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Mrs Trellis

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  1. I did wonder this morning if there was a problem with the website, or were they just increasing all the prices. I tried to check on husband's computer but he was out and has a password. Would they be able to tell we are in the same house?
  2. I've been trying to decide on going over to UK, Bergerac-Stansted. Last week I checked prices and the next day they had gone down. This week prices kept going up. Over 200 euros last time I checked. I decided it's too difficult for me at the moment anyway. Last night there were seats available 10th November, returning 17th. I thought I would check other dates, the flights are Tuesdays and Thursdays. This morning there are no flights available for the rest of the year! I wonder what's going on?
  3. Thanks for the helpful replies. I didn't look at the video. We bought something from this person before, and I don't think she was deliberately lying. Maybe the person who used the saw also chopped up wood with nails in or something. The blade was damaged and some of the points were missing. Anyway, someone bought it! Have since checked out the shop, there is one left at 270 euros, (about 180 online + delivery) but OH said it looked faulty. We waited ages to ask someone if they stock the blades and how much, but gave up in the end. There was a new batch of wood saws that didn't look any more substantial, at 450. Reluctant to buy online in case of problems. We had that with a dehumidifier and the company never replied to us, or to the local shop that they supply with stock.
  4. Not sure which topic to put this on! We went to look at a 2nd hand electric log saw today. OH thought the blade was very worn and would need replacing - he's looked online and blades can be 90 euros. The saw had been used for one season, 3 stare of wood. If blades have to be replaced every year, this seems an expensive option. OH has previously used a chainsaw but it's very messy and also we thought the electric saw machine would be less effort as he tires easily now. Has anyone any experience of these machines or could anyone recommend one? It was bought from an agricultural type place, usually has good stuff. There's no brand name or country of origin, the instructions were in English with no company name though it was bought in France. When I Googled the number on it, I got lots of Chinese websites supplying them 40 at a time.
  5. Yes John, that is possible, though not helpful. It didn't occur to me as I was writing in English, said 'tissues' not 'tissue' and there is no material counter in supermarkets! Ah well, I wonder if my son could cram a box of tissues into his hand luggage when he visits in October?
  6. The local supermarket is Intermarche and we have never found any tissues but wispy little ones suitable for removing makeup. We also shop at Lidl and have tried Geant/LeClerc/Auchan. I live in Tarn et Garonne, now please tell me where the nearest Big Tissue Shop is.....!
  7. ! Yes I have been heard to wonder why there are only small tissues when many French people have big noses. OH (average sized nose) complained yesterday when he blew his nose on a tissue from the supermarche, 'these tissues are b useless!' Yes, bogroll and kitchen towel are alternatives, but kitchen towel can be harsh on a sore nose (e.g. when you have a cold) and it doesn't look good to fish bogroll out of your pocket.
  8. Very banal, but we can't find what are usually called 'man-sized' tissues here. When you need to blow your nose, the dainty little ones are no use. Luckily I haven't had a cold recently, but fit-for-purpose tissues would be handy. We usually bring some back from UK if going by car but OH's illness meant we haven't been over for a year. Are sensible tissues available in France?
  9. We never have peanut butter, peanuts make me nauseous. Can still hear the little horror.
  10. People tell me they are protected, and I would rather not kill them anyway. We started with a clump of raisins to tempt it/them. I wonder how far we'd have to take them so make sure they won't come back!
  11. Continuing scratching behind the wall near the ceiling. Suspect a loir or loiret. We have a humane trap but not sure what would tempt it most. It ate sunflower seeds without getting caught. Apart from the noise, we worry it will go for the electrical wiring - apparently that can cause fires. We found one in the bath once - minus tail - my husband put it outside and it thanked him by biting. No mystery, we had 4 cats.
  12. I need to visit OH in hospital in Toulouse but am phobic about motorway driving. Does anyone know if there is somewhere north west of the city where I could park and get a tram or bus in? Then I could get a taxi or bus to the hospital. I could go to Moissac and get a train but it would make a long day and I have dogs to look after.
  13. Why should we have to use a proxy? What's the point of letting you register if you can't vote? I have a letter dated 2 April saying I will be registered for one year from May 1st. They will send a further application form three months before the year is up!
  14. I registered to vote, didn't bother last time, but have not received a ballot paper. As the election is in two days, I guess I cannot vote. According to The Connexion, this has happened to a lot of Brits in France.
  15. Does anyone know what the rules are in France when a group of people buys tickets regularly for the Euromillions lottery? We need some sort of contract but if we were lucky, would it be legal? And there would be tax...
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