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Phoenix PR

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Everything posted by Phoenix PR

  1. Hi That's brilliant - thank you, and we look forward to seeing you there! Phoenix.
  2. PHOENIX – desperately seeking foster homes for cats & dogs! Here at Phoenix, our foster homes are full. There is a seemingly endless demand for us to take in dogs and we’re trying to prepare for kitten season which will soon be upon us. If you are interested, even if it's to foster just ONE animal, please email publicrelations.phoenix@gmail.com for further details and an application form. For cats, you must be within 1.5 hours drive from Issac, 24400 Dordogne, and for dogs, you must be within 1.5 hours drive from Vergt, 24380 Dordogne. “Saving the life of one animal may not change the world, but the world will surely change for that one animal.” Thank you, Phoenix Association, www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  3. The Great Phoenix Book Fair, Saturday 4th May, Campsegret, 24140. It's time to stock up on your summer reads! The largest Anglo-French fundraising event in South West France will return on Saturday 4th May, 2013. Over 18,000 well-sorted and recent books, CDs and DVDs will once again be available to all for only €1 a piece! The popular crime and non-fiction sections will be even bigger than before and even a good assortment of French books will be on offer for those who wish to polish their language skills. For the first time, brand new, high quality books will be available for a steal at €2.50 each! As if many thousands of books, CDs and DVDs isn't enough, there will also be stalls with our famous Tombola, family puzzles and games, bric-a-brac, specialist antiquarian and children's books and lots more! Delicious home-made €1 savouries, tasty cakes, scones and other assorted goodies, along with hot and cold drinks will once again make it an unforgettable 'British' day in France! So come and make a day of it, browse, meet new people, join friends, have lunch and enjoy yourself. And most importantly, you'll be supporting Phoenix Association to help care and rehome animals in need. Salle Municipale, 24140 Camsegret - on the N21 between Bergerac and Perigueux - doors open from 9.30am to 3.00pm www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  4. GAOU – Saint Bernard / Border Collie (mum) X Border Collie (dad) Gaou will be 2 years old in April 2013, and needs a home urgently as his owner can’t care for him any more. He is a friendly, sociable, timid dog who loves children and who also lives with a cat and gets on well with dogs. He weighs about 25kg. He is chipped and vaccinated. He is also about to be neutered. For all enquiries about this super boy, please contact June on: searchfields.lagroie@orange.fr
  5. Dégustation du Printemps - gourmet Dutch cheese combined with a chance to meet "Phoenix"! – 20th April, 2013 Why not combine your passion for animals with your passion for food?! Phoenix Association is delighted to have been asked to represent itself at the annual gourmet food event of the Dordogne, the Dégustation du Printemps, on Saturday 20th April in Hautefort. Every year since 2006, “Fromagère Jolanda” opens its doors to visitors in order that they can taste the new season’s Gouda cheese. People flock from miles around as Jolanda is one of the few sellers of genuine Gouda (AOP) in France, in varying maturities and flavours. Not only that, there are also many other temptations, such as local wines, champagne, fish and chips, salted herring, olives, honey and much more. Phoenix will be there and will be very happy to meet and talk to you about its work and about the many animals available for adoption. The event is being held on Saturday 20th April from 4pm to 7pm at: Camping La Grenouille, Brégérac / La Besse, 24390 Hautefort For details of the event please telephone 05 53 50 11 71 We look forward to seeing you there. The Phoenix Team www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  6.   Please Help the Animals by Becoming a Member of Phoenix. Do you want to do something to help the huge number of abandoned and homeless animals in France? If your answer is YES, then maybe you would consider joining us? We ask our Members for a subscription of just €15 per year – this is a valued contribution towards our high veterinary fees, fostering and re-homing costs. (Phoenix is not state funded and we rely on every euro we receive! Every member of the Phoenix team is a volunteer). Once a Member, you will receive our exclusive, bi-monthly Members’ newsletter, 'YAP!' updating you on our work, latest news and re-homing statistics. We will invite you to attend our many events and gatherings and also our Annual General Meeting. So, if you would like to join us, please contact Christine, Phoenix's Memberships Secretary, on: Email: members.phoenix@gmail.com Tel: 05 53 22 91 61 THANK YOU, The Phoenix