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Complete France Forum


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  1. Can anyone tell me if fishing licences in France run for 1 year from date of issue or 1 year from Jan 1st?
  2. Forget about dieting and change to a healthy eating plan. I lost 3stone (sorry not into Kg yet) by following Slimmers World healthy eating plan - nothing is forbidden and once you have got your head around the basic rules and philosophy you don't really have to think about it. Perhaps the one thing that might be a problem I find it difficult to find skimmed milk in supermarkets. Slimmers World do not operate in France but you can access their stuff online. Good luck to all of you trying to loose weight its not really about the kgs its about self esteem and how you feel within yourself. p.s. I have maintained my loss for almost 2years now.
  3. Am completing on house on 25th October my husband is staying out while I return to UK to complete my notice period. We would like to purchase a car asap -any suggestions / recommendations in the Clayette area - we are just looking for a runabout for the time being.
  4. Not really about parking but just to say we are travelling to France to complete on our house 25th October a date we requested because it is half term - we got a tunnel ticket (we are bringing two cats and didn't want to risk a choppy crossing) for £98 you need to travel after 5pm and return before 11a.m.
  5. Sorry to disagree I think they are fantastic especially the ones around Beaune. I do however also eat chitlings when I get the chance in the U.K. What about faggots?
  6. Hi Have just discovered this forum. We are moving to house just outside La Clayette Dept 71 (just waiting for the notaire to do his thing) Hope to be moved by end of year. From all the other french forums I have visited it seems we have chosen an area with very few Brits or maybe they are all very quiet in this area. gmg
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