cave rescue. This had happened mid-week and the usual team were not immediately available so a scratch team of locals was assembled to at least assess the situation, while a bigger team could be assembled if required.

    The three local rescuers were a local cave guide, the local postman and the artisan potter.

    Both the cave guide and the postman had lost a leg while teenagers (both bike accidents), Dick the potter was better known as Dick the one armed potter.

    So when the rescue team arrived with 4 legs and 5 arms between them, the victim suddenly felt a lot better and with help made his own way out.
  14. Well I will stick my head above the parapet and declare that executing them would not IMO be a good idea. I can however well understand why many think that it would be good.

    My reasoning is based on a number of thoughts and issues.

    1. Legal punishment is there primarily as a deterrent to others. Additionally incarceration is to protect the public from the offenders. So will killing these evil people act as a deterrent to stop them doing it again? Clearly no and I doubt that any punishment would achieve that such is the level of the brain washing and degradation into evil. So will it act as a deterrent to others? Again I doubt it will, since anyone brainwashed thus is not going to be influenced by the threat of execution.

    2. Indeed it is likely that anyone so influenced is likely to be motivated more - including the perpetrators. I have no doubt that in going to Syria and fighting for and representing ISIS, they fully expected that death would result. The promise of an Islamic Valhalla if killed in combat is an incitement to continue the fight. I would not be surprised to find these individuals still believe the fight is on and if we judicially kill them then mentally they have achieved their final aim. Killed by the enemy. Why give them that satisfaction?

    3. Killing them will create martyrs, people that others might chose to emulate - in the knowledge that they too may be killed in battle or if captured killed by the enemy - ergo to be taken to heaven.

    So while judicially killing them might give us revengeful satisfaction - that I fully understand and would find difficult not to enjoy myself - I think the better punishment as a deterrent to others at least, would be to keep them alive for as long as we can; in as squalid conditions as are allowed under OUR rules; with the absolute minimum of any privilege as is humanely possible.

    That tells would be copy cats, if you get caught, you will slowly rot in a hell on Earth. You will not go to your heaven by dying in the fight against the enemy.

    It will also exact a revenge on these brainwashed beasts that will be far more painful for them than execution.

  15. Cat?

    Ours occasionally leave a mole body sitting in the garden. Unlike with mice they don't seem to try and eat the cadaver. On one we found a pierce hole through the skull - presumably with a canine tooth (or should that be feline?) Otherwise we have found no obvious cause of damage, but had earlier seen the culprits with the victim in their mouths.
  16. I can only relay what our local heating and plumbing engineer said. He used to do the installations but has now taken them off his list of specialities - but will still install if the customer insists.

    He says that if you have to borrow to pay for the installation, the payback is around 20 years. The "expected" life of the photovoltaic cells is 15 years. There have also been occasions where problems with the electrical side of the installations has caused roof fires (and neighbours of a good friend have suffered this in the UK).

    He therefore believes that as things stand today, this is nothing more than a con.
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