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  1. I have read this article before and decided not to reply to it until i read what chessie wrote. I don't necessarily agree with the article or disagree but i have some knowledge if it and what it entails. As you read this please do not take this as being of my opinion, this is just a few facts that most posters will still disagree with but are facts none the less. The bow hunting has taken off big style in Europe mainly because of the interest from America and S Africa. So we really have a situation in France where the hunters can chase down - and shoot with a bow and arrow - an animal as large as a deer. The actual technique is sitting motionless in a tree or hide and wait or call the animal to you, then usually within a range of 30/40 metres the shot is taken and most animals run off, albeit for a distance of 50 metres or less. The shooter must prove his /her ability using the bow as he /she would with a rifle at the distance chosen and prove to be accurate. They are not chased down, if the animal is spooked then there is little or no chance of you even reacting to fact it has seen you far less chase it to have a shot. They are not all called Bambi, they are quite simply game and occasionally classed as Vermin. Think of the pain and distress of a large animal being shot in this way -  i do think that there will be a certain amount of pain and distress, certainly more than if it were to be shot. Love it or hate it, hunting, in all its forms, is a part of life here and in other countries.
  2. Beer and beans, an eclectic mix often used in film industry to imitate canned thunder for background trax in cheap b movies..........
  3. Hi, not much help on the Dordogne but if you want to travel up to mussidan on the l'isle there are loads of good places to fish, good head of bream and roach and there are also carp tho i've failed to contact them.  There are also pike there and i've heard that a bit firther downstream there are Catfish ( silure). Hugh.
  4. You get updates on the radio in Riberac, new west i think its called. Failing that then the English news you can pick up in Bergerac airport quite often has some news in it. No doubt someone here will also help out [:)]
  5. Sorry ladies, this may be so for men but i haven't seen it thus far. I have seen several laydeez who wear lycra and it always reminds me, from the walking behind position, of two pups fighting each other under a blanket, sorry but true!!!! Ok, now i shall accept all criticisms and verbals [:)]
  6. The same question to people in the Riberac area, 24. Sorry for the apparent hijack, just thought what a great idea and would test the water here too, best of luck timc17, hugh
  7. could be wrong here, but i'm sure that i read somewhere on the forum that a common practice is to club together with a few mates/friends and buy a tanker load, this will be at a reduced price due to quantity and could be delivered all in one day. I realise the logistics and timing has to be good, but it can be done i'm sure. Hugh.
  8. Many thanks louise, fingers crossed that it goes ahead, bergerac used to be great but the late flights now make it impossible to fly or travel onwards. I am from Scotland and now have an overnighter in Stanstead or travel to Poitiers or Limoges, 2 hrs + journey. C'est la vie, as they say in France or do they?? Hugh.
  9. Hi, have heard that ryanair are planning to fly out of Angouleme in the spring of 07, has anyone else heard this or where they will fly to. If this has been covered already then forgive me for not noticing, thanks in advance, hugh
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