Team www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  7. First Success of Phoenix's 'One Cat or Two' Campaign Annabel became Phoenix's latest cat Foster Carer after seeing our “One Cat or Two” campaign. She says she thought it was a great idea to get cats into homes while they're waiting for that special person to love them. Annabel already has 10 cats so when she took Lester she thought one or two more wouldn't make much difference! She says “it's like having another lovely cat with more fun and cuddles but without the potential vets bills”. If, like Annabel, you can make space for “One Cat or Two” please contact Lynda Atkins on 05 53 81 30 44 or email lapuille@gmail.com To see Annabel and Lester go to www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  8.  HADDOCK (11 months old) My name is Haddock. There is a reason for me looking so sad….. At 2 months old I was found abandoned one night and turned up at someone’s door. A family adopted me... but they say they can’t keep me any more! I am only 11 months old but they say I have grown too bulky and cumbersome for them….. I long to go outside and play but nobody has any time or inclination to walk me. I adore being with people and children. Other dogs and cats are my friends. Please adopt me! I want to bounce and play and be happy again! For the meantime, I am living in Gers near Valence-sur-Baîse. My microchip number is 250269802097679 Please contact : Isabelle 0611896365 or Sabine 0677380507 To see Haddock go to www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  9. Phoenix– Special Appeal for Injured Shepherd Boy This adorable, 3 year old young male shepherd was rescued after spending nearly 3 days tangled in wire, without food or water. The vet who saved him was forced to amputate a piece of his hind leg, but otherwise, he's fine and is gaining strength. He weighs about 18KG, and is rather sad at the moment, but is going ‘home’ to recuperate with the vet and his wife on 29th December, where they will see how he gets on with their own 7 cats and 2 dogs! We are seeking an emergency foster or permanent family for him. If you are interested in helping out this lovely boy, please email Phoenix’s Richard & Sheelagh on sheerik@wanadoo.fr, or please enquire directly to the vet, M. José Banquart on 06 61 44 32 68 or banquart@orange.fr To see a picture of this lovely boy go to our facebook page below. Thank you www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  10. PHOENIX Appeal for LILY Sweet Lily is an affectionate little 1 year old tabby girl, who was sadly found abandoned. She loves people and a cuddle and really wants to be sitting with you by the fire this winter! She is currently in Phoenix foster care, and now all she needs is her own family to love her. If you are interested in adopting Lily, please telephone Sharon 05 53 60 73 11 or email sharonleechappell@hotmail.co.uk. To see Lily and other Phoenix animals seeking homes, please see: www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  11. PHOENIX Appeal for RASTARasta is our ‘oldie but goldie’ girl 12 year old setter girl! She is just gorgeous – gentle, affectionate, good with cats, dogs and children. She’s even been taken to a restaurant by her foster mum, who says she settled down and snored through lunch! Apparently she knows how to make good use of her ‘sad eyes’ for a treat! If you are interested in adopting Rasta, please contact Margaret & Gary: maggieslap52@hotmail.com or 05 45 30 10 39 See Rasta and more Phoenix animals awaiting homes on: www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  12. PHOENIX Needs Cat & Kitten Foster Carers Phoenix Association deals with several calls every week from people who have found abandoned cats and kittens, or who need to re-home their cats. It's heartbreaking to have to turn so many away. To counteract this, Phoenix is recruiting cat / kitten Foster Carers. Are you interested? If so, please email publicrelations.phoenix@gmail.com for further information. Thank You www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  13. Bergerac SPA now has a Facebook page Bergerac SPA, who partner with Phoenix Association, now have their own Facebook page. They have a bilingual staff member who is happy to help - please have a look at the animals awaiting adoption, as well as good news updates of those who have found homes. Please 'Like' their page to show them your support.http://www.facebook.com/spa24bergeracBilingual Staff Member - Aurélie Letellier - 06 88 94 40 25 or aurelie.letellier@spa24bergerac.org Thank you The Phoenix Team
