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Everything posted by Miki

  1. The shakes and a blooming big eddake from Benidorm & Barca (hopefully) [:)] ................and paellas, oranges, lemons and Osbornes103.
  2. [quote user="Cassis"]So, you saw where I was coming from there, Miki! [:D] [/quote] Oh yes, loud and clear [:D] I am seriously thinking of making my little bit of Brittany a very very micro-micro climate, just the front garden in fact, not even the car park, nor out the back. That should pack them in [;-)]
  3. Is that in the Vendee as well ? If the people claiming a micro climate around that area spreads any further, the Hebrides will be included [:)]
  4. If ever I am warned for going off topic again I shall cite the case of Katie and Hoddy as my referal.[:)] I thank you (Arthur Askey)
  5. No, he didn't, that's why we are having to ask Judy for a few euros, whilst the yellow sausage does a runner, I wonder why ? [;-)] I know of very few B&B's that take credit cards. It's a matter of costs. We had a machine for many years and it is only recently that we stopped. We bought our one before last in 1999 and it was out of date by 2000 and no re-chipping could be done...nearly 500 euros down the pan. We hired before 1999 and from 2000 to recently but to be honest, although the costs were generally outweighed by the convenience, too many were still paying by cheque and we liked the print outs of guests names and cost, making it simple acountancy but it still ended up half cheque, half credit card, typical traditional French attitudes reign.................
  6. It used to have something in it, many moons ago before the kids arrived. Any chance of Judy loaning us a few euros for our hols, normal rates and when me boat comes in, rules apply ? [:)]
  7. And a fair point but with kids still attached to my wallet, we will save on having to exchange Euros to Pounds and sometimes, just sometimes, one can gain on the exchange rate, as in buying by ones UK credit card. Mute point but as ever, it's a case of six of one and half a dozen of another. [;-)] Naturally we all do things suited best to our own situation [:)]
  8. But then there is no difference between taking a UK cheque or having money from Nochex transferred in to a UK account is there ? Same thing  n'est ce pas ?? This is not aimed at you Phil, this is for anyone else's information. You can live in France and have an account with Nochex but monies taken go in to your Nochex account first and then are easily transferred to your designated account in the UK. But again, if you pass on the charges, you make no loss ? I get the feeling, that I think you prefer to take euros from UK guests in France ?  Rather than take Sterling, which is fair enough but for many others, it is not as practicable. A non arrival, just one, is not acceptable, those that have prepaid, always turn up or it doesn't matter, we have been paid ! Last year, our nearest B&B had 4 non arrivals, never had one until then in 3 years. Our problem can be people arriving by RyanAir or Condor, both can be cancelled just a few hours or so before departure. Condor can certainly be a problem in early/late season, as the weather worsens, so it is a toss up if it sails and if we have a party booked in, have no fear, the clients will not pay up for a  room that is not used. We had one last year (and the year before !!) who wanted us to rembourse them. They rang at 7p.m to say the ferry had been cancelled and they would not be arriving at the ETA of 8p.m and when I said that we would send him an insurance claim form for Condor or his insurers, he seriously expected us to send him his money back...... We cut the odds down and charge deposits, always have done. Not sure what I said about you and CV but my thoughts go, not just to G de Fr having a problem but seeing the look on the faces of the client as you charge one percent for taking them. You could always try it and let us know. I wouldn't ...............[;-)]
  9. Nochex is far better for us than Paypal. We have talked to a few people recently who deal quite a lot with Paypal and they have shown a little concern in one way or another. Personally I have no problems with either but for all our UK clients, we offer Nochex only. I had no idea it cost money now to be with Nochex, we certainly never paid to join up, can't think why they would want one to pay , when they benefit from every deal ? Having looked at Nochex just now, what is wrong with a Sellers Account ? No charges for joining up and with up to a £12000 per year allowed to be taken, you can take payments in this way. Merchant accounts do charge a set up fee of £50 but why bother with a Merchant account ? We live in France and Nochex are naturally fully aware of that. I thought the rules was, that you need a UK bank account./credit card and could accept payment from cards based in the UK. Mercahnt accounts are somewhat different in that now I believe they can take International cards. We have ours set up with Outlook Express and send them a reply with the Nochex Icon at the bottom and all the client has to do, is click on the icon and pay the amount we have requested and bosh, the payment has