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  1. Hi all, My husband and I are early retirees, my husband receiving a military pension taxed and paid in the UK. When we came to France my husband set up as an AE, but now after a year this is no longer feasible. I am still linked to my husband's RSI Healthcare cover, I currently have no sociale number of my own and am aware I need to register myself separately. Questions: If we cancel the business, can I as an individual with no income receive healthcare linked to my husband who receives his pension (say as a dependent) I will add we already have a mutuelle in place. Or, is it that my husband would pay tax on anything over the allowance set (as I understand it) at 9,700 euros, in his case at 8% and I am up the creek without a paddle? Unless I too pay and if so, any idea what? We are making appointments next week to see CPAM to clarify and I am aware that if we cancel the business we are covered for 12 months and in my husband's case, he can continue to remain with the RSI if he wishes rather than switch to CPAM after the 12 months, but just hoped I may have some idea before we go in. We have lived in France since 2014. Any advice most welcome
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