  14. Phoenix Appeal for Lizzie Just a puppy still, Lizzie has been waiting for a home of her own for a while. She turned up eariier this year as a stray in the garden of Rita Hoener, who kindly took her in and contacted Phoenix. Rita decided to keep Lizzie, but due to family circumstances, Rita now has to travel frequently to Germany, and it’s just not fair on Lizzie, so we’ve put her up for adoption. Lizzie is a little star - very affectionate, listens well, intelligent, good recall and very lively and fun – she loves to spring and run around. She is great with other dogs although a little vocal when she first meets one and she is getting accustomed to Rita’s cat, after being boisterous initially. Lizzie would suit an active person or family, and as she’s a curious and bouncy little tinker, a secure, fenced garden is a must. She’d love another dog for company too. We’re not sure why she hasn’t been adopted yet, as she’s also beautiful, so please, if you are thinking about it, contact Rita on 05 55 78 13 93 or email on rite.hoener@web.de See photos of Lizzie on the Phoenix Facebook pagewww.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance and www.phoenixasso.com
  15. Phoenix Appeal for HONEY and PEACE    Dear All   No, Phoenix is not actually asking you to send us honey and peace, (although that would be very nice!!) - we're asking you to help us find a home for these two lovely creatures.   On the enquiries front, these two have scored 'nul points'. Sometimes this happens, and frustratingly, we don't really know why, but what we can say is that they are both adorable, so please, please help us find them the loving homes they deserve:   HONEY – beautiful, 1 year old Whippet X Terrier   Honey is highly intelligent and full of life. She loves to run and jump and so she would do well with an active person/family, happy to engage her energies – perhaps a good candidate for agility or flyball?!   Honey thinks it’s great fun to play with other dogs and she is very sociable. She is brilliant out on walks and is very obedient; her recall is second to none. She is so loyal and willing to please and will do just about anything for a treat or a cuddle. She loves children.   Now all she needs is her own family to love her.  She is currently with Foster Carer Sharon. Please telephone 05 53 60 73 11 or email sharonleechappell@hotmail.co.uk.    PEACE – 7 Month Old Calico Girl Young Cat Poor Peace was dumped in a carrier bag, but luckily was found and is safely in Phoenix foster care.  Peace is confident, typically inquisitive, playful and mischievous. She gets on well with all the other cats and likes humans too, a lovely girl with very pretty markings. She wants you to be her purrfect friend! She is currently with Foster Carer, Lynda Atkins. Please telephone 05 53 81 30 44 or email lapuille@gmail.com Photos are on the Phoenix website and Facebook pages – see:www.phoenixasso.com                                                               http://www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  16. 17th November, 10:00am near Bergerac Hello All In just 7 days' time, the annual Phoenix Sponsored Dogwalk will take place in Mouleydier, near Bergerac. This year, it's in memory of Yuppi, who completely stole our hearts, even though he was only with Phoenix for a couple of weeks.  Thankfully, we were able to provide him with a more happy life experience before he passed away peacefully and loved at last.  Sadly, there are so many more like Yuppi, and we can only save as many animals as our funds allow. Therefore, we are appealing to you to please sponsor the walk, or even to come along for fun and moral support! All details, including meeting times and how to sponsor, are on www.Phoenixasso.com/dogwalk We look forward to seeing you there, and as usual, huge thanks from us for all of your support.  http://www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance    
  17. Hi, it’s me, Hannah, again! Since my last appeal to you, nobody has called for me, and my Carers really don’t understand why!! Every day they tell me how sweet I am, how well behaved I am, and how I am never too jumpy or loud. I never mess in the house, and when I’m in the car, I just say, “wake me up when we arrive!” I really want to please my Carers and therefore I am never far away if I walk off-lead and I do my best to do (or not do!) whatever you ask of me. My wishes are modest and are the same as for any dog: a nice warm bed, a garden to amuse myself in and to accompany you whenever I can. But most of all I want your cuddles and affection! - I haven’t been given much affection so far in my life so I am making up for it now! I must say though that I don’t like to share all of this with other dogs! If you or anyone you know think I could be your forever friend, please call my Carer, Patricia, on 05 53 50 40 76. Thank you. Hannah xx You can see pictures of Hannah on www.phoenixasso.com and http://www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  18. Hi Everyone, As many of you know, each Autumn Phoenix holds a Sponsored Dogwalk as a memorial to one of our "gone but not forgotten" Phoenix dogs.  This is the ninth time we have held the event and on 17th November we will be walking in memory of dear little Yuppi.  Please visit  http://www.phoenixasso.com/dogwalk.html to read about Yuppi and for details of sponsorship.  We're currently low on funds and badly need your aid so that we can continue to help dogs like Yuppi.   Thankyou The Phoenix Team www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance  
