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  1. Have you tried Emmaus (spelling ?) its a charity and sells furniture here in the UK. But they also have out lets in Normandy and all over France. A search on Google would help you find the most nearest one to you in France.
  2. Hi all 27's hope you are all well. Some interesting events to be seen in Normandy over the next coming months; 28th May- Chateau du Blanc-Buisson, St Pierre du Mesnil. 150 volunteers acting out scenes from the 700 years of the chateaus history. www.blancbuisson.com 28 & 29 May - Espace St Laurent, Verneuil-sur-Avre. Craft works, iron glass, procelain and stained glass events. (0232327241). May thru to Sept. Abbaye de Fontaine-Guerad, Radepont. Saturdays, tourch lit visit through the abbaye. Sundays a treasure hunt for children. www.cister.net 5 Jun- Bernay, Brionne, book stalls, story tellers and street theatre (0683096650). 8Jun- St Georges-du-Vievre- guided rambles at dusk with music entertainment. picinc meal. www.loisirsetculturedanslelieuvin.com 18 & 19 Jun. Les Andelys-Medieval market and show, jugglers, falconry, music and comedy. www.ville-andelys.fr/ocla 25 Jun until July- Pont-Audemer, Festival. Concert, market,street art, hot air balloons. www.ville-pont-audemer.fr 26 June-St Pierre du Vauvray, ramble +(guided) hill walk early morning with breakfast over looking the Seine. www.torisme-seine-eure.com Regards, Jon 27
  3. Hi, sounds a lovely idea. But we are too far away. We are in Eure, Haute Normandie. We arent resident in France (Yet!) and take French lessons through the local evening classess in the UK. Had hoped to then link up with a French teacher in France to further expand our French, but havnet been able to find anyone as yet. Good luck with your venture. Jon 27
  4. Hi 27's, Just looked at the world weather news and see you have some wonderful sunny days to come in Eure, area 27. Has the sunshine arrived? We travel to 27 on Good Friday and hope for good dry weather to get on in the garden and sort out the jungle. Jon 27
  5. ouf

    signs of spring

    In France, Normandy (27)...daffs about to bloom...buds on fruit trees...primroses in the garden peeping from behind hedges. Everlasting sweetpeas (surprised me!) have growth of about 4 inches. South of England...daffs in bloom and covered in snow (a fews days ago!). Snowdrops ended. I can confirm the mousing season has begun as the boss cat has been busy these last few weeks. Jon 27
  6. Hi 27's, Glass blocks which Sue was looking for. I saw them at Le Roy Merlin in Rouen. They had clear and coloured ones. Hopes this helps. Jon 27
  7. Thank you Weedon, I did laugh at your witty comments. More, I say...more please.
  8. Sue, Glass bricks are in Le Roy Merlin. I saw them there when I bought a new bathroom. Just returned from a short break in Normandy - Eure 27. Weather cold and we had hail stone for half a day. Not sure whats happening to the ferry at Dover-Calais but it certainly disturbed our journey to and from the Channel Tunnel both ways. Jon 27
  9. Hi all 27's Good to read all the posts from our area. Returning to 27 in 3 days time and its been a long wait. www.cdt-eure.fr website in french/english. I read somewhere that the external walls of Rouen Cathederal is having some kind of light show depicting Monet's art in the summer months. July seems to come to mind. Jon 27
  10. Hi 27's, Looking forward to the next trip to Eure (27) in 2 weeks time. Hows the weather been and wonder if I need to take a snow plough (only joking). I see this thread has a rating of 5 stars. Well deserved and well done to all you 27's for keeping the topic going. Jon (27)
  11. Hi 27's, good to see the thread is growing. Spent just over a week in Eure just before Christmas. We had a fluttering of snow which lasted a whole half hour. Looked a picture in the garden as we looked out of the window with a roaring log fire inside, supping a glass of wine. Neighbour, whom we had only ever seen dashing by in his car, came walking through the gates with gun and two dogs yapping at his heels. Feared the worst and thought one of the family must have tried their French out on him and perhaps put the wrong accent on something...should I run for cover I thought. No..sent wife to the door instead. Neighbour then handed over a bird from his shoot that morning. I heard a few mumbled sounds from the doorway and off the neighbour went still with his dogs yapping at his heels. Must admit we were touched by this generous act. Must return the compliment next time we are there. Happy New Year to all 27's.... Jon
  12. Sorry didnt know where to place this question. Have returned from Normandie and the eldest wants to know who won the French Star Academy TV contest. Lucie or Greg ? Anyone able to let us know? Many thanks. Jon 27
  13. Hi 27's, I see the number is growing. I agree about Le Petit coq au Champs-Campigny near PA. Lovely surroundings and meal was excellent and staff very accommodating. This was the first time we had tried Calvados there. There is also a nice, lunch-time place in Beuzeville, just off the market square, trying to rack my brain for the name of it. Honfleur is on our list to do in the warmer months as so far just enjoyed coffee on the pavement area watching the artists and the world go by. There is one artist (female) who paints a tiny cat in all her paintings. Honfleur has a lovely public park just a few mins walk from the harbour area. Exotic plants with plenty of seating for viewing. Have visited a few markets and found Evreux has some good local produce; cider tasting was on offer. Brionne's market in the summer was heaving with seafood and veg. Off to 27 next weekend...cannt wait. Jon 27
  14. Hi Sue, Alan, Robin, Flash in PA seems to be a good visit and have bought some cheap items. Again our property needs just some TLC on the inside and a dab of paint on the outer bits. Not up to major DIY projects, but who knows what the walls will give up in a few years time! Rented a cottage in St George when we property hunted, super place with a typical French square. We are not far from Conches and the shops are good, have found a cafe to sit and watch the world go by. The last time in France we found the boules park/court (?) and look forward to watching some games in the warmer months. Seems as though 27 has a number of us in the area. Jon 27
  15. Hi, Just like to say thanks for the infor on the forum (topics). New to the site and enjoy reading some of the postings. Hope in time I can add some info and share. Our (holiday) house in Normandy has just gone through, needs updating, but no major work (thankfully). Any forum gatherings in Normandy around Christmas time? I see the other areas meet up from time to time. Jon 27
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