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Everything posted by juswundrin2

  1. Received confirmation yesterday that the claim had been accepted and payment will now be made. The figure mentioned is correct for the 3 years, but doesn't add any interest.
  2. The figures aren't actually that complicated; all taxes are the same, essentially the competition simply offer a differing percentage reduction on the kWh price, so that's basically all you need to look at. Re: outages, that's nothing to do with EDF at all, by the way. Regardless of your supplier, the network is managed by Enedis.
  3. Had a reply yesterday that they'll get back to us after the Court's final decision.
  4. Hi I simply claimed by email (no supporting documents, I figured they had access to anything they might need) last time. You could presumably also contact them via the Impots website. I do get the impression that the tax people are more than happy to correspond via email, any replies to my own queries in the past have always been prompt and helpful.
  5. mint"]: "Does anyone know of any official source where it states in black and white that we should not have paid for 2015, 16 and 17?" This is the email I'm planning to send, which refers to (hopefully) the relevant legal decisions. ==================== Suite au jugement du 11 juillet 2017 du tribunal Administratif de Strasbourg, confirmé par la Cour Administrative d’Appel de Nancy le 31 mai 2018, sur la légalité de l'application des Contributions Sociaux (CSG, CRDS, PS) aux revenus des valeurs mobiliers reçus par des étrangers résidents en France, qui ont leurs frais de santé payées par leurs pays d'origine, je voudrais enregistrer, provisoirement, une réclamation (en tant que titulaire de formulaire S1, donc pas à la charge de l'assurance maladie). https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichJuriAdmin.do?oldAction=rechJuriAdmin&idTexte=CETATEXT000037039702&fastReqId=2003156200&fastPos=2&utm_source=Patrimea+Newsletter&utm_campaign=2d014ba9e9-6.Newsletter_Expat_2018_6_27__&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_6f1ca407 En attendant la décision de la CJUE, je vous prie, dans le cas où la Cour tranche contre l'application de ces charges, de me rembourser les contributions sociaux payées sur mes revenus de valeurs mobiliers (intérêts) reçu pour les années 2015, 2016, 2017 (payées en 2016, 2017. 2018). ==================== Any amendments / improvements gratefully received.
  6. I don't know if this might help, but https://www.libertyshield.com sell pre-configured subrouters alongside their VPN subscriptions. I've used them for years and their customer service is superb, I'm sure they'll be happy to help with any questions on the service. HTH
  7. Don't write off your local garage; I took ours the allopneus quote and he got within €2, which I'm happy to pay to support a good local service.
  8. "trying to sign up with Sosh but couldn't because they wouldn't accept our credit card for the 1€ sim card." The same happened when I initially tried to join Sosh a couple of years ago using a UK card. I just called back the next day and got an adviser with some initiative; they arranged for me to send them a cheque for the €1, so that's definitely a possibility if anyone has card problems.
  9. Yes, it's simplicity itself with a hacksaw (and I have no DIY ability whatsoever). (Make sure the diverter is for the correct diameter downpipe, there are different ones).
  10. Thanks Les We hardly ever go to Mayenne town these days, but it's a fairly unprepossessing place from outside, if it's the one I'm thinking of? The photos on Facebook do look much more appealing, though; thanks very much for the tip, we'll definitely give it a go.
  11. [quote user="vette"]There is also a Chinese restaurant run by genuine mainland Chinese from Beijing and that in my experience, having spent time in the far east, is top notch and very pleasant.[/quote] Hi I'd love to know where this is? Thanks
  12. [quote user="BIG MAC"]I don't suppose anyone knows how the Mayenne is faring? [/quote] "Cold" just about covers it; -9 overnight last night, daytime 'highs' below freezing for the last couple of days (plus a biting wind). We had 4" of snow on Monday, with more predicted for Sunday. But even with these temperatures, bright sunshine has made a good job of thawing the snow on hard surfaces. Sorry to hear about your stroke, btw.
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