been made. Both parties get confirmation of the deal almost instantly, pretty simple really. We charge around 2.6% for anyone wanting to pay their deposit (or full payment for one night stays) by this method or if they feel that they prefer to pay by cheque, then they can send us a UK cheque and of course no charges would apply. I have to make this clear. Most one nighters are generally one time stayers only, some do stay one night regularly (that is once a year) but most, we will see just that one time. We pass on the charges, as it makes business sense to us, we are but a small B&B and offer this mode of payment as a service to the guests. We make no profit from the charge and actually lose slightly (there is also a 20p charge per transaction). By offering the cheque alternative, I think one is being totally fair. Phil, we have had no complains about passing on the charge whatsoever. People understand we are not a big hotel where we can take the loss on the cost of the room (as that is basically what it comes down to) and as I have said, we offer them the alternative method of paying by cheque. I think the way you have worked figures out on losses, is loaded a little (I know you mentioned Paypal in tis but ....). By taking, like we do from UK clients, full payment only on one nights stays and never full payments on longer stays, would mean a lot less loss to you and if you do what we do, pass on the charge, voila no real loss. I do not believe G de Fr have any worries, about how one takes deposits etc from Brits, cheque or card with charges passed on or not. all our charges are up front, so of course, no illegal hidden charges.
  10. The word for the Irish, is craic but the people  I know have alway simply called having a bit of fun, as having a crack.
  11. Advertising !! There are adverts from members and a Mod or two all over the place. What is he selling, two weeks in Barbados with every angry  agreement ! Sure there are more important things, lets find the most important and give everything else a swerve. That's sorted out all the other problems just the big one to worry about. With Quillan it's dog poo and plastic bags!! These things don't have a pecking order, You want to get the plastic bag situation sorted, fine, that's a good thing not sure how far it has gone but this feller appears to have put his money where his mouth is. His raison d'être is this thing, others who don't feel for it, that's OK but why tell him there are more important things to do?  Are some folks telling him to fight their corner for the things they want improved ? Sorry but people have to get off their own backsides to do that, not put it on people like him who have decided to do something. I admire the chap opposite the commons. couldn't do it myself but he has the will power to do it. Bizarre as it comes cross, it is still folks like him who are doing their little bit, not that important...course it's not but, as in everything in this World, it is generally the small things that make up the whole Bill, to put this at the bottom and only deal with the most important things here in France, would mean little or no reaction on this Forum, some have not yet grasped the Maire and Mairie principle yet [:)] We debate from crap to less crappy and all the sh*te in between. Now some want to debate whether this is  worth the debate !!! Friendly fire, there's a good one, not been debated recently, surely something that serious, should put all other debates on the back burner....Sadly or not, it doesn't work in that way, we all know that ! So one chap thinks we need big panels so people can read them, well let's go one further and have no fear, that is what happens, let's all be allowed nice big panels and lets all shove them together, there that's better, be like a book, very handy when travelling along and it's getting boring. Road safety, nicer environment,  armpits to that, we need to know where to buy a lapin !! I have no qualms with signs in general, we all need them in one way or another, they simply have to be controlled surely. This chap is also talking about the illegal sites that are springing up all over the place. The truth is, no one wants the big hoardings bunged up in the field opposite but will swear that they wouldn't mind...until the day, then it is a very big thing !!
  12. Oh come on Gay, where is the abuse in that last post ? Sorry but it comes cross more like pulling rank as you don't agree with him. His point is very valid, if you want Las Vegas, then we can sit back and let it happen, then all the lovers of France can then say, who let this happen and we can all blame....well who exactly, maybe paysage  !! This is the problem with Mods as I see it. You want to be able to converse and debate but then this happens and the next thing, you throw in the regulations to suit your case. The debate is at a disadvantage surely, any Mod can simply say what they like (and you know how many times a Mod has taken full advantage of their position and I had hoped you would never be one like that) and then bring in the regs when it suits. Surely you cannot be serious this time ? If so, please point out the parts he has transgressed the regs with.