  19. Christine Endres from Phoenix completed her sponsored 1800km challenge on Sunday 14th October. Christine has cycled 900km AND walked 900km, all to raise money for the animals in need. Christine is still in Spain, and despite being exhausted, has been badly bitten by the adventure bug, and doesn't want it to end! We are really in awe of her spirit and her fitness - this second phase of her challenge has taken her SIX weeks to complete, that's an average 20km walk every day for six weeks. So far, she has raised just over €1,500, which is fantastic. If you still want to sponsor Christine, please note, the closing date for sponsorships is Saturday 20th October. You can either send a cheque, payable to Association Phoenix, to Roger Farrow, Les Jabauds, 24380 Vergt, or you can use your credit / debit card to sponsor online at http://www.phoenixasso.com/challenge.html Thank you to all who have generously sponsored Christine, and huge congratulations to Christine herself and to her friends and family who have supported her. The Phoenix Team www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  20. Fundraising Coordinators Required! – Phoenix Association Phoenix Association – who rescue and re-home abused and abandoned animals, is recruiting two Fundraising Coordinators. The role of the Fundraising Coordinator is to increase funds raised into Phoenix by encouraging, motivating, supporting and coordinating Phoenix supporters to undertake independent fundraising activities, as well as to develop new and imaginative ideas. Please note, as with the other members of the Phoenix team, this is a voluntary role. The Fundraising Coordinators will each head a working group of people who will support them in their role. The Northern Dordogne Fundraising Coordinator and team will predominantly cover the northern Dordogne, that is the region north of the A89 motorway. If the occasion arises, they will also coordinate events in départements 16, 87 and 19. The Southern Dordogne Fundraising Coordinator and team will predominantly coordinate events taking place in the southern Dordogne region, south of the A89, as well as départements 33, 47 and 46, if the occasion arises. For a job description and an application form, please contact Lynda Atkins at lapuille@gmail.com. Please note: If you are not interested in this coordination role, but are interested in joining one of the teams as a fundraiser, or have ideas or time to spare, please also contact us - we always love volunteers and ideas! www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  21. Phoenix Association deals with several calls every day from people who have found abandoned cats and kittens. It's heartbreaking to have to turn so many away. To counteract this, Phoenix is recruiting cat / kitten Foster Carers. Do you live within 1.5 hours drive of Vergt, Dordogne, and are you interested? If so, please email publicrelations.phoenix@gmail.com for further information. Thank You www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  22. There are now four weeks to go until the Phoenix Book Sale in Campsegret on Saturday 27th October. This is one of the biggest Anglo-French fundraising events in south west France. We hope that you are able to come along and support us, and of course to stock up on your ONE EURO books for the winter. ALL proceeds go towards animals in need. As usual, there will be over 15,000 well sorted books, CDs and DVDs, an array of drinks and tasty food, a tombola stall, and plenty of the Phoenix team to meet and chat to. The sale starts at 10am and closes at 3pm. It takes place in Campsegret on the RN21 between Perigueux and Bergerac. We look forward to seeing you there, The Phoenix Team www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
  23. Hi Sue Thanks, that's really kind of you to post the piccies of our boys. Jane (Phoenix)
  24. Bingley & Hogan - little cat-brothers looking for love Bingley and Hogan are brothers who were actually born into Phoenix foster care in April 2012, but have been waiting ever since then for a home! They are both friendly, nice cats. Bingley is slightly more confident, while Hogan prefers to carry out a quiet assessment of you first! These two could be homed together, as they make a lovely pair, sharing the same marmalade coloured eyes, but they'd also be happily separated. They'd love to have a nice fire and a lap to sit on this winter….. Bingley & Hogan are currently in foster care in Issac, 24400 Please call Lynda Atkins on 05 53 81 30 44 or email lapuille@gmail.com Thank you, The Phoenix Team www.phoenixasso.com www.facebook.com/PhoenixAssociationFrance
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