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Everything posted by grumpyaudeman

  1. Never knew why he called himself quillan I had the misfortune to live there for 3 months a sad neglected town as far as I am aware he lives in Axat 15 minutes up a mountain even more sad
  2. . BUT, if you open an account with Credit Agricole in your new area, THEY CAN TRANSFER THE WHOLE ACCOUNT LOCK STOCK AND BARREL FOR YOU. It is difficult to render me speechless but You will be, it took me over 4 painful months to change CA branch's total crap I ended up having to write all the letters and the pile of correspondence was immense
  3. [quote user="NickP"] I would suggest you read what others write and mean, not what you think they say or mean; especially as you seem read and reply late at night.[B][B][/quote] I read what you write but can you tell me what you mean , with the beers " especially as you seem read and reply late at night" Its not even English grammar be honest
  4. As you said "who" rather than "I don't give a fig" and" I couldn't give a monkeys' to me suggests the contra Yep Gloucester born Gloucester bred strong in the arm and thick in the head but legged it due to the odd British idea of superiority Why did you have a knock at those who live in the South I have enjoyed the Correze and Pays Basque and now the Aude what have you tried
  5. [quote user="NickP"]Who gives a flying fig? As I'm a UK resident and changed up enough money earlier when the pound was valued at 1.43. to fill up the oil tanks, fill up the wood shed, put enough in the French bank account to pay all of this years French taxes and bills on my French holiday home, I couldn't give a monkeys. It's just the money men doing what they always do, manipulating the rates. when they go up they earn, when they go down they earn. Of course if you live in a barrel in a deprived area in the south and depend on a pension then I understand your worry. Shame that the oracle from Quillan is still not around to give us the benefit of his wisdom about finances. Also It's good for me when the pound falls as the value of my French house increases should I wish to sell. [:D] [/quote] Its nice to be reassured Brits with plenty of dosh, two or more homes do not give a fig for others less well off I am glad I left your country 20 years back
  6. Hi Was this a message from the UK, or France perhaps a time when the Plough was aligned with something Is it a english or french originator Steve
  7. Hi Its obvious you need to put something behind the plasterboard I suggest its by drilling small holes which can be plastered later I would try injecting Ammonia bought from most supermarkets if no electrical leads were near by or a rat poison if that didn't work Be cautious with the latter one dead Rat that died because it ate the mains stank for 3 months
  8. Hi I have used False Acacia as firewood and fence posts for years its certainly a hardwood, as for furniture I imagine its scarce use is due to the slim width of the trunk ie small planks http://www.acacia-robinier.be/index_UK.html
  9. Hi Forget French andouillette and stick to the old British cold platted chitterlings,vinegar and salt The smell on a Monday morning back in the 50's when the local butcher boiled them up, reached and spread miles ,pure bliss Nearly as good as poached Sprats in vinegar
  10. I also agree I have used them in Pamplona Spain ,Pau, Rivesalts and Perpignan always a great range, price and service
  11. Arise children of the fatherland The day of glory has arrived Against us tyranny's Bloody standard is raised Listen to the sound in the fields The howling of these fearsome soldiers They are coming into our midst To cut the throats of your sons and consorts To arms citizens Form your battalions March, march Let impure blood Water our furrows What do they want this horde of slaves Of traitors and conspiratorial kings? For whom these vile chains These long-prepared irons? Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage What methods must be taken? It is us they dare plan To return to the old slavery! What! These foreign cohorts! They would make laws in our courts! What! These mercenary phalanxes Would cut down our warrior sons Good Lord! By chained hands Our brow would yield under the yoke The vile despots would have themselves be The masters of destiny Tremble, tyrants and traitors The shame of all good men Tremble! Your parricidal schemes Will receive their just reward Against you we are all soldiers If they fall, our young heros France will bear new ones Ready to join the fight against you Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors Bear or hold back your blows Spare these sad victims That they regret taking up arms against us But not these bloody despots These accomplices of Bouillé All these tigers who pitilessly Ripped out their mothers' wombs We too shall enlist When our elders' time has come To add to the list of deeds Inscribed upon their tombs We are much less jealous of surviving them Than of sharing their coffins We shall have the sublime pride Of avenging or joining them Drive on sacred patriotism Support our avenging arms Liberty, cherished liberty Join the struggle with your defenders Under our flags, let victory Hurry to your manly tone So that in death your enemies See your triumph and our glory!
  12. Hi If you are really interested in the night sky buy the most expensive Telescope you can afford the bigger the aperture the better aim for dustbin lid size reflector If its a good scope it can be programmed to search or give a tour, the small telescopes can give an insight but to see galaxies and nebulae on a powerful telescope its wonderful
  13. [quote user="knee gel"]Hi, Thanks for that. I looked it up and as they don't appear to harm the trees they can carry on crimping! Mrs KG[/quote] Great, best response, lovely creatures
  14. Hi To the north of Brive are deep valleys ,keep out of them it stays very frosty in winter Objat is a lovely town as is St Robert Spring in this region is fine wetting rain Winter is wet and cold I liked it there but moved to the Pays Basque after 8 years but after another 10 years ended up in the Aude best of luck live the life PS I have an old friend with me now who has lived near Objat since 1990 and still loves it
  15. Hi Its one of the Mason Bees probably Megachile centuncularis
  16. Hi I do not think you will have any problems creating an English Garden I had one in the Correze for 8 years and later in the Pays Basque for 10 years, trying the same now in the Aude Soil has nothing to do with your idea, French Soil is the same as British, variable RE Aquilegias they are a Blue native plant as are Snap Dragons in France if you can't grow them you must be a terrible gardener My Hostas without watering were quite happy
  17. Hi I am less than 15 metres from the river Aude and to date whilst it is occasionally brown nowt rain has hit my garden I pray for rain
  18. Dry its been over 38 degrees is not the word its starts with an F and ends in, I wont bother I am trying to grow a 600 metre square lawn and the amount of water so far excreted is having an effect on my beer intake For storms this is a great site http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime
  19. Hi Go to Carcassone, Perpignan or Spain. The Costa Bravo is just over an hour For me its great its rained the first time in about six weeks 6 mm in the last 24 hours and I am just down river from you Or have a day in with your loved one and listen to BBC Radio 2 PS does Quillan live in said place or Axat 10 kilometers elsewere
  20. Hi It really depends on where and for how long you live in France For example if its a holiday home travel expenses are minimal but if you live as I do permanently on the Med the costs of purchasing goods in the UK are prohibitive regardless of the exchange rate. I am always popping into Spain for my cheap products I do use the internet for certain items and use sterling my pension unit
  21. but a hybrid?? No other family of flowering plants can match the Orchids in their tendency to hybridize as for natural hybrids of Serapias look at this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serapias
  22. Hi Can you post a picture showing the outline of the lip it looks similar to a plough share serapia from the side but may be a hybrid, they love getting together what type of soil do you have
  23. The original post was last year hope they made up their minds
  24. Thanks for that info ,as I do not need to tell the authorities I can write any address I feel applicable, brilliant, and getting close to the forth
  25. I have no idea what the fuss is about French licences do not show offences and if you change address you still keep the old one on the document, weird Is the UK saying their documents are crap and not recognized by any other country, surely not What made me laugh to get this document you need a National Insurance number since when did any one give this detail for a driving test
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