  13. [quote] What a shining example of good taste - and to think I used to like Kevin Phillips...[/quote] Come on Dick, get over him man, he wasn't your type and you must know in your heart, there was no way was he going to spend 79 large ones on an engagement ring for you [:)] Whilst having a bit of a tidy up and doing a bit of out of season maintenance, we got talking about "Reality TV" etc. And we both came to the conclusion, British TV has to be putting out the TV programmes demanded surely ? All this crap TV is all to the detriment of other programmes, which may, or may not be better (couldn't be worse in my opinion) but it can only survive if it gets the viewing figures and there's the rub..........................We are now watching less and less, not neccessarily because we don't want to watch TV but this total rubbish is now taking over................luckily I like music and I get all the sport (mainly togger) I need from another satellite.
  14. [quote] Just like Bumfighting...[/quote] Do they use swords, daggers, pistols, 16oz gloves, the mind boggles. I do quite agree, the production would have no hesitation in bunging them fags and booze to get a result. None of these type of programmes ever give the full story, ever !!
  15. [quote user="Dick Smith"][quote user="Pierre ZFP"][quote user="Miki"]Aw Shucks. ...... but my real forté is my Bush, that is something to see [:)] [/quote] Bush as in George Dubbya ? [/quote] Oh I do hope so! If I go to sleep thinking of the alternative tonight I will hate you forever! [/quote] Why of course... My fellow members, I have a dream..................[;-)]
  16. [quote user="Dick Smith"]I coulda been a contender... Or do I mean bartender? [/quote] My moneys on the latter,  bruvver [:)] "Adrienne, Adrienne it's me Miki............." I'm getting in to this. All those years posing as a tree are paying off me doth think Will (as in Shakespeare, of course) [:)]
  17. Soz, The Captain's gone all luvvie since the acting jobs were advertised [:)]
  18. Yes, get yer coats you two. Leave the application to serious thespians............. comme moi dahling and oh yeh, the old saucisse......... [:)]
  19. Captain Slog would probably be the only man who would know what the heck that lot was, so right man for the job then. [:)] Turn left at Jupiter high street, someone said they thought they saw some by the space gas station.
  20. Herumpphh, And what about the poor old peeps oop norf then ?? [;-)]
  21. Aw Shucks. I was trained as a tree. My Oak is pretty good, my Willow more than passable but my real forté is my Bush, that is something to see [:)]
  22. We have a chap on here who really thinks and acts like he is a sausage, he would be good wouldn't he ? I can see it now Butch Smith and the Sausage Kid...
  23. Some time ago, a few years before we arrived in the North, the DDE around here, involved with other authorities, including several Maires, made a regulation for people such as us, that 3 boards were all that one commerce was allowed. This is still the legal amount for us and you can still only put 3 wherever you want to put them, private land or not. We have some boards at the side of the road, more so these days so pre-reserved guests can easily find us (none now being paid for incidentally) The sizes, now this where time has made me forget the corrcet size allowed but if my memory serves me right, it was something like 90cm x 90cm approx. In the towns or communes (not large towns or cities) there were signs designed to be put on the towns posts and this become the norm pretty quickly. Large home made signs were frowned upon and some mysteriously went on walkabout. The large hotel and resto companies, such as Ibis, Campanile, McDos and the rest, do appear to have their own regulations. What  appears to be acceptable and we see it all the time on entering most big towns, are the huge array of varying sized publicity boards offering places to stay and eat, plus tourist attractions. I guess they help people to find places but surely, there must be a better way of displaying all this before every town becomes another Las Vegas !! They did it for Chambres D'Hôtes but as ever in France, I suspect they won't fancy messing with the big players !
  24. Consider it done Captain...............You will be in command of the new starfleet wotsit, the USS Enterprise Dick Galaxy.
  25. Alright, he's not but he does want to be Captain Slog..........
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