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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. I'm back on track too.  Several weeks of chaos with FIL dying and family here.  I just got weighed once a week to see how much I had put on[:$] Well, SIL and daughter and I all started back on diets last Tuesday.  SIL is on Atkins.  I'm on calories...still this passion for oranges...and daughter has been on calories too but feels so bad, she is going over to Atkins. Weigh day in the morning then a full week until next Saturday.  Shall we make a date?  I expect to be my lowest weight before I jumped off the wagon a couple of weeks ago.  Months?[:D]  (Just looked - it was 1st July so four weeks - where does the time go?) I'm still aiming for 10 kilos for my birthday.  Got a holiday coming up too.....argh! 
  2. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!  New edition coming out in November!  Pre-order £16.50! That is more like it. I'm glad I spotted this thread.  Thank you!
  3. No, nothing at all like "Toast".  The first time I read "Toast" I couldn't believe what a whinger Slater was  - always someone elses fault, never him -  but the second time, it was better. I enjoyed Simon Hopkinson and found it a very interesting read.  I hadn't a clue who he was before the first book was recommended to me by people on a cookery site.  Apparently, "The Prawn Cocktail Years" is the book to have but it isn't on Amazon unless you want to pay nearly 200 quid.... for an old one! I will just dash aross there and check up again.[:D]
  4. The M25 seems to be a daily "fall lucky". The best advice here seems to be travel either very early or very late to cross London.  I choose the late option.  We cross on Speedferries about 20.30 so we are going through the Dartford tunnel about 22.00 when it is quiet.  Then I take the M11 and A1. We have already done a fair few kilometres from Bretagne so we have started sleeping at Cambridge and travelling up to Yorkshire in style the next morning. This next time, however, we sail about 10.00 in the morning. I'm hoping they have adopted the French habit and are all à table....! Last time we came back was the day the whole system ground to a halt because of a lorry on fire .......
  5. His new one is just as good.  "Second helpings of Roast Chicken".  It hasn't been out long. I saw on Amazon the other day that it is reduced by 30%.  Well, one of them is. Grrrrrhh....[:@] Too quick off the mark again.  
  6. The past couple of times I have gone back to the UK my feet have swollen.  I blamed the journey as I am sat driving for hours and hours. This time they just swelled up.  I think I need some "water tablets".   Goodness, I must be old.....[:(]
  7. Hopeless. My feet and ankles are balloons again.  I'm blaming the fluid on the fact the scales say UP 1.5kg. Must try harder....  
  8. I was there yesterday and the car park was virtually empty. Still that red van though! My daughter noticed that you could park up for a year but I had my eyes on the road and didn't see it.  I got caught by the new ticket machine in the car park which only takes cards so had to pay in the hall.  2€ for a couple of hours.  Most of the UK registered cars were picking up so when we came out after seeing the plane fly off, it was even emptier. Back again Sunday.  I'm a saint.
  9. Ah!  Dancing! Those were the days.  A night in the pub.  Fish and chips.  A quick dash to the disco and slim as a ... well.  Slim-ish! Life is so unfair these days! My breakfast is usually the biggest meal.  Saying that, it isn't a lot!  I have two cups of coffee, a bowl of cereal with chocolate in and an orange or two.  Some days I might have a slice of toast instead of the cereal.  Around 350 calories. Main meal is lunchtime, fish or meat with vegetables and I often don't fancy a thing at night.  I sometimes have fruit just to eat something.  I have been having my main meal at lunchtime for a couple of years now and it makes a real difference to me.  I can't be eating late now. I had a fried egg sandwich last night though.  Gorgeous!
  10. I have read about the starvation mode too and I wondered if Jan was eating enough once upon a time but just think of the concentration victims or POW.  They certainly disprove this theory. I have no idea what it can be.  Could you be 'allergic' to something you eat often?  Or coffee/tea for example?  One cup of tea and no weight loss that day. Gluten?  Eggs?  Chocolate (mmmm!), Wine?[;-)] If I get stuck, I eat more.  It is called lulling my body into a false sense of security.  Then, when it is lulled, I diet again.  I can often lose a few grams like that[:D]
  11. Well, I had a week that started off 'not good' but then I went off stuffing my face when the temperature rose. Down 1.5 kg so not far off half way to my target of ten kilos by September!  Already! Miracles can happen[;-)] I am fired up with enthusiasm now . . .
