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Posts posted by crack

  1. To be really cynical,I think the stratagy is to lose every vote going so that it won't be the conservative party in power when march 2019 comes around,that way it won't be their fault that Brexit didn't work out.

    To be nasty, I could say look what happens when you have the product of a grammer school in power, but I won't
  2.  Here is the relevent information of what you need and where you put it on the impots form.

    This paragraph comes from LHumanite newspaper the link to the full article is


    .Dated the

    3 Mars 2017 so up to date

    Du côté des impôts

    Faute d’obtenir une aide ci-dessus ou d’être reconnu(e) handicapé(e), il est possible pour les salariés et les non salariés actifs de déclarer comme frais professionnel la part du prix de l’appareillage non pris à charge par l’assurance maladie et la mutuelle. Pour cela il faut faire une déclaration de frais professionnels réels sur la déclaration des revenus (case prévue à cet effet) et joindre un certificat médical (du médecin traitant ou du travail) attestant que le port des appareils auditifs est nécessaire pour le travail + une copie de la facture d'achat de l'appareil. Attention ça ne marche pas si vous avez par ailleurs des aides de la MDPH ou de l'Agefiph.

    Par ailleurs, toutes les personnes malentendantes, titulaires d’une carte d’invalidité au taux de 80%, bénéficient d’une demi-part supplémentaire de quotient familial. Il suffit de cocher la case prévue à cet effet en première page de la déclaration des revenus et de joindre une copie recto-verso de la carte d’invalidité.
  3. a bit late I know but I had the estimate for my new aids today.This is for Phonak Audeo B70.For both ears total price without deductions 2990.00€.Deductions secu 199.42€ each ear Mutual pays 479.74€ each ear which leaves around 1631.95€ to pay,plus the deduction impots which is about 50% of 1631.95€ not sure of the exact %,it may have changed since my last set of aids,so say 800€ ,may be more may be less,which leaves 831.95€ total eventual outlay.The impots will be on the return for next year.Included is 4 year guarantee for breakdown,loss theft and breakage it also includes tuning as often as necessary. Not as expensive as you think and bear in mind that the pair that I have now, 6 years old ,cost 3300€ and have much less tuning possibilities.I wouldn't waste my time going to the Uk to buy them.Having someone on the doorstep to look after them /me is by far more important.I have 60% hearing loss and the difference is enormous.
  4. here a a couple of links which are widely available



    Reno is short for renovation

    This is helpful too 


  5. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]It gives a mottled look that I really don't like. It is quicker of course, but a hand painted door looks better !

    Chancer does not paint his doors .

    Perhaps you need to change the texture of the roller.

    Chancer does not paint his doors  is that a recommendation or a critisism?
  6. [quote user="alittlebitfrench"]It gives a mottled look that I really don't like. It is quicker of course, but a hand painted door looks better !

    Chancer does not paint his doors .

    Perhaps you need to change the texture of the roller.

    Chancer does not paint his doors  is that a recommendation or a critisism?
  7. When I came to live in France there wasn't the internet, there were no mobile phones either.  I was obliged to do everything face to face, which meant that :

    I had to learn the language ( the best I could),

    It meant that the information was first hand ,(not she said ,he said )

    It helped me get in touch with the right people regarding admin,planning etc

    It helped to get me known around the commune.It was a small commune.

    That was just some of the benefits, for me it was better to jump in at the deep end, not necessarily blindly, but jump in anyway.The Internet spoonfeeds and gives false impressions and information and until you have been here a while you won't know this.

  8. I found  a little how to do it thing, its in french but use the translater

    Peindre le zinc.

    Le gris des gouttières en zinc n’est pas toujours très esthétique sur

    une façade. On peut peindre le zinc avec la technique suivante :

    Dégraisser le zinc à l’eau chaude additionnée de 100 g de lessive Saint-Marc par litre, ou au trichloréthylène.

    Après séchage, appliquer une sous-couche spéciale pour zinc : un wash primer ou une sous-couche au chromate de zinc.

    Appliquer ensuite deux couches de peinture décorative, soit une laque brillante, soit de la peinture de façade.

    Peindre un jour sec, sans vent et sans un soleil trop violent.

  9. [quote user="sweet 17"]Now you have confused me because I thought you could "rayer autant de noms que vous voulez sûr une liste"?[/quote]

    Communes with more then 1000 people cannot cross out any names  otherwise the vote is void.

    Le panachage n'est plus autorisé c'est à dire que pour que votre bulletin soit valable, ilne doit pas étre raturé, il ne doit pas y avoir de nom ajouté sur la list. Vous devez voter pour un liste entière que vous ne pouvez pas modifier.

    Democracy in action

  10. For the first time (after 23 years)I will not be voting .The reason is very simple, only one list exists and there are people on that list who should never be allowed near local politics.As far as I am concerned the rule changes now mean no democracy what so ever and a licence to build up a massive powerbase for the elected few and a mandate for 6 years as well.Not even the presidents term lasts that long.

  11. This is a bit how long is a piece of string really,I think you can budget for a standard 3000 litre fosse and drainage field ,between 7,000€ to 12,000€ that should include soil study and other fees.But much depends on how the land.

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