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  1. Does any one knows how to get free coupons for foods in France? Please let me know which companies offers free coupons? Thanks..
  2. [quote user="nomoss"]My dictionary says "Huile de vaseline", "Vaseline liquide", or "Huile de paraffine"     [/quote] good info ...
  3. [quote user="just john "]Whatever was he thinking? rightly suspended, but do the teenagers get therapy before a homework on the joys of life?  Teacher-France-suspended-asking-class-write-suicide-notes-homework   [/quote] its a rare incident. I guess.
  4. [quote user="Fred"]We adopted a stray 3 years ago and it has changed our lives completely - for the better! To anyone who is toying with the idea, but is worried that it might put the mockers on travel plans, just be strong and get used to putting your new pet in kennels from time to time, and don't feel guilty about it. Or even take your dog with you - France is a very dog-friendly place.[/quote] Its true .. France is a good country for pet lovers. cheers
  5. better to contact "Orange" people.. and raise your question.
  6. [quote user="Jonzjob"]We have got ours from the local dechetterie. There's normaly several there and we normally just chuck them in our emptied trailer.. [/quote] I got mine from local charity too..
  7. [quote user="NormanH"]That was the case when the competitors first entered the market Avant 2010, si vous optiez pour une offre au tarif de marché, passé le délai légal de rétractation, vous ne pouviez plus repasser au tarif réglementé. But this was then changed Jugeant que cette disposition freinait la mobilité des consommateurs, les parlementaires français ont inclus dans la loi Nome le principe de réversibilité sans condition : les consommateurs (les particuliers, notamment) ayant souscrit un contrat pour une puissance électrique inférieure à 36 kVA ont, à tout moment, la possibilité de revenir aux tarifs réglementés. This isn't quite as great as it sounds as the controls are going to disappear Ces derniers sont, pourtant, appelés à disparaître, même si la loi Nome a reporté cette suppression de fin 2010 à début 2016. An interesting link: http://www.leparticulier.fr/jcms/p1_1440898/le-point-sur-les-tarifs-de-l-electricite-faut-il-quitter-edf [/quote] totally agreed
  8. The replies are really helped me too... thanks
  9. Didn't heard kind of an info..
  10. good info who are looking for cheap lodging in Italy. thanks
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