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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/22 in all areas

  1. And long may it continue. You would have seen though the many who haven't had your good fortune. I appreciate that those poor ****s had no choice in the matter, inherited and whatever but where I live (on a hill) the valley and village were devastated not so long ago (St Pée sur Nivelle) It really was mind-blowing to see what water can do, all in the space of two hours!! I sincerely hope your good luck lasts.
    1 point
  2. Just curious; I am renovating my OH's family rural house that she inherited. It is in a very good area. 20 Mins from Macon and 50 mins from Lyon. So the house is free. Apart from some Notaire fees. 6 K ish lets say. It is going to cost about...150 k to renovate .....to make it a house worth living in. So this is free (no buying costs) and it going cost 150 k to renovate it. Will it be worth 150 k in rural desert medical France ? No. And to be fair it is in very good condition. So yeah, I would not buy any of those dumps shown in that article. You are renovating the house at a cost of 150K, knowing it will not be worth that when/if you are finished, why are you doing it? Do you intend to live in this medical desert?
    1 point
  3. The 'merry-go-round' of finding the cheaper prices, food, petrol and other goods is almost, if it weren't serious quite funny! Belgians and now the Germans are flocking to France because the petrol is cheaper. A little while ago the French were going to Germany because goods and food was cheaper; I go into Spain, as I live in the Pays Basque, regularly for cheaper fuel and food along with thousands of French. In fact, you are hard pushed to find a Spaniard in many of these frontier shopping centres. Even the workers are French! The day of reckoning will come that's for sure. Subsidies sound great, ask any socialist, but eventually they have to be paid for. It's the economics of the lunatic to continually subsidise to appease the masses!
    1 point
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