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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by gtaylor

  1. Hi to all, We are looking to move to the Pyrenees next year. We know the area vaguely but we would love some advise and help on where would be a great place to Start looking. We plan on renting first with the on look of buying when we have secured an area and work. I am an English hairdresser and my wife and I also invest in property so we would look to use our skills and services to make a living in France. We would also look to start our own business there too. I know this sounds silly but we are looking to move to France for the obvious French culture and life style but we also appreciate a little help from fellow expats whom have done the same. We want to integrate totally into French life but we also know how valuable friends are. Any help on these subjects would be massively appreciated and gratefully received Kind regards Gavin
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