  12. Well, there must be something wrong somewhere.  Have you told your doctor?  If he starts to look sceptical, just show him your book with your daily calories in.  It may be a medical problem. I started off great then I went to Belgium to collect the family and had two days sinning.  It has been a bit of a struggle since they arrived too. I'm cooking potatoes, Yorkshire puds....temptation where ever I glance.  I am pleased though.  Although it is 'only' water, my great big ham hock ankles have gone back to normal and I have lost 3.3kg.  Which just goes to show I have camel tendencies. Don't get down hearted.  This week was special so the weight loss next week will be a lot less. Unless I put some on of course.  That will make a change....[;-)]
  13. down 800g in a DAY! Nah nah nah na. I don't care if it is water, it is still 800g less.[:D] I'm going to get weighed every morning....90+ days at a titchy 100g is 9+ kilos. Optimistic?  Moi?[:D][:D][:P][;-)]
  14. Still here in Bretagne.  Sunny Bretagne. I don't know if I will have any spare will power.  For some strange reason, I find it easy to diet in the winter.  Easier, I should say. So.  I am up 3 kilos from my 'best' weight.  Which I think was a fluke weight anyway!  I want to lose a stone by my birthday in September so three months. I can do that.  Let us say a stone and a half.[:D]  Ten kilo's. I'm counting calories.  Aiming for 1000 a day with 1200 allowed.  I might go back onto Atkins for a change later but NO mayonnaise. I'm off to buy a lettuce... Come on Girls.  We will get there.
  15. I'm back from my hols but frankly my dears, I couldn't give a damm! The family are out next week for a while so me and my youngest are going to diet.... I just have to finish these white chocolate and raspberry biscuits from Sainsburys!  They shouldn't be allowed to make them!  Didn't bring any chocolate back though. Which is good.  One house point. Changed my mind.  Starting tomorrow to give me a head start - I know my powers of resistance - and I have the bull frog look[:D] Week on Saturday...TWO KILO LOST.[:'(]
  16. It has been a stuff your face week.  Pasta, risotto, bread, chocolate, cake.....and I lost 300g. Something wrong somewhere. I'm only half hearted as I am back in the UK next week.  I am going to be STRONG though and not buy any chocolate!  I have had my fix[:D] I am going to start again when I get back.  So.  Off we go again on June 11th.  First goal...one stone for my birthday in September! You've got to laugh....
  17. 1.7 kg up. Just not fair...[:@] I'm only half dieting this week.  I flung all sorts of treasure in a mad shopping dash around Sainsburys in Folkestone the other day.  So, once this battenburg (family size[:$]) is finished....! I'm going to hide the dairy milk and the fruit and nut. My meals are just perfect. . . it is the in between times!   ha ha ha ha!
  18. Hello! What happened to you eager beavers last week then? I hope that you have all put on as much as me[:D][:D] I will hoist myself onto the scales in the morning.
  19. Well, I hope that you have all lost a bit this week. I have crashed through the 15 kilo barrier (100g!) so well chuffed. We are off to the UK today but we have to come back earlier than planned because OH doctor's won't let him stay away for 10 days[:(] Less damage done!  I will be back in the middle of the week - providing they aren't blocking the ports like yesterday and I can actually get away.  Goodness, I would be cross if I had to turn around and come home! Right, can't wait to see my daughters face.....[:D]
  20. I couldn't resist puddings.  Good job I'm not tempted. The scales might be friendly this week but who is to say that the high reading was the wrong one? It could be the low readings! Anyway, I told them all about you all and the scales weighed all three of you at 55 kilo each....[:D]  Or seven and a half stones - whichever is the lightest. Clever, aren't they?
  21. I'm in love with these scales.  Today, anyway! I'm on 1000 calories a day but I don't worry if I go over a bit.  Some days it is less.  Everything is written down in my little book. I get weighed every morning now but 'ignore' the reading until Saturday.  One day this week I lost 800g!  Don't ask me how or where.  One day I was even lighter than this morning[:'(] Don't worry.  I'm going to have fish and chips on my holiday.  Scraps too.  Anything Cadburys as well!
  22. Well. The scales must have been playing up last week as when I got on them this morning, I had lost 3.2 kg! I don't think so.  I didn't hear anything vital dropping off[:)] So.  A lovely day here!  That is nearly 15 kilo so watch it, I'm catching you skinnies up[:D] I have changed my breakfast.  I went into the supermarket to buy some Special K but ended up buying the box next to it which had chocolate in.  Super!  A serving of that plus half the recommended amount of milk is less calories than the eggs.  I was getting a bit sick of eggs! Whilst I was looking for the calories of something the other day, I fell across a site that says how many calories you need.  The formula is 8.3 x kilos + 846 = calories required +112.  So if you weigh 100 kilos for example it is 8.3 x 100 = 830 + 846 = 1676 + 112 = 1788. If you weigh 50 kilos, 415 + 846 = 1261 + 112 = 1373. I can see that 1500 for the day is about right not to put weight so I shall do that when I reach my target. Well, hope that you have all lost a bit.  I am off to the UK next weekend so I will report in Friday.
  23. Up down, up down, shake it all around... BAH!  Up a kilo. I have always made my bread by hand.  This week I bought a MAP and have been trying it out...there has been lots of crust eaten and pancakes last night! What will power!  I think I will eat fruit all weekend.  Lots of lovely things on the market so I will stock up later this morning.  Got to get rid of the kilo before it sets hard[:D] Hope that you have done better than me....
  24. Aren't we STARS! I do feel sorry for you Jan.  I can't imagine why you are not losing weight.  Courage!  It will all drop off one day even if I have to come down and saw a leg off you....[:D] I've got the shorts on.  They fit better than last year....[:D][:D]
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