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S Capees

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  1. My husband and I have moved to the Lot-et-Garonne and are staying with friends until our sale completes back in the UK. We have recently returned from a week in the Aveyron and have fallen head over heels with Millau and the surrounding areas. Most people we have spoken to think we are nuts for wanting to live there. They cite weather, winters, isolation, rural nature etc as reasons not to live there. One even commented that you must be born there to enjoy living there! Husband is from New Zealand and well used to isolation with forest, hills and rivers, and albeit on a smaller scale I am from Yorkshire and have lived in many rural isolated places. We intend to go and rent a gite there for a month or so in the depths of January/February to see how we feel about it. We intend to fully integrate in the area and will be self employed and have a variety of opportunities to pursue depending on the property we end up with. So my questions are, do any of you live there, if so, where? What is your first hand experience of the area? Any general thoughts or experiences good or bad? Thank you!
  2. Can anyone recommend any good brocantes, flea markets or car boots (Vide Grenier) in the Charente/ North Dordogne area. We are in happy to travel 2 hours. Particularly looking for lighting, motor related antiquities, vintage clothing and industrial items. Many thanks. x
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